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An Understated Dominance Chapter 641 by Marina Vittori

“Wha-what are you doing?” Dahlia’s expression changed as she struggled to free herself. She looked more alluring as she struggled desperately.

“Don’t you like playing games? I’ll play with you until you’re satisfied!” Dustin’s expression was cold. “You’re a lunatic! Stop this at once!” Dahlia cried out angrily. Dustin commented, “You’re still pretending? The skin on your face has peeled off. Haven’t you  noticed?”

“What?” Dahlia’s eyes widened, and she touched her face instinctively. However, she quickly came back to her senses. It didn’t matter if her face was disfigured, her actions had already given her away.

“I thought my acting skills were pretty good. I didn’t expect you to see through it that quickly.’ Once she found out she was exposed, “Dahlia” stopped the act and pulled forcefully near her ear. Soon, a human mask was peeled off. “Dahlia” was gone, and she was replaced by an unfamiliar woman.

The woman looked decent, but her complexion was ghastly pale. Her gaze was sinister and malicious. She was the epitome of a female fatale.

“Who are you? Why are you impersonating Dahlia?” Dustin questioned her coldly. “If you want me to answer you, you would need to answer me first. How did you find out?” The woman was curious.

Her mentor had taught her the Face-Changing Art personally. She could not only change her appearance, she was also good at reading people immediately, allowing her to impersonate them better. She wasn’t confident enough to say that it was a perfect resemblance, but it was at least 90 % similar. At her level, even close relatives wouldn’t be able to notice in a short time. Hence, she couldn’t understand how Dustin had figured it out shortly after they met.

“Your technique is impressive. It’s hard to find fault with your appearance. However, you overlooked a few details.”

“First, Dahlia never uses perfume, but you carried a faint smell with you. Second, with Dahlia’s bborn personality, she would never believe someone that easily. That evidence wouldn’t be to convince her. Your seductive performance earlier was also clearly done to get my guard e last thing would be your dominant hand. Perhaps you didn’t notice, but you used your i to hold the cup earlier, which is not Dahlia’s dominant hand.

“I may not have seen through you if it were just one suspicious detail, but with all of them put together, it was obvious that you were an imposter!” Dustin commented coldly, exposing her flaws. In truth, there was another detail he hadn’t mentioned, and that was that he had grown

more cautious after going through a similar situation.

The woman chuckled. “I can’t believe you have such keen observation skills. You’re truly amazing to be able to catch such small details.” After today’s experience, it seemed like she would need to put in more work on the details.


“I’m going to kill you!” In her fury, she took out a dagger and aimed it toward Dustin’s throat.

A slap rang out as Dustin struck Dahlia mercilessly, causing her to fall to the floor. The dagger slipped from her grasp and clattered onto the ground as well.

“You-!” Dahlia’s face was disfigured. She was about to get up when Dustin grabbed her by the throat and pinned her against the wall.

“Ugh-“Dahlia gasped for breath, and her face flushed red. She struggled to free herself but to no avail. Dustin’s grip was like an iron vice that clamped tightly around her neck.

“How are you planning on avenging your brother with your meager strength?” With just one hand, Dustin lifted her off the ground.

“W-why?” Dahlia was aghast. She never expected Dustin to suddenly turn hostile and forget about their past relationship. She could even see the intent to kill in his cold eyes.

“Why? You should ask yourself that.” Dustin sneered coldly. “Is it fun playing such childish tricks in front of me? Are you tired of living?”

“What nonsense are you spouting? Have you gone crazy?” Dahlia was shocked and afraid

“So, you’re not going to admit it? Alright, two can play at this game!” Dustin snorted and reached. out his hand. With a forceful tug, Dahlia’s clothes were torn into shreds and revealed her enticing, voluptuous figure. She looked extremely provocative.

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2820

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2820

Gregory calmed himself and asked, "Mr. Chance, let's not talk about him. How was your evaluation?" "I passed the evaluation," replied Jared. "Which level are you? Is it Third Level Top Tier?" asked Gregory. "Fifth Level Top Tier, actually," said Jared with a laugh. "Fifth Level Top Tier?" Gregory was stunned to hear that. He's at the same alchemist level as I am! Everyone knows how powerful Jared is, but I didn't expect his alchemy skill to be equally strong. He's truly omnipotent! "Mr. Stark, what is your verdict regarding the poison in my friend's body?" Jared inquired. Gregory regained his senses and said guiltily, "After a thorough examination, we still could not find a cure. I'm so sorry about that..." "It's all right, Mr. Stark. There's no need to blame yourself. This poison is indeed very unique. I will take my time to find a solution!" In truth, Jared was also very disappointed when he heard that Gregory could not do anything about the poison. "Mr. Chance, we might not be able to cure your friend, but I know of someone who definitely can." "Who's that?" asked Jared hurriedly. "The count of Jipsdale, who is also an advanced alchemist, will surely be able to help your friend," answered Gregory. Jared perked up when he heard that. "Mr. Stark, can we trouble you to bring us to meet the count of Jipsdale?" However, Gregory let out a bitter laugh. "Mr. Chance, you don't know this, but not everyone can meet the count of Jipsdale. Even I have never met them. I don't even have any idea if the count is a man or a woman! Basically, not many people have met the count of Jipsdale because Mr. Sparrow is the one who manages the county." Jared frowned when he heard that. "Is there nothing we can do about it? How can we meet the count?" "Mr. Chance, the count of Jipsdale promised to give a special prize to the winner in this year's Alchemist Fair. If you can win the competition, you will get a chance to meet the count. Then, there may be help for your friend," explained Gregory. Jared nodded. No matter what, he had to be the winner at this year's Alchemist Fair! Gregory then introduced Jared to a few of his seniors. The elders of Solaris Sect were also very impressed with Jared's ability to attain Fifth Level Top Tier in the alchemist evaluation despite his young age. After a brief chat, Jared stood up and planned to leave with Yuven. However, Pearl returned at that time. "Brat, why won't you obey me? Didn't I tell you before not to have anything to do with Roderick?" The moment Gregory saw Pearl, he started lecturing her. Pearl bowed her head and kept quiet. She even appeared aggrieved. "Mr. Stark, Ms. Pearl is still young. Once she gets a little older, things may get better," advised Jared. "Pearl, your master is doing this for your own good. Roderick isn't a good man," one of the elders chimed in. "Master, I know my mistake. I won't do it again. Let me make some coffee for all of you. Please don't be angry." With that, Pearl went to make coffee. When Gregory saw her meek demeanor, he understood there was no point in remaining angry. Letting out a sigh, he sat back down in his seat. After taking in the way Pearl was walking, Jared knew she was not a little girl anymore. Then again, it had nothing to do with him.


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