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Too Much to Bear, My Love Chapter 696

Chapter 696 A Sense Of Danger

“Oscar, your meeting is finally over,” Amelia commented with a warm smile as she shifted her attention toward Oscar from the secretary she was talking to a moment ago.

At the sight of Amelia, Oscar’s stony expression immediately gave way to a huge grin as he picked up his pace and made his way to her.

“What time did you arrive? It’s not six o’clock yet,” Oscar asked.

“Shane and I met up with an important client to discuss some details of the contract. After the meeting ended, he let me have the day off. I have nothing else to do, so I decided to come here and see you. This way, we can go home together once you get off work.” Amelia adjusted Oscar’s tie and brushed his suit with a smile. “You look incredibly handsome today. If you take any more of my breath away, I might faint on the spot. My hubby is so exceptional. I’m so proud of you.”

Amelia’s compliments made Oscar’s heart flutter. Beaming, he kept his eyes on Amelia, ignoring any other women around him. Naturally, he missed the resentment that filled Isabella’s gaze as the latter stared at them.

Caressing Amelia’s cheek adoringly, Oscar replied, “There are still some documents that I have to go through. You can go hang out and play some video games in my office first. We’ll go home together once I’m done.”

Amelia nodded.

“Hi, Amelia,” greeted Isabella as she stepped forward.

Turning her head toward the voice, Amelia noticed Isabella, causing her smile to falter slightly. “Oh, Ms. Walker. Nice to meet you,” Amelia responded politely.

“Please, call me Isabella. Since Aunt Olivia has taken me as a goddaughter, Oscar and I are practically siblings. That makes you my sister-in-law, so there is no need for such formalities.” Isabella flashed Amelia a huge grin, so natural that it almost seemed genuine.

Amelia merely smiled subtly in response without saying a word.

Isabella hugged her files closer to her chest. Her knuckles paled slightly at the force she was gripping her files with. “I’ll head downstairs first and stop bothering you two being all lovey-dovey. Don’t wanna be the third wheel.”

Amelia shot a discreet glance at Isabella. “You’re too kind, Ms. Walker,” she said in a polite tone.

Tossing a final glance at Amelia, Isabella left to wait for the elevator.

“Let’s go into my office,” suggested Oscar as he wrapped his arms around Amelia’s waist.

“You go ahead. I wanna walk around the building.” Completely disregarding the people around them, Amelia raised her heels and bit Oscar’s chin lightly with a smile.

“In that case, be careful. I’ll let you know once I’m done so we can leave together. I’ve asked Molly to prepare your favorite roast duck. She’s been preparing the dish for you since hours ago. Can’t wait to taste it together with you once we return.”

Amelia swallowed mischievously and teased, “Look at what you’ve done, Oscar. Now I’m hungry.”

Oscar patted her head dotingly in response.

“Hurry up and finish up your work!” urged Amelia. “I can’t wait to go back and eat the roast duck!”

Hearing that, Oscar retreated to his office.

“Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Clinton sure is kind to you. I’ve never seen Mr. Clinton treat another woman so nicely before,” one of the secretaries commented in awe.

Amelia flashed a warm smile in response. “The belles in this company are as many as the stars above. It’s only natural for men to have a change of heart. Even though Mr. Clinton looks strict and unapproachable, I think I’m right to assume that many women want to be with him. If he truly wants to flirt around with other women, there is nothing I can do about it.”

The secretary peered around at her colleagues. Upon making sure that everyone had their nose buried in their work, she leaned closer toward Amelia and revealed boldly, “It is true that a lot of people are crushing on Mr. Clinton, but the only one daring enough to chase after him is Ms. Walker. Before you return, everyone thought that she would be his wife someday, but that speculation vanished the moment you came back. Ever since you came back, everyone realized that it has always been unrequited love. Because of that, Ms. Walker was humiliated. If it weren’t for old Mrs. Clinton, the entire fiasco with Ms. Walker might not have resolved so quickly. However, I think Ms. Walker is still not planning to give up on Mr. Clinton. You would need to be wary of her, Mrs. Clinton.”

“Thanks for the warning.” Amelia nodded before craning her neck to look around. When she could not find Linda, she frowned. “Isn’t Linda one of the most valuable secretary to Mr. Clinton? Why isn’t she here?”

“Haven’t you heard? Linda allowed Ms. Walker into Mr. Clinton’s office without permission so Mr. Clinton fired her after his warnings were ignored. Now, everyone in the company knows that Mr. Clinton’s office is a forbidden space unless he allows you to enter,” answered the secretary.

Amelia nodded before smiling at the secretary again. “Alright, I won’t keep you from doing your job any longer. Don’t want Mr. Clinton to accuse you of forsaking work for gossip.”

“Sure, Mrs. Clinton.”

With that, Amelia headed for the elevator and pressed the “down” button. When the elevator arrived, she pressed the floor number Isabella’s office was located. As she stepped out of the elevator, the employees immediately stood up and greeted her.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Clinton.”

“Continue with your work, everyone! Don’t mind me! I’m just walking around out of boredom. I hope I’m not getting in your way.” Amelia waved.

“Of course not, Mrs. Clinton.”

Amelia greeted the employees in a friendly and outgoing manner as she continued to walk deeper into the floor. As she was walking, she bumped into Isabella hurling the folder in her hand at a young woman. From the looks of it, the young woman was a new intern in the company.

Before Amelia could step closer, Isabella’s harsh tone could be heard from miles away. “Are you an idiot? Printing is such an easy task, yet you somehow manage to mess it up. You said you were from a top university? Even vendors from the market have greater talents than you do! We hire you to help, not for you to cause us more trouble by being so clumsy! With how stupid you are, I sometimes wonder how did you graduate from a prestigious university in the first place!”

“I’m sorry, Ms. Walker. I’ll print a new copy.” The girl bowed apologetically as tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

“Then, what are you still standing around for? Is crying all that you know?” Isabella reprimanded with a fierce expression.

“I’ll do it now.” Having said that, the young woman bent down to pick up the documents that were strewn all over the floor. Amelia strode forward and lent her a helping hand. After all the papers had been picked up, Amelia handed the young woman a piece of tissue with a comforting smile. “Women look ugly when they cry. Here, dry your tears. Ms. Walker is only scolding you because she sees your potential and hopes that you can do your best. Don’t take it too personally.”

The young woman accepted the tissue. Slightly taken aback by Amelia’s kind gesture, she sniffed. “Thank you.”

“Go on, now. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to finish work before office hours.”

With a nod, the young woman hurried away with a bulky folder in her arms.

Amelia then turned around to meet Isabella’s fiery gaze. Upon seeing the fury written on Isabella’s face, Amelia gave her a smile in return. “Such a coincidence, Ms. Walker. We just bumped into each other upstairs just a short while ago, and here we meet again.”

Isabella eyed Amelia with mixed emotions. Lowering her voice to a whisper, she asked, “Amelia, what are you doing here?”

Amelia blinked innocently in response. “I just got bored and decided to walk around. Why? Am I not allowed to walk around the company my husband owns?”

At that moment, Isabella was suddenly very aware of the curious and intrigued gazes of the surrounding employees. They seemed to be anticipating the drama to unfold.

Isabella was fully aware of the fact that she had become the joke of the company due to her pursuit of Oscar. Even though Olivia had stood up for her and publicly accepted her as a granddaughter, Isabella still felt that she had somehow become inferior to everyone else. Sometimes, she even wondered if everyone was laughing at her actions and her downfall behind her back.

“Quit being smug, Amelia. Sooner or later, I will reclaim my rightful position and everything else that goes along with it!” Isabella whispered between her gritted teeth.

Isabella’s words caused Amelia to raise an eyebrow in amusement. “Are you not pretending anymore? You sure put on a solid act in front of Oscar just now. I even thought you were over with him.”

Tightening her grip on the documents in her hand, Isabella turned to enter her office without looking back. Persistently, Amelia followed suit.

Closing the door behind her with the back of her hand, Isabella glowered. “Stop daydreaming, Amelia. I will never give up on Oscar. During the two years that you weren’t around, it was me who walked through that difficult time with him. When he was so focused on work that he almost developed gastric, it was me who cooked him porridge and asked his secretary to pass it to him. I even took care of him in all the mundane needs. However, the moment you came back, all you did was sit back and relax while I had to give up my place to you. Why must I be the one to back down? And yet, you have the audacity to come and go whenever you please. I’ve never met another person as selfish as you.”

With a smile that did not reach her eyes, Amelia taunted. “So what? Even if that happened, isn’t that something between me and Oscar? What has it got anything to do with you? You’ve been by Oscar’s side for two years; yet, you couldn’t win him over. This proves that I have a place in his heart. Now that I’m back, you’re in the wrong for still trying to come between us.”

Isabella’s gorgeous face was distorted slightly in fury.

“How much more shameless can you be, Amelia?”

“Am I the one who is shameless? My relationship with Oscar is not something for you to judge. However, you’re in the wrong for wanting to break our marriage apart. You loving Oscar doesn’t make any difference, and it definitely doesn’t give you the green light to do whatever you want.” Amelia crossed her arms in front of her chest. “And just because I don’t argue doesn’t mean I won’t guard my marriage.”

Isabella scoffed with a sneer on her face.

“And here I thought how high and mighty you are, Amelia. Looks like you’re just like most women. From the looks of it, I say you’re here to wage war and threaten me today,” mocked Isabella.

Amelia feigned a smile. “I don’t have to wage war with you. Either way, you’ve already lost and nothing can change that. I’m just here to ask you to keep your distance from Oscar, so you won’t make me nauseous.”

“You little-”

“I’ll be leaving now. I still wanna go downstairs to look around.”

Before she could leave, Isabella grabbed Amelia by her wrist. “You better clarify yourself, Amelia. What did you mean by I’ve already lost and nothing can change that?”

“Is that not the case?” Amelia arched an eyebrow.

“Just you wait, wait till I win Oscar over. There’ll be a time when you’re the one who is crying!”

“Whatever you say.” Amelia shrugged nonchalantly. “If you truly do win Oscar over, it only proves that Oscar and I weren’t meant to be. Nevertheless, I still stand by what I said. Please show yourself a bit more respect. Don’t make me look down on you.”

Isabella suppressed her voice as she flipped out. “Get lost!”

Amelia tossed Isabella a gentle glance before turning and exiting the room with her chin held high.

Taking the elevator back to the top floor, Amelia walked straight into Oscar’s office.

At the sound of the door opening, Oscar looked up from his work and immediately caught her eye.

“Where have you gone to?”

“Nowhere. I just paid Ms. Walker a visit and coolly warned her to stop having ideas about you. It’s your fault for being so outstanding that I worry about losing you. Therefore, I shall nip the problem in the bud,” Amelia recounted casually with a half smile. From the way Oscar was looking at her, one could tell that he could not tell if she was joking.

“You didn’t have to do that yourself. You could have told me, and I would have done in for you.”

“Why? Are you worried that I might hurt her?”

Oscar shook his head with a helpless smile on his face.

Amelia walked toward him and hugged him from behind. Peering over his shoulder, her gaze landed on the title of the document on top of his desk. “West Coast Villa Developmental Proposal?”

“Mm-hmm. I’m planning to collaborate with Celestial Real Estate to develop the west coast by building villas. This project is still undergoing negotiation, but it should be able to be put into action soon enough,” explained Oscar without hiding any details.

Amelia reached out from behind him to flip through the document. “This proposal is quite professionally done,” she commented. “Let me see who did it.”

After flipping a few pages, her gaze landed on a name, causing her eyes to twitch slightly. Lo and behold, the proposal was written by none other than Isabella Walker.

“Looks like Ms. Walker is quite important to you,” Amelia said in feigned indifference.

“Are you jealous?”

As a response, Amelia grabbed him by the back of his head and pressed her lips forcefully on his.

Oscar froze for a moment. Snapping out of his daze, he grabbed her by the back of her neck and slid his tongue dominantly in between her teeth, inviting her to lose herself in the deep and passionate kiss.

Too Much to Bear, My Love Chapter 696

Too Much to Bear, My Love Chapter 696

Chapter 696 A Sense Of Danger “Oscar, your meeting is finally over,” Amelia commented with a warm smile as she shifted her attention toward Oscar from the secretary she was talking to a moment ago. At the sight of Amelia, Oscar's stony expression immediately gave way to a huge grin as he picked up his pace and made his way to her. “What time did you arrive? It's not six o'clock yet,” Oscar asked. “Shane and I met up with an important client to discuss some details of the contract. After the meeting ended, he let me have the day off. I have nothing else to do, so I decided to come here and see you. This way, we can go home together once you get off work.” Amelia adjusted Oscar's tie and brushed his suit with a smile. “You look incredibly handsome today. If you take any more of my breath away, I might faint on the spot. My hubby is so exceptional. I'm so proud of you.” Amelia's compliments made Oscar's heart flutter. Beaming, he kept his eyes on Amelia, ignoring any other women around him. Naturally, he missed the resentment that filled Isabella's gaze as the latter stared at them. Caressing Amelia's cheek adoringly, Oscar replied, “There are still some documents that I have to go through. You can go hang out and play some video games in my office first. We'll go home together once I'm done.” Amelia nodded. “Hi, Amelia,” greeted Isabella as she stepped forward. Turning her head toward the voice, Amelia noticed Isabella, causing her smile to falter slightly. “Oh, Ms. Walker. Nice to meet you,” Amelia responded politely. “Please, call me Isabella. Since Aunt Olivia has taken me as a goddaughter, Oscar and I are practically siblings. That makes you my sister-in-law, so there is no need for such formalities.” Isabella flashed Amelia a huge grin, so natural that it almost seemed genuine. Amelia merely smiled subtly in response without saying a word. Isabella hugged her files closer to her chest. Her knuckles paled slightly at the force she was gripping her files with. “I'll head downstairs first and stop bothering you two being all lovey-dovey. Don't wanna be the third wheel.” Amelia shot a discreet glance at Isabella. “You're too kind, Ms. Walker,” she said in a polite tone. Tossing a final glance at Amelia, Isabella left to wait for the elevator. “Let's go into my office,” suggested Oscar as he wrapped his arms around Amelia's waist. “You go ahead. I wanna walk around the building.” Completely disregarding the people around them, Amelia raised her heels and bit Oscar's chin lightly with a smile. “In that case, be careful. I'll let you know once I'm done so we can leave together. I've asked Molly to prepare your favorite roast duck. She's been preparing the dish for you since hours ago. Can't wait to taste it together with you once we return.” Amelia swallowed mischievously and teased, “Look at what you've done, Oscar. Now I'm hungry.” Oscar patted her head dotingly in response. “Hurry up and finish up your work!” urged Amelia. “I can't wait to go back and eat the roast duck!” Hearing that, Oscar retreated to his office. “Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Clinton sure is kind to you. I've never seen Mr. Clinton treat another woman so nicely before,” one of the secretaries commented in awe. Amelia flashed a warm smile in response. “The belles in this company are as many as the stars above. It's only natural for men to have a change of heart. Even though Mr. Clinton looks strict and unapproachable, I think I'm right to assume that many women want to be with him. If he truly wants to flirt around with other women, there is nothing I can do about it.” The secretary peered around at her colleagues. Upon making sure that everyone had their nose buried in their work, she leaned closer toward Amelia and revealed boldly, “It is true that a lot of people are crushing on Mr. Clinton, but the only one daring enough to chase after him is Ms. Walker. Before you return, everyone thought that she would be his wife someday, but that speculation vanished the moment you came back. Ever since you came back, everyone realized that it has always been unrequited love. Because of that, Ms. Walker was humiliated. If it weren't for old Mrs. Clinton, the entire fiasco with Ms. Walker might not have resolved so quickly. However, I think Ms. Walker is still not planning to give up on Mr. Clinton. You would need to be wary of her, Mrs. Clinton.” “Thanks for the warning.” Amelia nodded before craning her neck to look around. When she could not find Linda, she frowned. “Isn't Linda one of the most valuable secretary to Mr. Clinton? Why isn't she here?” “Haven't you heard? Linda allowed Ms. Walker into Mr. Clinton's office without permission so Mr. Clinton fired her after his warnings were ignored. Now, everyone in the company knows that Mr. Clinton's office is a forbidden space unless he allows you to enter,” answered the secretary. Amelia nodded before smiling at the secretary again. “Alright, I won't keep you from doing your job any longer. Don't want Mr. Clinton to accuse you of forsaking work for gossip.” “Sure, Mrs. Clinton.” With that, Amelia headed for the elevator and pressed the “down” button. When the elevator arrived, she pressed the floor number Isabella's office was located. As she stepped out of the elevator, the employees immediately stood up and greeted her. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Clinton.” “Continue with your work, everyone! Don't mind me! I'm just walking around out of boredom. I hope I'm not getting in your way.” Amelia waved. “Of course not, Mrs. Clinton.” Amelia greeted the employees in a friendly and outgoing manner as she continued to walk deeper into the floor. As she was walking, she bumped into Isabella hurling the folder in her hand at a young woman. From the looks of it, the young woman was a new intern in the company. Before Amelia could step closer, Isabella's harsh tone could be heard from miles away. “Are you an idiot? Printing is such an easy task, yet you somehow manage to mess it up. You said you were from a top university? Even vendors from the market have greater talents than you do! We hire you to help, not for you to cause us more trouble by being so clumsy! With how stupid you are, I sometimes wonder how did you graduate from a prestigious university in the first place!” “I'm sorry, Ms. Walker. I'll print a new copy.” The girl bowed apologetically as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. “Then, what are you still standing around for? Is crying all that you know?” Isabella reprimanded with a fierce expression. “I'll do it now.” Having said that, the young woman bent down to pick up the documents that were strewn all over the floor. Amelia strode forward and lent her a helping hand. After all the papers had been picked up, Amelia handed the young woman a piece of tissue with a comforting smile. “Women look ugly when they cry. Here, dry your tears. Ms. Walker is only scolding you because she sees your potential and hopes that you can do your best. Don't take it too personally.” The young woman accepted the tissue. Slightly taken aback by Amelia's kind gesture, she sniffed. “Thank you.” “Go on, now. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to finish work before office hours.” With a nod, the young woman hurried away with a bulky folder in her arms. Amelia then turned around to meet Isabella's fiery gaze. Upon seeing the fury written on Isabella's face, Amelia gave her a smile in return. “Such a coincidence, Ms. Walker. We just bumped into each other upstairs just a short while ago, and here we meet again.” Isabella eyed Amelia with mixed emotions. Lowering her voice to a whisper, she asked, “Amelia, what are you doing here?” Amelia blinked innocently in response. “I just got bored and decided to walk around. Why? Am I not allowed to walk around the company my husband owns?” At that moment, Isabella was suddenly very aware of the curious and intrigued gazes of the surrounding employees. They seemed to be anticipating the drama to unfold. Isabella was fully aware of the fact that she had become the joke of the company due to her pursuit of Oscar. Even though Olivia had stood up for her and publicly accepted her as a granddaughter, Isabella still felt that she had somehow become inferior to everyone else. Sometimes, she even wondered if everyone was laughing at her actions and her downfall behind her back. “Quit being smug, Amelia. Sooner or later, I will reclaim my rightful position and everything else that goes along with it!” Isabella whispered between her gritted teeth. Isabella's words caused Amelia to raise an eyebrow in amusement. “Are you not pretending anymore? You sure put on a solid act in front of Oscar just now. I even thought you were over with him.” Tightening her grip on the documents in her hand, Isabella turned to enter her office without looking back. Persistently, Amelia followed suit. Closing the door behind her with the back of her hand, Isabella glowered. “Stop daydreaming, Amelia. I will never give up on Oscar. During the two years that you weren't around, it was me who walked through that difficult time with him. When he was so focused on work that he almost developed gastric, it was me who cooked him porridge and asked his secretary to pass it to him. I even took care of him in all the mundane needs. However, the moment you came back, all you did was sit back and relax while I had to give up my place to you. Why must I be the one to back down? And yet, you have the audacity to come and go whenever you please. I've never met another person as selfish as you.” With a smile that did not reach her eyes, Amelia taunted. “So what? Even if that happened, isn't that something between me and Oscar? What has it got anything to do with you? You've been by Oscar's side for two years; yet, you couldn't win him over. This proves that I have a place in his heart. Now that I'm back, you're in the wrong for still trying to come between us.” Isabella's gorgeous face was distorted slightly in fury. “How much more shameless can you be, Amelia?” “Am I the one who is shameless? My relationship with Oscar is not something for you to judge. However, you're in the wrong for wanting to break our marriage apart. You loving Oscar doesn't make any difference, and it definitely doesn't give you the green light to do whatever you want.” Amelia crossed her arms in front of her chest. “And just because I don't argue doesn't mean I won't guard my marriage.” Isabella scoffed with a sneer on her face. “And here I thought how high and mighty you are, Amelia. Looks like you're just like most women. From the looks of it, I say you're here to wage war and threaten me today,” mocked Isabella. Amelia feigned a smile. “I don't have to wage war with you. Either way, you've already lost and nothing can change that. I'm just here to ask you to keep your distance from Oscar, so you won't make me nauseous.” “You little-” “I'll be leaving now. I still wanna go downstairs to look around.” Before she could leave, Isabella grabbed Amelia by her wrist. “You better clarify yourself, Amelia. What did you mean by I've already lost and nothing can change that?” “Is that not the case?” Amelia arched an eyebrow. “Just you wait, wait till I win Oscar over. There'll be a time when you're the one who is crying!” “Whatever you say.” Amelia shrugged nonchalantly. “If you truly do win Oscar over, it only proves that Oscar and I weren't meant to be. Nevertheless, I still stand by what I said. Please show yourself a bit more respect. Don't make me look down on you.” Isabella suppressed her voice as she flipped out. “Get lost!” Amelia tossed Isabella a gentle glance before turning and exiting the room with her chin held high. Taking the elevator back to the top floor, Amelia walked straight into Oscar's office. At the sound of the door opening, Oscar looked up from his work and immediately caught her eye. “Where have you gone to?” “Nowhere. I just paid Ms. Walker a visit and coolly warned her to stop having ideas about you. It's your fault for being so outstanding that I worry about losing you. Therefore, I shall nip the problem in the bud,” Amelia recounted casually with a half smile. From the way Oscar was looking at her, one could tell that he could not tell if she was joking. “You didn't have to do that yourself. You could have told me, and I would have done in for you.” “Why? Are you worried that I might hurt her?” Oscar shook his head with a helpless smile on his face. Amelia walked toward him and hugged him from behind. Peering over his shoulder, her gaze landed on the title of the document on top of his desk. “West Coast Villa Developmental Proposal?” “Mm-hmm. I'm planning to collaborate with Celestial Real Estate to develop the west coast by building villas. This project is still undergoing negotiation, but it should be able to be put into action soon enough,” explained Oscar without hiding any details. Amelia reached out from behind him to flip through the document. “This proposal is quite professionally done,” she commented. “Let me see who did it.” After flipping a few pages, her gaze landed on a name, causing her eyes to twitch slightly. Lo and behold, the proposal was written by none other than Isabella Walker. “Looks like Ms. Walker is quite important to you,” Amelia said in feigned indifference. “Are you jealous?” As a response, Amelia grabbed him by the back of his head and pressed her lips forcefully on his. Oscar froze for a moment. Snapping out of his daze, he grabbed her by the back of her neck and slid his tongue dominantly in between her teeth, inviting her to lose herself in the deep and passionate kiss.


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