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I’m A Quadrillionaire chapter 833 by Xiruo Huang

I’m A Quadrillionaire chapter 833

Julia handed David a piece of paper and said, “This is the notice I drafted. Take a look and tell me if there’s anything I need to change.”

David took the paper and glanced through it.

Overall, the notice was alright, but there were something parts that could be rephrased to better express their intentions.

David told Julia his ideas and soon, an official notice about martial artists was sent across the country.

The notices first arrived at the provincial cabinet ministers and were then passed down their ranks until they reached county-level cities and villages.

At the same time, Somerland’s official news channel also planned to explain certain things about martial artists tonight.

During dinner, David was chatting idly with Celia and Selena in the living room when he glanced at the time.

Seeing that the news was about to start, David turned on the television.

Every television channel in Somerland was set to live broadcast Somerland Evening News.

David chose a random channel and the host’s voice sounded from the speakers.

“Good evening, welcome to Somerland Evening News.

“Tonight’s news topic will be martial artists. What is a martial artist? What is the difference between martial artists and ordinary people? How can we become martial artists?

“I’m sure everyone is just as curious as I am, so allow me to delve deeper and answer these three questions.”

Celia and Selena’s attentions were immediately stolen by the news broadcast.

They did not expect the official news to start reporting on martial artists.

‘Is the government finally publicizing the existence of martial artists?’

The two looked at David with confusion but the man gestured for them to continue watching.

The host first showed a clip of real – life combat between martial artists.

There was the smashing of rocks with bare hands, someone defying gravity and walking on walls, as well as all sorts of moves involving different staffs.

Each move was powerful and awe-inspiring, and it made people feel excited just watching the footwork and

movements of the martial artist’s hands.

After the clip, the host continued, “The clip everyone has just watched hasn’t undergone any special effects editing. These people exist and they are what we call martial artists.

“Martial artists are a mysterious group of people who have existed among us for a long time and can be traced centuries into our history. They’ve just hidden so as not to disturb the lives of ordinary people, and opted not to show their superhuman abilities.

“However, while they have kept themselves hidden , we cannot dispute the contributions they have made one Somerland.”

The host showed another clip, this one of countless Somerland elites fighting tirelessly at the borders to protect their family and home. It showed martial artists fighting back against enemy forces who wanted to invade Somerland, and some of them dying during the fights.

It was a passionate and moving clip, and countless Somer descents wept in passion before their television screens. The clip ended and the host continued with a choked tone, “With great power comes great responsibility. Everyone can live peacefully thanks to countless Somer martial artists risking their bodies and lives.

“We will forever remember and respect these heroes of the dark who have sacrificed so much to protect us.

“Once a person becomes a martial artist, they will slowly detach from the lives of ordinary people. Their identity changes as well, from that of the protected to the protector, against any danger that may come.”

“Unlike what you see in television dramas, these martial artists are not allowed to venture alone into the world and fight against all injustices. Rather, they are also bound by the laws in Somerland while any violation will result in greater punishment than ordinary people.

“It isn’t easy being a martial artist either, as you will need both talent and diligence. The years before turning sixteen is the best time to learn martial arts, as any hard work after will just be for naught. Martial artists must undergo systematic training at a young age as well. I repeat, systematic training, not locking oneself in their room, and self-learning. Should you train without guidance and hurt yourself, not only will there be no hope of becoming a martial artist, but you might even put yourself at risk. This is very dangerous, so please proceed with utmost caution.

“Now, let me talk about the different levels of martial artists.

“After countless years of development, there are now different levels of martial artists. On the bottom are third class martial artists, followed by second-class martial artists, then first-class martial artists. Last but not least, we have the Tiger Rankers and the Dragon Rankers…”

Tonight’s Somerland Evening News was a special report, so it lasted for almost two hours.

The report was all about understanding martial artists, and it was the first time the existence of martial artists was being discussed before the public eye.

This was under Somerland’s government, too, so it indeed caused an uproar.

I’m A Quadrillionaire by Xiruo Huang

I’m A Quadrillionaire by Xiruo Huang

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: English

David Lidell vomited blood and passed out when he was enraged by his rival in love. When he woke up, he realized he had obtained a super lavish system, and it was asking him to spend a quadrillion dollars. After that, David embarked on the journey toward the pinnacle of his life. David, “I’m not going to pretend anymore. For your information, I am a quadrillionaire…”

Chapter 1

“David, let’s break up!” In a small and secluded forest on the side of the field in South River University. Sarah Jensen said to her boyfriend, David Lidell. “Sarah, why? What did I do wrong? Why do you have to be so heartless?” David asked, slightly emotional. They were both friends from high school and had started dating when they were in senior three. Even though David’s family background was not that great, he was very handsome, and he was good at studies, he was a typical boy who was considerate and family-orientated. When he was young and inexperienced in high school, he was naturally the crush of many of the female students. Sarah was not bad either. She was the most beautiful girl in class, and although her studies were not as great as David’s, she was still one of the best students. Teachers often criticized them when they started dating. The teachers only decided to close one eye on their relationship after the two of them promised multiple times that they would not neglect their studies and would break up immediately if their studies worsened. Just as they said this, both of them managed to get into the national key university, South River University, and a lot of people envied them. However, David did not expect Sarah to start to keeping her distance from him less than a year after he started university. Now, she was directly proposing breaking up with him. In reality, at the start of the semester, he noticed the changes in Sarah. Whenever they were together, Sarah’s mind would be somewhere else. Moreover, she also used a lot of excuses to turn down the dates he proposed. On one of the Saturdays, he even saw Sarah get into the car of a playboy in their class. However, he still comforted himself that they were only going for a friend’s gathering. However, Sarah’s proposal to break up today shattered David’s imagination. “David, let’s part ways without hard feelings and leave a beautiful memory for the both of us, okay?” “Sarah, tell me, is it because of Leo Tate?” “What if it is?” “Sarah, Leo is famous for being a playboy in the university. He even got a female student pregnant last semester, don’t you know that?” “Leo explained it to me. It was a mistake after both of them were drunk. Besides, that girl is the one who made the first move. He even compensated the girl after that.” “Sarah, don’t believe him. He’s lying to you. He’s dating a lot of people at the same time.” “Alright, David, I am just here to tell you about this. Please stop pestering me. Goodbye.” After Sarah said that, she turned around to leave. However, David stopped her. “Sarah, listen to me. Leo is not a good person. Don’t be fooled by him. Did he force you to do this? I’m sure he did! I’m going to look for him!” Sarah flung David’s hand away and said, “David, stop lying to yourself and others. Leo didn’t force me. I’m willing to do this. I don’t want to be with you anymore. After we graduate, we’ll have to work hard to make money so that we can buy a house, a car, and pay back our loans. We’ll be tied to our housing loan forever. I want to eat good food, wear nice clothes, and use expensive things, do you understand? Do you see this bag on me? It’s the latest one from L Brand and it cost more than ten thousand bucks. I will never be able to enjoy this for the rest of my life if I stay with you. You will never be able to give me what Leo can give me.” .........................  


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