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Too Much to Bear, My Love Chapter 719

Chapter 719 Stephanie Is Pregnant

Isabella saw how their bodies pressed against each other closely and immediately caught on to the situation. Her eyes reddened slightly, and a glint of resentment flashed across her gaze. It was only when she got hit by the pen holder thrown over by Oscar that she snapped back to her senses. She hung her head low to hide the growing anger and jealousy in her gaze.

“Oscar, bad news! The company owned by June from the Adertons has bought over the project documents that got stolen. June even held a press conference and announced that they were going to work on this project with full force. Once they start, we can only put the project that we’ve already started on hold. The money we invested will be wasted too,” Isabella reported anxiously, suppressing the jealousy welling up in her.

Oscar merely shot her a cold stare and replied indifferently, “You should leave first.” “Oscar…”

“Get out.” Pursing her lip, Isabella left the office unwillingly. Amelia moved away from Oscar and glared at him. “Oscar, you were acting rashly just now. What if someone came in halfway? I’d be too ashamed to come to the company again.” Oscar stood up and asked patiently, “Are you upset?”

Amelia shook her head, but her face turned slightly solemn.

“Oscar, June held the press conference and claimed the project you guys have spent days and nights working on as his own. It seems like he bribed the accountant from your company long ago. Not sure if the accountant is so driven by money that he doesn’t even care about his wife and children. I guess he’s probably a relentless man. June came prepared and seemed determined to bring down Clinton Corporations. I have no idea why he would hold such grudges against us,” said Amelia.

Oscar scoffed, “He is merely a clown putting on a show. If you hadn’t suggested that during the meeting, I would’ve held another meeting and ordered all the employees to work overtime to come up with a plan that could reduce the loss as much as possible. But now, I’d really like to see who would suffer more loss.”

Amelia replied firmly, “I trust you.”

Despite saying that, she felt that June had come fully prepared and was confident of winning the battle. June had always been a sinister man. He behaved like a gentleman in front of everyone, but she knew he was a psycho who would take all risks. In addition, June had always been at a disadvantage all this while when he was fighting against Oscar. Hence, he had probably already taken Oscar as one of his most potent enemies.

Clinton Corporations had been dominating the industry in Tayhaven. Many businessmen were afraid yet jealous of it. If June intended to gather the others for collaboration, he only needed a carrot-and-stick approach to have those enterprises jealous of Clinton Corporations join forces with him. Clinton Corporations was getting pressured by all sides. If all the enterprises were to make things difficult for Clinton Corporations, the latter would have a hard time, too. Or worse, Clinton Corporations would face its downfall if they were to make a slight mistake.

Amelia’s mind was a complete mess. She had no idea about June’s next move.

Oscar held her by the waist and chuckled. “Why? Are you worried I can’t even win against those small fries?”

“I believe in your capability. It’s just that I can’t help feeling irritated by the fact that those annoying flies are eyeing Clinton Corporations.” Amelia wrinkled her nose playfully as she said that.

Looking at her eyes, Oscar could not help but burst into laughter.

“Annoying flies? What a great description,” replied Oscar, laughing.

His laughter seemed to be infectious, and Amelia started laughing along too.

Just then, someone knocked on the door, and Oscar responded, “Come in.”

Isabella pushed the door open. Holding a document, she walked over to Oscar and said, “Oscar, I stayed up all night and rushed out this proposal to deal with the current situation. Initially, I thought I wouldn’t have to put it into use that soon. Little did I expect June to make such a swift move. Have a look at it. If you think it works, let’s hold a press conference according to this proposal.”

“It’s okay. I already came up with a plan to deal with the crisis. We will change the children’s theme park project we’ve previously invested into a children’s water park that focuses on cultivating children’s swimming skills and intelligence. Amelia suggested this proposal, and I think it’s a good idea. Besides, we don’t have many similar parks in the country. If we execute this plan, we will surely attract many parents bringing their children to our park.”

Isabella shot a glance at Amelia discreetly. I will never get a chance to prove my ability if Amelia is here. And Oscar will never pay attention to me. This is so irksome! What right does she have to get Oscar’s attention that easily?

“Oscar, I don’t think it sounds like a good idea. I don’t think people will be interested in a children’s water park. Besides, the construction of the project we’ve invested in has already begun as scheduled. We’ve invested quite a significant amount of money too. Hence, we can’t just change it into a water park as we please. If no one comes to the park after we build it, we’ll lose a lot of money. I know you dote on Amelia because she’s your lover, so you probably didn’t think the proposal through rationally. It’s a project worth a few hundred million, and you can’t just act as you wish,” Isabella advised earnestly.

Amelia merely listened to Isabella without making any comments.

Oscar glanced at Isabella. He truly disliked her self-righteous acts.

“Get out.”

Isabella bit her lip and shot them a reluctant look before she turned around and left.

Oscar’s straightforward act amused Amelia. “Oscar, don’t you think you were too harsh to her?”

Hearing that, Oscar stroked her nose and said, “Do you want me to be nice to her then?”

Amelia raised her hand and hit him on the chest.

It seemed like Isabella had probably said something to the company’s higher-ups because they were all approaching Oscar to test the water.

Oscar leaned against the chair and explained everything about the plan suggested by Amelia. “So, do you still think that this plan won’t work?”

The higher-ups fell silent.

“Guys, do you think I’m a fool or do you think my wife is in no position to give her suggestion just because she wasn’t involved in the company’s matters previously? Just be frank with me. I promise to listen to your opinion calmly,” Oscar stated in a nonchalant tone.

As soon as he said that, those who still had some comments immediately held their tongues. Oscar had always been decisive and ruthless. Besides, he had a knack for managing the company too. Under such oppression, not many of them from the management dared to go against him.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you have something to say?” Oscar swept his gaze over the crowd and added, “Tell me if there are any issues with the plan I mentioned just now. I hope there won’t be some ignorant people spouting nonsense in front of my dad. The company has been handed over to me, so I don’t want to see that kind of telltale who act as they wish.”

“Mr. Clinton, I think the plan is pretty good. Since the people’s living standard has improved, many are more willing to spend on their children. Once the water park is built, many parents will surely bring their kids there. But I guess we will need a detailed proposal,” Jerry said. She had been promoted as the director of the sales department by Oscar three years ago. Even though she had nothing to do with this project, she was still a director. Hence, the other more experienced staff had forced her into attending the meeting.

She had a good impression of Amelia. They were getting along well since years ago. Naturally, she did not wish to see Amelia’s project getting disapproved by others.

Moreover, she had to admit that Amelia was an extremely talented woman.

Oscar’s expression turned less solemn. It seemed like a hint that the others were allowed to continue their speech.

It was probably because someone had taken the lead in voicing her opinion. After that, the rest praised Amelia before pointing out the proposal’s shortcomings. Thus, the atmosphere in the room was not that tense.

Oscar waved his hand and said, “Since all of you have so many opinions, I’m giving you a day to prepare the proposal, and I’ll accept the best one. You can all leave now.”

“Okay, Mr. Clinton.”

After the crowd left, Amelia finally felt a moment of silence and peace.

She wore a half-smile and said, “Oscar, it seems like many in the company don’t like me. Most of them are Isabella’s followers. If not because of this proposal, I can’t even tell she has such high prestige in the company.”

“I can’t tell, either. I didn’t know that all these higher-ups who get paid well are secretly getting along with a director who’s merely an outsider. It seems like Isabella is more capable than I thought.” Oscar narrowed his eyes into slits, his gaze turning slightly intimidating. “Amelia, what would you do if you were a part of the higher-ups?”

“If I were a part of them, I’d admire the employee with such capability, but I wouldn’t like how she acted presumptuously,” Amelia said honestly.

Oscar pulled her into his embrace and rested his chin on her head as he chuckled. “As expected from my wife. You have exactly the same thought as mine. I’ll make her leave Clinton Corporations after some time.”

Shaking her head, Amelia replied, “Oscar, if I were to put the personal grudges aside, I think she has some skills. You don’t have to fire her because of me. After all, she’s Mom’s goddaughter. It’ll be hard for us to explain to Mom if Isabella leaves.”

“I don’t think Mom will comment much if Isabella is the one who makes mistakes,” Oscar assured confidently.

“Do you already have a plan in mind?” Amelia looked at him curiously.

Oscar lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead. “You will find out by then.”

Amelia flashed him a faint smile without saying a word.

After chatting for a while, Oscar continued with his work. Soon, it was already six o’clock in the evening.

Olivia deliberately called and told them to head home earlier. Hence, Oscar packed his stuff and went downstairs with Amelia.

Just as they stepped out of the elevator, Isabella came out of another elevator coincidentally.

“Oscar, Amelia, are you heading back to the Clinton residence? Do you mind if I hitch a ride? Aunt Olivia called and said you two are going back to the Clinton residence for dinner, so she told me to follow your car back,” said Isabella, smiling. She was acting as though she was not the one who told the higher-ups to persuade Oscar to give up on the plan that Amelia thought up.

Oscar took a look at her and replied, “There is no more seat for you.”

Isabella was not triggered. Instead, she turned to look at Amelia. “Amelia, Oscar is an insensitive person. He won’t be nice to other women except for you. Do you know how embarrassing it is to get turned down by a man? You’re a woman, so I bet you wouldn’t be that cruel and reject me, right?”

Amelia laughed, pretending that she did not notice how the people around her were secretly casting their gazes upon her. “Of course, I won’t. Let’s go back together. Mom has been telling me you’re so busy with work that you haven’t visited her for a long time. She misses you too.”

“Thank you, Amelia. You’re the best.” Isabella grinned from ear to ear. She looked so cheerful, and one would find it hard to relate that to how serious she looked when she was at work.

The trio got into the car, and Oscar was the one driving. Amelia sat in the passenger seat while Isabella sat alone at the back.

“Amelia, I heard from Aunt Olivia that you wish to have another child. Since you already have Tony, do you want another princess or prince?” Isabella asked curiously.

Amelia turned to look at her. “Nothing’s set in stone yet. Everything depends on my fate when it comes to something like pregnancy. I’d like it regardless of the baby’s gender. Of course, it’d be great if I could conceive, but I can’t force it to happen.”

Isabella nodded, and a hint of viciousness flitted across her eyes.

“You’re right, but I wish you could have a girl. Tony looks smart, so I guess he’s ready to protect his brother or sister. Amelia, you’re so lucky. Not only is Oscar faithful to you, but Tony is also a smart and adorable boy. You’re truly a winner at life,” said Isabella.

“You’re too nice. I’m only living a simple life like any other ordinary person. There would be so many guys after you if you wish to get married.” After a momentary pause, Amelia continued, “Ms. Walker, you’re a loveable person only if you don’t set your eyes on things that belong to others. Don’t you think so too, Oscar?”

Oscar deliberately added, “It’d be even better if you don’t babble that much.”

The smile on Isabella’s face froze when she heard that.

She pretended to be nice on purpose, yet they did not seem to care at all.

“Oscar, you’re pretty funny,” she replied flatly.

“I wasn’t joking. It’s the truth. You’re too talkative today,” Oscar said directly. In other words, you’re really annoying today.

The smile on Isabella’s face faded in an instant, and the temperature in the car seemed to have dropped below freezing point.

The three were shrouded in tension throughout the journey to the Clinton residence. Isabella immediately opened the door and got out of the car as soon as the car pulled over. “Oscar, Amelia, I’m going in first.”

No one replied to her.

Fury boiled within Isabella. These two are too much!

She turned around and left with her heels clicking against the floor.

Watching Isabella’s back as she left, Amelia let out a chuckle. “It seems like she isn’t that good at suppressing her emotions as we’ve expected.”

Oscar replied, “She’s just too full of herself. Her tricks might work in front of ordinary people, but anyone with the ability to think would be able to see through her motives.”

“It’s always women like this who fool the men around, isn’t it?” Amelia curled her lips into a smirk.

Oscar laughed and held her waist. “Let’s go in. It’s getting late. Dad and Mom must be waiting for us.”

As soon as the couple entered the living room, they could hear Stephanie’s unfriendly voice. “Noah Walker, I told you not to control what I eat. You’re my husband, not my mom. I’m so annoyed by how you control everything I do.”

Amelia turned to look at Oscar before they looked in the direction where the voice came from. They then saw Stephanie, who was wearing a red dress, glaring and pointing at Noah rudely.

Amelia frowned. She could tell Stephanie was acting more willfully than before she got married. Her temper might become worse if Noah kept spoiling her. Stephanie had always been egocentric. Even if she was the one who made mistakes, she would always find excuses to justify her actions.

Amelia said softly, “Oscar, it seems like your sister’s temper is getting worse.”

“As long as she catches the hint and doesn’t bother you, she can act as rashly as she wishes with the Walker family. Perhaps, it might be a good thing for her to stir up trouble at the Walker residence. They’re just a bunch of wicked snakes. Birds of a feather flock together. So isn’t this better?” said Oscar, looking unfazed.

Amelia merely responded with a grin.

The two walked forward, and Stephanie’s voice sounded again. “Well? Say something, Noah! What do you mean by staying silent?”

Noah replied gently, “Steph, it’s not that I don’t allow you to eat, but you’re pregnant now. You can’t eat whatever you want. I’ll prepare a nutritious meal for your dinner if you feel like eating. Dinner will be ready in a while. You’ve been indulging in sour food lately, and it’s not good for your stomach.”

Amelia and Oscar exchanged glances, puzzled. They did not expect that Stephanie was already pregnant. That was fast, huh?

“This d*mned pregnancy. I lose my freedom, and someone is even controlling what I eat. Noah, if you try to stop me from eating again, I’ll go to the hospital immediately and get rid of the baby,” Stephanie huffed in frustration.

Noah looked utterly helpless.

“Steph, what kind of nonsense are you saying? Why are you still so childish when you’re already an adult?” Olivia chided as she came downstairs with Tony in her arms.

Too Much to Bear, My Love Chapter 719

Too Much to Bear, My Love Chapter 719

Chapter 719 Stephanie Is Pregnant Isabella saw how their bodies pressed against each other closely and immediately caught on to the situation. Her eyes reddened slightly, and a glint of resentment flashed across her gaze. It was only when she got hit by the pen holder thrown over by Oscar that she snapped back to her senses. She hung her head low to hide the growing anger and jealousy in her gaze. “Oscar, bad news! The company owned by June from the Adertons has bought over the project documents that got stolen. June even held a press conference and announced that they were going to work on this project with full force. Once they start, we can only put the project that we've already started on hold. The money we invested will be wasted too,” Isabella reported anxiously, suppressing the jealousy welling up in her. Oscar merely shot her a cold stare and replied indifferently, “You should leave first.” “Oscar...” “Get out.” Pursing her lip, Isabella left the office unwillingly. Amelia moved away from Oscar and glared at him. “Oscar, you were acting rashly just now. What if someone came in halfway? I'd be too ashamed to come to the company again.” Oscar stood up and asked patiently, “Are you upset?” Amelia shook her head, but her face turned slightly solemn. “Oscar, June held the press conference and claimed the project you guys have spent days and nights working on as his own. It seems like he bribed the accountant from your company long ago. Not sure if the accountant is so driven by money that he doesn't even care about his wife and children. I guess he's probably a relentless man. June came prepared and seemed determined to bring down Clinton Corporations. I have no idea why he would hold such grudges against us,” said Amelia. Oscar scoffed, “He is merely a clown putting on a show. If you hadn't suggested that during the meeting, I would've held another meeting and ordered all the employees to work overtime to come up with a plan that could reduce the loss as much as possible. But now, I'd really like to see who would suffer more loss.” Amelia replied firmly, “I trust you.” Despite saying that, she felt that June had come fully prepared and was confident of winning the battle. June had always been a sinister man. He behaved like a gentleman in front of everyone, but she knew he was a psycho who would take all risks. In addition, June had always been at a disadvantage all this while when he was fighting against Oscar. Hence, he had probably already taken Oscar as one of his most potent enemies. Clinton Corporations had been dominating the industry in Tayhaven. Many businessmen were afraid yet jealous of it. If June intended to gather the others for collaboration, he only needed a carrot-and-stick approach to have those enterprises jealous of Clinton Corporations join forces with him. Clinton Corporations was getting pressured by all sides. If all the enterprises were to make things difficult for Clinton Corporations, the latter would have a hard time, too. Or worse, Clinton Corporations would face its downfall if they were to make a slight mistake. Amelia's mind was a complete mess. She had no idea about June's next move. Oscar held her by the waist and chuckled. “Why? Are you worried I can't even win against those small fries?” “I believe in your capability. It's just that I can't help feeling irritated by the fact that those annoying flies are eyeing Clinton Corporations.” Amelia wrinkled her nose playfully as she said that. Looking at her eyes, Oscar could not help but burst into laughter. “Annoying flies? What a great description,” replied Oscar, laughing. His laughter seemed to be infectious, and Amelia started laughing along too. Just then, someone knocked on the door, and Oscar responded, “Come in.” Isabella pushed the door open. Holding a document, she walked over to Oscar and said, “Oscar, I stayed up all night and rushed out this proposal to deal with the current situation. Initially, I thought I wouldn't have to put it into use that soon. Little did I expect June to make such a swift move. Have a look at it. If you think it works, let's hold a press conference according to this proposal.” “It's okay. I already came up with a plan to deal with the crisis. We will change the children's theme park project we've previously invested into a children's water park that focuses on cultivating children's swimming skills and intelligence. Amelia suggested this proposal, and I think it's a good idea. Besides, we don't have many similar parks in the country. If we execute this plan, we will surely attract many parents bringing their children to our park.” Isabella shot a glance at Amelia discreetly. I will never get a chance to prove my ability if Amelia is here. And Oscar will never pay attention to me. This is so irksome! What right does she have to get Oscar's attention that easily? “Oscar, I don't think it sounds like a good idea. I don't think people will be interested in a children's water park. Besides, the construction of the project we've invested in has already begun as scheduled. We've invested quite a significant amount of money too. Hence, we can't just change it into a water park as we please. If no one comes to the park after we build it, we'll lose a lot of money. I know you dote on Amelia because she's your lover, so you probably didn't think the proposal through rationally. It's a project worth a few hundred million, and you can't just act as you wish,” Isabella advised earnestly. Amelia merely listened to Isabella without making any comments. Oscar glanced at Isabella. He truly disliked her self-righteous acts. “Get out.” Isabella bit her lip and shot them a reluctant look before she turned around and left. Oscar's straightforward act amused Amelia. “Oscar, don't you think you were too harsh to her?” Hearing that, Oscar stroked her nose and said, “Do you want me to be nice to her then?” Amelia raised her hand and hit him on the chest. It seemed like Isabella had probably said something to the company's higher-ups because they were all approaching Oscar to test the water. Oscar leaned against the chair and explained everything about the plan suggested by Amelia. “So, do you still think that this plan won't work?” The higher-ups fell silent. “Guys, do you think I'm a fool or do you think my wife is in no position to give her suggestion just because she wasn't involved in the company's matters previously? Just be frank with me. I promise to listen to your opinion calmly,” Oscar stated in a nonchalant tone. As soon as he said that, those who still had some comments immediately held their tongues. Oscar had always been decisive and ruthless. Besides, he had a knack for managing the company too. Under such oppression, not many of them from the management dared to go against him. “What's wrong? Don't you have something to say?” Oscar swept his gaze over the crowd and added, “Tell me if there are any issues with the plan I mentioned just now. I hope there won't be some ignorant people spouting nonsense in front of my dad. The company has been handed over to me, so I don't want to see that kind of telltale who act as they wish.” “Mr. Clinton, I think the plan is pretty good. Since the people's living standard has improved, many are more willing to spend on their children. Once the water park is built, many parents will surely bring their kids there. But I guess we will need a detailed proposal,” Jerry said. She had been promoted as the director of the sales department by Oscar three years ago. Even though she had nothing to do with this project, she was still a director. Hence, the other more experienced staff had forced her into attending the meeting. She had a good impression of Amelia. They were getting along well since years ago. Naturally, she did not wish to see Amelia's project getting disapproved by others. Moreover, she had to admit that Amelia was an extremely talented woman. Oscar's expression turned less solemn. It seemed like a hint that the others were allowed to continue their speech. It was probably because someone had taken the lead in voicing her opinion. After that, the rest praised Amelia before pointing out the proposal's shortcomings. Thus, the atmosphere in the room was not that tense. Oscar waved his hand and said, “Since all of you have so many opinions, I'm giving you a day to prepare the proposal, and I'll accept the best one. You can all leave now.” “Okay, Mr. Clinton.” After the crowd left, Amelia finally felt a moment of silence and peace. She wore a half-smile and said, “Oscar, it seems like many in the company don't like me. Most of them are Isabella's followers. If not because of this proposal, I can't even tell she has such high prestige in the company.” “I can't tell, either. I didn't know that all these higher-ups who get paid well are secretly getting along with a director who's merely an outsider. It seems like Isabella is more capable than I thought.” Oscar narrowed his eyes into slits, his gaze turning slightly intimidating. “Amelia, what would you do if you were a part of the higher-ups?” “If I were a part of them, I'd admire the employee with such capability, but I wouldn't like how she acted presumptuously,” Amelia said honestly. Oscar pulled her into his embrace and rested his chin on her head as he chuckled. “As expected from my wife. You have exactly the same thought as mine. I'll make her leave Clinton Corporations after some time.” Shaking her head, Amelia replied, “Oscar, if I were to put the personal grudges aside, I think she has some skills. You don't have to fire her because of me. After all, she's Mom's goddaughter. It'll be hard for us to explain to Mom if Isabella leaves.” “I don't think Mom will comment much if Isabella is the one who makes mistakes,” Oscar assured confidently. “Do you already have a plan in mind?” Amelia looked at him curiously. Oscar lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead. “You will find out by then.” Amelia flashed him a faint smile without saying a word. After chatting for a while, Oscar continued with his work. Soon, it was already six o'clock in the evening. Olivia deliberately called and told them to head home earlier. Hence, Oscar packed his stuff and went downstairs with Amelia. Just as they stepped out of the elevator, Isabella came out of another elevator coincidentally. “Oscar, Amelia, are you heading back to the Clinton residence? Do you mind if I hitch a ride? Aunt Olivia called and said you two are going back to the Clinton residence for dinner, so she told me to follow your car back,” said Isabella, smiling. She was acting as though she was not the one who told the higher-ups to persuade Oscar to give up on the plan that Amelia thought up. Oscar took a look at her and replied, “There is no more seat for you.” Isabella was not triggered. Instead, she turned to look at Amelia. “Amelia, Oscar is an insensitive person. He won't be nice to other women except for you. Do you know how embarrassing it is to get turned down by a man? You're a woman, so I bet you wouldn't be that cruel and reject me, right?” Amelia laughed, pretending that she did not notice how the people around her were secretly casting their gazes upon her. “Of course, I won't. Let's go back together. Mom has been telling me you're so busy with work that you haven't visited her for a long time. She misses you too.” “Thank you, Amelia. You're the best.” Isabella grinned from ear to ear. She looked so cheerful, and one would find it hard to relate that to how serious she looked when she was at work. The trio got into the car, and Oscar was the one driving. Amelia sat in the passenger seat while Isabella sat alone at the back. “Amelia, I heard from Aunt Olivia that you wish to have another child. Since you already have Tony, do you want another princess or prince?” Isabella asked curiously. Amelia turned to look at her. “Nothing's set in stone yet. Everything depends on my fate when it comes to something like pregnancy. I'd like it regardless of the baby's gender. Of course, it'd be great if I could conceive, but I can't force it to happen.” Isabella nodded, and a hint of viciousness flitted across her eyes. “You're right, but I wish you could have a girl. Tony looks smart, so I guess he's ready to protect his brother or sister. Amelia, you're so lucky. Not only is Oscar faithful to you, but Tony is also a smart and adorable boy. You're truly a winner at life,” said Isabella. “You're too nice. I'm only living a simple life like any other ordinary person. There would be so many guys after you if you wish to get married.” After a momentary pause, Amelia continued, “Ms. Walker, you're a loveable person only if you don't set your eyes on things that belong to others. Don't you think so too, Oscar?” Oscar deliberately added, “It'd be even better if you don't babble that much.” The smile on Isabella's face froze when she heard that. She pretended to be nice on purpose, yet they did not seem to care at all. “Oscar, you're pretty funny,” she replied flatly. “I wasn't joking. It's the truth. You're too talkative today,” Oscar said directly. In other words, you're really annoying today. The smile on Isabella's face faded in an instant, and the temperature in the car seemed to have dropped below freezing point. The three were shrouded in tension throughout the journey to the Clinton residence. Isabella immediately opened the door and got out of the car as soon as the car pulled over. “Oscar, Amelia, I'm going in first.” No one replied to her. Fury boiled within Isabella. These two are too much! She turned around and left with her heels clicking against the floor. Watching Isabella's back as she left, Amelia let out a chuckle. “It seems like she isn't that good at suppressing her emotions as we've expected.” Oscar replied, “She's just too full of herself. Her tricks might work in front of ordinary people, but anyone with the ability to think would be able to see through her motives.” “It's always women like this who fool the men around, isn't it?” Amelia curled her lips into a smirk. Oscar laughed and held her waist. “Let's go in. It's getting late. Dad and Mom must be waiting for us.” As soon as the couple entered the living room, they could hear Stephanie's unfriendly voice. “Noah Walker, I told you not to control what I eat. You're my husband, not my mom. I'm so annoyed by how you control everything I do.” Amelia turned to look at Oscar before they looked in the direction where the voice came from. They then saw Stephanie, who was wearing a red dress, glaring and pointing at Noah rudely. Amelia frowned. She could tell Stephanie was acting more willfully than before she got married. Her temper might become worse if Noah kept spoiling her. Stephanie had always been egocentric. Even if she was the one who made mistakes, she would always find excuses to justify her actions. Amelia said softly, “Oscar, it seems like your sister's temper is getting worse.” “As long as she catches the hint and doesn't bother you, she can act as rashly as she wishes with the Walker family. Perhaps, it might be a good thing for her to stir up trouble at the Walker residence. They're just a bunch of wicked snakes. Birds of a feather flock together. So isn't this better?” said Oscar, looking unfazed. Amelia merely responded with a grin. The two walked forward, and Stephanie's voice sounded again. “Well? Say something, Noah! What do you mean by staying silent?” Noah replied gently, “Steph, it's not that I don't allow you to eat, but you're pregnant now. You can't eat whatever you want. I'll prepare a nutritious meal for your dinner if you feel like eating. Dinner will be ready in a while. You've been indulging in sour food lately, and it's not good for your stomach.” Amelia and Oscar exchanged glances, puzzled. They did not expect that Stephanie was already pregnant. That was fast, huh? “This d*mned pregnancy. I lose my freedom, and someone is even controlling what I eat. Noah, if you try to stop me from eating again, I'll go to the hospital immediately and get rid of the baby,” Stephanie huffed in frustration. Noah looked utterly helpless. “Steph, what kind of nonsense are you saying? Why are you still so childish when you're already an adult?” Olivia chided as she came downstairs with Tony in her arms.


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