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My Hockey Alpha chapter 310 by Eve Above Story

Bonus 10: Two Days Before


It was two days before my wedding. The house was quiet, a lull of calmness in the storm of preparation. I was at home that evening, half lost in the endless list of last-minute arrangements and half lost in daydreams. Enzo was out, running some errands.

I didn’t expect anything out of the ordinary. But as it turned out, I was in for a huge surprise. A knock echoed through the house, the sudden sound pulling me from my musings. I opened the door to find Jessica and Lori grinning mischievously.

“Hey, guys,” I said, opening the door a little wider. “I wasn’t expecting you- “Grab her!” Jessica shouted.

Before I could react, Lori grabbed me by both arms. A bridal sash was thrown over me, a tiara was plunked on my head, and I was unceremoniously. dragged out of my house..

I glanced over my shoulder, certain that Enzo would come home and think that I was kidnapped. And technically, I supposed that I was kidnapped. “Wait, what’s going on?” I stammered. as they pulled me into a car, laughing. at my confused state.

“You’ll see.” Jessica winked as Lori began to drive down the road. It wasn’t long before we were pulling into town. My confusion quickly dissolved into shock and then bloomed into delight as we parked alongside the local club. Lori and Jessica put their hands over my eyes and guided me inside, where they pulled their hands. away and shouted, “Surprise!”

There, amidst a sea of familiar faces, was a large sign that read, ‘Nina’s Bachelorette!’ “You guys!” I exclaimed, whirling around to face Lori and Jessica.” What’s all this?!”

“What do you think, dummy?” Lori teased, punching me in the arm. “Your wedding is in two days. Obviously you have to get piss drunk and dance the night away before Enzo steals you from us.”

Before I knew it, a strong drink was shoved in my hand and I was pushed unceremoniously into the throng of familiar faces. Alongside Lori and Jessica, I recognized several classmates who I was acquaintances with.

“Come on, Nina!” Jessica hollered over the loud music, taking my hand and twirling me around. I laughed, letting myself be swept away by the rhythm, my feet moving almost on their own. My tiara twinkled under the neon lights, a beacon of my soon-to -be-married status.

The DJ dropped a crowd favorite, and a cheer erupted around us. The atmosphere was electric, a palpable energy that coursed through everyone, uniting us in our shared revelry. We formed a circle, each of us taking turns to step into the center, showing off our most ridiculous dance moves amidst laughter and cheers.

Melania, the newest addition to our group, was there without Luke; I felt oddly transfixed by her ethereal beauty as she swayed on the dance floor, moving and gyrating in sync to the music like a flower swaying in the breeze.

The night transformed into a blur of dancing, laughter, and well-wishes, I found myself lost in the rhythm, soaking in the happiness that radiated. from everyone. But, in the midst of it all, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Enzo, a look of surprise mirroring my own.

“Enzo?” I asked, my voice barely audible over the loud music. “What are you doing here?” “I could ask the same question,” he shouted back, grinning with a drink in his hand. “Did you get dragged here against your will, too?”

I nodded. Just then, the hockey team, including Matt and Luke, suddenly appeared out of the crowd. Our two respective parties practically froze in surprise. Jessica stomped up to Matt, jabbing her finger into his chest.

“I told you we were having the bachelorette party here!” she shouted. “You were supposed to go somewhere else!” Matt, however, shot her a confused look. “I thought you said that you weren’t having it here!”

Enzo and I watched, unable to control our laughter as Jessica and Matt bickered. It wasn’t long, however, before Melania eventually found Luke and pulled him back toward the dance floor. I watched with a grin as his head disappeared into the crowd, and I did the same with Enzo.

Before we knew it, both parties had converged on the dance floor. Our laughter melded into the thumping music. The night took an unexpected turn, our separate parties merging into. one epic celebration. Friends from both sides joined in the revelry, the club. reverberating with the amplified cheer of our combined groups..

The rest of the night was a whirlwind of music, laughter, and non-stop dancing. Our friends formed a raucous conga line, weaving through the club with Enzo and I at the helm. Drinks flowed freely, toasts were made, and stories were shared.

At one point, Enzo pulled me aside. He led me over to the bar for a refill on our drinks, the contents of which had sloshed out onto the floor more than they had actually wound up in our bellies.

Taking a breather from the dancing, Enzo leaned on the counter and held up two fingers to the bartender, who nodded. I didn’t even know which drinks the bartender would bring usi next; I just knew that he would bring two of them.

“Did you ever imagine our bachelor and bachelorette parties combining?” Enzo asked as he looked over at me, his eyes twinkling with mirth and his face red from a combination of the alcohol and the dancing.

“I didn’t even know I was having a bachelorette party until an hour ago!” I laughed, leaning against his shoulder. I tucked a stray strand of sweaty hair behind my ear and let out a peaceful sigh.

His laughter rang out, adding to the symphony of joy that filled the room. ” Well, this is definitely a night to remember.”

A few moments later, the bartender brought us our two mystery drinks. Enzo handed mine to me, then we clinked our plastic cups together and took a big gulp.

“Mmm,” I said, grimacing as I swallowed the bitter yet also somehow sickly sweet flavor of vodka and cranberry juice. “Tastes like shit.”

Enzo chuckled. “Yeah,” he said. “See why I prefer wine?” As the night wore on, the energy never waned. We danced until our feet ached, laughed until our sides hurt, and celebrated like there was no tomorrow. The surprise had turned into an unexpected delight, a night filled with memories we’d cherish forever.

Finally, as the music died down and the first light of dawn peeked through the windows, we all stumbled home. Tired, but exhilarated, we all said our goodbyes, promises to see each other at the wedding echoing in the cool morning air before Enzo and I practically fell into the back of the Uber that was waiting to take us back to our house.

And as I fell into bed just as the sun began to rise, Enzo’s arm wrapped itself snugly around me. I couldn’t help but think of how truly magical the night had been. I closed my eyes, a smile on my face, knowing that tomorrow would be another day filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories. And after that…

We would finally be married.

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2352

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2352

"Hmph! Does he really think a mere arcane array like this is enough to stop me? They must've forgotten what I specialize in!" Great Diviner said disdainfully while snapping his fingers. The sky above them turned dark as thunderclouds covered it entirely. A few flashes of lightning then struck Jared's arcane array, shattering it instantly. The spiritual energy chains that were binding them, too, disappeared after that.. "A puny arcane array like this can't possibly stop Master, who has the ability to peek into the Heavenly Law and alter the course of fate!" "Exactly! It's funny how these guys think they can get away from Master!" "I doubt there's a single person out there who can beat Master's divination art!" Great Diviner's disciples were quick to shower him with compliments. "All right, that's enough! I only know a few tricks. or two, so I'm not that powerful!" Despite what Great Diviner said, he actually felt. pleased after hearing those compliments. It was human nature to enjoy being complimented, and Great Diviner was no exception. Jared was in the middle of gathering some herbs when his body tensed up all of a sudden. "Oh, no! Someone has broken through the arcane array and made it to the cave! Mr. Campbell is in danger!" Jared mumbled to himself and ran back to the cave as quickly as his legs could carry him.. Unfortunately, he was far too late. Great Diviner and his disciples had already found the cave. "So, I was right! They really are hiding here!" Great Diviner said with a sneer. Archer's and Skyler's faces turned gloomy the moment they saw Great Diviner and his disciples. This is bad... Mr. Campbell has yet to fully recover, and Mr. Chance isn't here either. The two of us don't even stand a chance if Great Diviner attacks us now! Archer stepped forward and said as politely as possible, "Our sects have no grudge against each other, Master Diviner! My master has always been respectful toward you as well, so why must you do this to us?" "That's right, Master Diviner! You're so powerful that you can peek into the Heavenly Law! Someone of your status should not follow in the footsteps of commoners like Wrey!" Skyler chimed in. They knew how much Great Diviner enjoyed being complimented and how he often called himself a half-immortal. Since fighting was not a viable option, Archer and Skyler had no choice but to try and sweet- talk their way out of this situation instead. Sure enough, Great Diviner broke into a wide grin when he heard what they said. "Rumor has it that Matthew's two closest disciples are exceptionally polite and obedient. It seems the rumor is true, after all. Anyway, I didn't come here to kill your master. I only want to meet that guy named Jared Chance. He has really piqued my interest, you see..." Archer and Skyler breathed sighs of relief when they heard that. Phew! Thank goodness he's not here to kill us! There was no way the two would be able to fend those guys off, so Matthew would surely die if Great Diviner decided to attack. "You're here to see Mr. Chance? Please comer on in, Master Diviner!" Matthew's voice rang out from inside the cave. Great Diviner was about to make his way into the cave when one of his disciples stopped him. and said, "Be careful, Master! This could be a trap!" As Great Diviner paused in his tracks, Matthew spoke up once again. "Master Diviner is able to see the future, so he already knows if this is at trap. Isn't that right, Master Diviner?" Sure enough, Great Diviner's huge ego got to him after he heard that. He shot his disciple a fierce glare and yelled, "F*ck off! I know if this is a trap!" After scolding his disciple, Great Diviner turned around and continued making his way into the cave. "Have a seat, Master Diviner," Matthew said politely when he saw Great Diviner.


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