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My Hockey Alpha chapter 272 by Eve Above Story

My Hockey Alpha #Chapter 272: Study Buddies
The end of the semester was just around the corner, which meant that final
exams were on their way. And considering how much time I had spent that
semester dealing with what felt like everything except for my classes, I
needed to study.

When I wasn’t training the new recruits with Enzo over the following week, I
was studying in the library. I stayed up late every night to cram as much as I
could, and found myself reverting back to the way that I used to be before it

felt as though the world was falling apart; just a normal college student who
wanted to pass her exams.
If I pushed everything else out of my mind, it did feel as though everything was
But it wasn’t.

And I couldn’t really push everything else out of my mind for more than five
minutes. With the Crescents potentially returning at any moment, it felt as
though the world was collapsing in on me. It made it difficult to focus on
studying, and if I was being honest, the fact that the school was still running at
this point almost felt silly to me.

I wished that everything could just be put on
hold until the Crescents were no longer a threat, but at the same time I knew
that the Crescents would likely be a threat for a long time, and the world
needed to go on. Students had already paid their tuition, and future doctors
and lawyers were studying to go out into the world. Just because the
Crescents were hell-bent on taking over the world didn’t mean that it needed
to stop turning.

And so, despite everything, I spent my days and nights when not training
studying in the library.
One evening, on a Wednesday, I had been in the library for at least six hours
at that point. I had lost track of how much time I had spent in there, and was
only able to measure the time I had spent studying that day by the number of
cardboard to-go coffee cups I threw in the trash. By the time I finally looked
up at the clock on the wall to see that it was almost midnight, I had counted
seven cups of coffee throughout the day.

“Shit,” I whispered to myself, rubbing my tired eyes. “It’s late.”
I was too tired and bleary-eyed at that point to study for any longer, so I
decided to close my book on human anatomy and pack up my things for the
night. I stood, cracking my back after sitting in pretty much the same position

all day, and stretched for a moment before grabbing my bag and heading out
of the library.

However, just as I was heading out, someone else was heading in. And that
someone was none other than Selena.
She put her head down at first and tried to hustle past me, but froze when I
called out to her.

“Hey, Selena,” I said. “Can we talk?”
Truthfully, I had wanted to talk about the Claiming ceremony since it
happened; but I hadn’t been able to find Selena anywhere. I knew that she
was avoiding me.

Selena slowly looked over her shoulder and cast me a dirty look.
“Is it important enough to interrupt my studying?” she asked, shifting her bag
on her shoulder.
I bit my lip for a moment, watching her, before I took a sharp breath. “I’m
really sorry about the whole Claiming thing,” I said quietly.
Selena scoffed. “No you’re not,” she growled. “You’re not sorry.”

Just as I expected, my evil twin sister was just as nasty as she always was.
But I had seen a spark of an innocent young girl in there a couple of times,
and I was determined to draw that spark out.

Even if it took years, I was
determined to get her to see me as a sister and not an enemy, despite what
she had done in the past. I knew that the Luna had probably whispered all
sorts of things in her ear, and I didn’t fully blame her for everything.
“I am sorry,” I said, walking up to her. “I really am. But I do hope you
understand that—”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” she said dismissively with a wave of her hand and a
dirty glare in her eyes. “I’ve given you plenty of reasons not to trust me.”
I fell silent. She was right; she had given me, and everyone else, countless
reasons not to trust her.

“But it is possible for you to gain my trust,” I said softly. “We’re sisters.”
Selena stared at me for several long moments. Her eyes were slightly wide,
as though I had once again surprised her by being gentle with my words. It
almost felt as though she had expected me to be just as nasty and evil as she
had been.

“So what?” she asked, finally turning to face me fully. “You want me to prove
myself or something?”
I nodded and shrugged at the same time. “Yeah, sort of. If you can prove to
me that you’re not just gonna use your powers to hurt people again, then I’ll
happily turn you back into a werewolf.”

For a long time, Selena was quiet as she chewed the inside of her cheek. Her
blue eyes were the only thing that kept me from feeling as though I was
looking into a mirror. Honestly, her blue eyes were pretty. They stood out
starkly from her dark hair.

Finally, after a long time, Selena opened her mouth and spoke.
“I know this probably won’t be enough to make you trust me, but I’ll say this:
the Luna has an army of those special rogues. But they’re all connected to

My eyebrows raised at this information. I opened my mouth to ask what she
meant exactly, but it seemed as though I had already exhausted my time with
Selena. Without another word, she hiked her bag strap up on her shoulder and

stormed off, disappearing between the tall bookshelves. I stared after her for
a minute, chewing my lip, before I finally sighed and headed out the door.
The air was cold as I began to walk back to my dorm, but it felt nice after
being inside all day and it helped me think. I needed to know what Selena
meant when she said that all of those special rogues were connected to the
Luna… Surely that information would be extremely helpful if we wanted to take
the Luna, and thus the Crescents, down. But I didn’t know enough yet. I
needed to see if I could get Selena to tell me more, and soon, before it was
too late.

As I walked across the quad, I looked up to see a familiar face waiting for me
at the fountain. It was Enzo. He stood and walked over to me with his hands in
his pockets and shot me a cheeky smile.
“I thought you’d be walking home right about now,” he said. “Wanna come to
my place tonight instead?”

“Um, sure,” I replied, managing a smile despite the millions of thoughts whirling
around in my head. But I couldn’t help but glance over my shoulder as we
walked, and Enzo noticed.
“What is it?” he asked, putting his arm around me.

I shook my head. “It’s nothing. I just ran into Selena, and she said something
interesting; she said that the Luna is ‘connected’ to these genetically
engineered rogues. But I don’t know what that means exactly. I mean, she
might not even be telling the truth, but…”

Enzo stopped in his tracks and looked down at me. “That’s not ‘nothing’, Nina,”
he said. “That’s crucial information. We have to get more. Maybe we should

“No!” I blurted out, surprising even myself with my urgency. “No. We need to
give her time… If we push her too much, she’ll never tell us anything.”

For a few moments, Enzo looked at me with disbelief on his face.
“C’mon,” I said, punching his arm playfully. “Didn’t you just tell me that you
think I’m capable?”

Enzo looked down at the ground and chuckled, then nodded. “Yeah, I guess I
did say that, didn’t I?” he said.
With that, he slipped his arm back around me and we began to walk to his
dorm just as snow began to fall.

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2352

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2352

"Hmph! Does he really think a mere arcane array like this is enough to stop me? They must've forgotten what I specialize in!" Great Diviner said disdainfully while snapping his fingers. The sky above them turned dark as thunderclouds covered it entirely. A few flashes of lightning then struck Jared's arcane array, shattering it instantly. The spiritual energy chains that were binding them, too, disappeared after that.. "A puny arcane array like this can't possibly stop Master, who has the ability to peek into the Heavenly Law and alter the course of fate!" "Exactly! It's funny how these guys think they can get away from Master!" "I doubt there's a single person out there who can beat Master's divination art!" Great Diviner's disciples were quick to shower him with compliments. "All right, that's enough! I only know a few tricks. or two, so I'm not that powerful!" Despite what Great Diviner said, he actually felt. pleased after hearing those compliments. It was human nature to enjoy being complimented, and Great Diviner was no exception. Jared was in the middle of gathering some herbs when his body tensed up all of a sudden. "Oh, no! Someone has broken through the arcane array and made it to the cave! Mr. Campbell is in danger!" Jared mumbled to himself and ran back to the cave as quickly as his legs could carry him.. Unfortunately, he was far too late. Great Diviner and his disciples had already found the cave. "So, I was right! They really are hiding here!" Great Diviner said with a sneer. Archer's and Skyler's faces turned gloomy the moment they saw Great Diviner and his disciples. This is bad... Mr. Campbell has yet to fully recover, and Mr. Chance isn't here either. The two of us don't even stand a chance if Great Diviner attacks us now! Archer stepped forward and said as politely as possible, "Our sects have no grudge against each other, Master Diviner! My master has always been respectful toward you as well, so why must you do this to us?" "That's right, Master Diviner! You're so powerful that you can peek into the Heavenly Law! Someone of your status should not follow in the footsteps of commoners like Wrey!" Skyler chimed in. They knew how much Great Diviner enjoyed being complimented and how he often called himself a half-immortal. Since fighting was not a viable option, Archer and Skyler had no choice but to try and sweet- talk their way out of this situation instead. Sure enough, Great Diviner broke into a wide grin when he heard what they said. "Rumor has it that Matthew's two closest disciples are exceptionally polite and obedient. It seems the rumor is true, after all. Anyway, I didn't come here to kill your master. I only want to meet that guy named Jared Chance. He has really piqued my interest, you see..." Archer and Skyler breathed sighs of relief when they heard that. Phew! Thank goodness he's not here to kill us! There was no way the two would be able to fend those guys off, so Matthew would surely die if Great Diviner decided to attack. "You're here to see Mr. Chance? Please comer on in, Master Diviner!" Matthew's voice rang out from inside the cave. Great Diviner was about to make his way into the cave when one of his disciples stopped him. and said, "Be careful, Master! This could be a trap!" As Great Diviner paused in his tracks, Matthew spoke up once again. "Master Diviner is able to see the future, so he already knows if this is at trap. Isn't that right, Master Diviner?" Sure enough, Great Diviner's huge ego got to him after he heard that. He shot his disciple a fierce glare and yelled, "F*ck off! I know if this is a trap!" After scolding his disciple, Great Diviner turned around and continued making his way into the cave. "Have a seat, Master Diviner," Matthew said politely when he saw Great Diviner.


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