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My Hockey Alpha chapter 200 by Eve Above Story

Chapter 200: Her Name


I couldn’t explain the strange connection I had to this girl named Nina. She looked almost exactly like Selena; the only differences were that her eyes were brown instead of blue, and she had freckles dotted across her nose and cheeks.

She wore her long, dark hair in two braids with bangs at the front, while Selina always had her hair done impeccably by an expensive hair stylist. And Nina dressed in jeans, warm sweaters and beanies, and beat-up Converse sneakers while Selena always dressed in designer clothing that never had any signs of wear.

I had always thought that Selena was my fated mate. And I was happy with that. And yet, every time I looked at Nina, I couldn’t deny the feeling that washed over me. I felt deeply connected to this girl in some way, and I simply didn’t have any explanation for it. Was this some sort of way to test my loyalty?

Was that why Selena brought me here – to make sure that I would stay true to her before we got married? Was Nina planted here by Selena as a way to see if I would fall for another woman?

No matter what the case was, I simply couldn’t help myself from staring at this strange girl; and for some reason, she couldn’t seem to stop staring at me, either.

When I danced with her, I had felt so comfortable. It was as though I had known her for ages, every curve of her body as I placed my hand on her waist, the feeling of her small hand in mine, the sparkle in her brown eyes… But I didn’t know her. Right?

At the end of the dance, I could have sworn that I overheard her and that other guy talking about me. They kept saying my name, and I couldn’t keep myself from getting curious. While Selena was primping in the bathroom, I finally couldn’t help it anymore and wound up going up to Nina to ask why she kept saying my name, but she seemed to think that I was just playing a practical joke on her.

At first, I told myself that maybe she just happened to know someone else by the name of Enzo – but the more I thought about it, and the more it impacted my sleep, I couldn’t help but wonder if there was something else to this.

In fact, the more I thought about it, the more I realized just how hazy my memories were before the battle against the Crescents. I thought that it was just post traumatic stress from the fighting, but I couldn’t even really remember the fighting. Instead, when I slept at night, I remembered an antidote. I remembered water raining down on top of me, and the sound of snarling rogues turning to the voices of confused and frightened people. I didn’t remember any fighting at all.

Two nights after the dance, with all of these things swirling around inside my head, I couldn’t sleep. Selena was sound asleep beside me even snoring softly and so I quietly got up and put on a sweatshirt and my shoes, then headed out to go for a walk and clear my head.

I walked around for a little bit, just enjoying the peace and quiet of the cold night, until I finally sat down on the edge of a fountain in the quad. The water seemed to be shut off for the season, so it was completely quiet there.

At least, it was quiet until I heard the sound of footsteps approaching. I quickly looked up, not expecting to see anyone of importance, but that wasn’t the case.

“It’s that girl,” Fio, my wolf, said inside of me. He had taken a particular liking to Nina as well, but he couldn’t explain it either. “Talk to her.”

“No,” I replied. “I shouldn’t. Selena will get mad.”

But even then, as she approached, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her. She looked beautiful in the moonlight, but she also looked like she was in a great deal of emotional pain. And as she came closer, I realized that she was looking at me. There was something in her hands, too: a gray wolf plushie. She had it clutched tightly to her chest like a scared child.

Neither of us spoke. It felt almost magnetic; the closer she came, the more I felt the need to stand and annroach her as wall and soon we were Horner walking toward each other with our gazes fixed firmly on one another.

When we eventually stopped, I didn’t realize it at first, but we stood so close to each other that I could smell her. She had no scent, seeing as how she was a human, but somehow I could have sworn for a brief moment that I picked up a scent that smelled oddly familiar to Selena’s just much, much weaker.

“Um… About the other night…” I began, feeling my heart race as I spoke to her.

Nina just shook her head and took a step back, increasing the gap between us. “It’s fine,” she said, clutching the wolf to her chest even more tightly. As I looked at it, even the wolf plushie looked oddly familiar, and seeing her hold it gave me a strange sense of happiness. “Sorry I was a bit of a jerk.”

“You weren’t,” I replied. “I shouldn’t have bothered you. It was silly of me.”

Both of us were silent for a few moments. I watched intently as she bit her lower lip before she finally spoke again. “You said that I was familiar to you. I’ve been feeling the same way.”

My heart leaped up into my throat then. “You… You have?” I muttered.

Nina nodded. Her eyes were still fixed on mine, and the longer we held each other’s stares, her face seemed to flash with recognition. In fact, the longer I looked at her, the more I was certain that I did know her, that I loved her…

But then, her gaze shifted up and over my shoulder, and her eyes widened for a moment. The spell between us broke. “I have to go,” she said, turning on her heel and beginning to walk away.

“Wait-“I called after her, but she didn’t turn back and only picked up her pace, leaving me standing alone and confused in the dark quad.

But when I turned back to face my own building, I saw the reason behind why she suddenly left. Selena was standing in the window, staring down at me with an angry expression on her face. I wasted no time in returning to my apartment, where Selena was waiting for me. She was pouting on the couch now when I came in, with her arms folded across her chest.

“Baby, I can explain,” I said as I approached her, but Selena didn’t seem to want to listen. Without a word, Selena suddenly jumped up and rushed at me. I thought she was going to slap me at first, but she didn’t; instead, she grabbed me around my neck and yanked me down to her level, and began kissing me deeply.

I let out a groan as her tongue slipped into my mouth, although I couldn’t be sure if it was a groan of pleasure or discomfort. Her hand traveled down my chest and worked its way into my pants, her fingers wrapping around my cock.

But then, suddenly, she stopped. “You’re soft,” she growled, pulling away. Of course I was soft; because every time I closed my eyes, I saw Nina – not Selena.

I didn’t know what to say. Selena just stared at me for a few moments, her eyes full of rage, before she suddenly. ran into the bedroom and slammed the door. I heard the lock click, and I knew that I would be sleeping on the couch tonight.

But it was true. Somehow, I knew that I was supposed to be with Nina. I couldn’t quite explain it, but these past few days, I simply couldn’t deny it. And although it made my heart ache to disappoint Selena, my heart ached even more to not be close to Nina.

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2352

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2352

"Hmph! Does he really think a mere arcane array like this is enough to stop me? They must've forgotten what I specialize in!" Great Diviner said disdainfully while snapping his fingers. The sky above them turned dark as thunderclouds covered it entirely. A few flashes of lightning then struck Jared's arcane array, shattering it instantly. The spiritual energy chains that were binding them, too, disappeared after that.. "A puny arcane array like this can't possibly stop Master, who has the ability to peek into the Heavenly Law and alter the course of fate!" "Exactly! It's funny how these guys think they can get away from Master!" "I doubt there's a single person out there who can beat Master's divination art!" Great Diviner's disciples were quick to shower him with compliments. "All right, that's enough! I only know a few tricks. or two, so I'm not that powerful!" Despite what Great Diviner said, he actually felt. pleased after hearing those compliments. It was human nature to enjoy being complimented, and Great Diviner was no exception. Jared was in the middle of gathering some herbs when his body tensed up all of a sudden. "Oh, no! Someone has broken through the arcane array and made it to the cave! Mr. Campbell is in danger!" Jared mumbled to himself and ran back to the cave as quickly as his legs could carry him.. Unfortunately, he was far too late. Great Diviner and his disciples had already found the cave. "So, I was right! They really are hiding here!" Great Diviner said with a sneer. Archer's and Skyler's faces turned gloomy the moment they saw Great Diviner and his disciples. This is bad... Mr. Campbell has yet to fully recover, and Mr. Chance isn't here either. The two of us don't even stand a chance if Great Diviner attacks us now! Archer stepped forward and said as politely as possible, "Our sects have no grudge against each other, Master Diviner! My master has always been respectful toward you as well, so why must you do this to us?" "That's right, Master Diviner! You're so powerful that you can peek into the Heavenly Law! Someone of your status should not follow in the footsteps of commoners like Wrey!" Skyler chimed in. They knew how much Great Diviner enjoyed being complimented and how he often called himself a half-immortal. Since fighting was not a viable option, Archer and Skyler had no choice but to try and sweet- talk their way out of this situation instead. Sure enough, Great Diviner broke into a wide grin when he heard what they said. "Rumor has it that Matthew's two closest disciples are exceptionally polite and obedient. It seems the rumor is true, after all. Anyway, I didn't come here to kill your master. I only want to meet that guy named Jared Chance. He has really piqued my interest, you see..." Archer and Skyler breathed sighs of relief when they heard that. Phew! Thank goodness he's not here to kill us! There was no way the two would be able to fend those guys off, so Matthew would surely die if Great Diviner decided to attack. "You're here to see Mr. Chance? Please comer on in, Master Diviner!" Matthew's voice rang out from inside the cave. Great Diviner was about to make his way into the cave when one of his disciples stopped him. and said, "Be careful, Master! This could be a trap!" As Great Diviner paused in his tracks, Matthew spoke up once again. "Master Diviner is able to see the future, so he already knows if this is at trap. Isn't that right, Master Diviner?" Sure enough, Great Diviner's huge ego got to him after he heard that. He shot his disciple a fierce glare and yelled, "F*ck off! I know if this is a trap!" After scolding his disciple, Great Diviner turned around and continued making his way into the cave. "Have a seat, Master Diviner," Matthew said politely when he saw Great Diviner.


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