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My Hockey Alpha chapter 167 by Eve Above Story

Chapter 167: A New Age


I woke up a few hours later to the feeling of Nina’s warm body in my arms. As the memory of our passionate -and somewhat kinky sex slowly flooded back into my mind, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of peace.

Not knowing what happened to my father, however, and whether the Alpha King would know about Nina or not by now quickly created a lump in my throat but I had to stay strong for Nina. I watched as she nuzzled down happily into my chest, still sleeping soundly.

If I could, I would have let her sleep all day, but I knew that today would have to be the day that we would come up with a plan to save the campus. If we didn’t act quickly, there was no knowing whether the Crescents would wreak more havoc or not especially if they knew that the son of the Fullmoon Alpha was not only here, but also the Alpha King’s missing daughter.

There was a knock on the door that woke Nina up. I lifted my head to see the door crack open and Lori’s head poke in.

“Breakfast is ready,” she said. “Sorry to wake you guys.” “It’s okay,” Nina replied, rubbing her eyes. “Thank you.”

Lori nodded and left us again, and Nina sat up in bed. She was wearing my shirt and it looked adorably large on her, making me want to see her like that every morning for the rest of my life. Finally, she turned to face me. Her cheeks were rosy and she had a bit of a smile on her face.

“Good morning,” I said, sitting up to meet her. “Did you sleep okay?” RODUCT Nina nodded. “I did, with you here. Did you?”

I nodded as well. Honestly, it was the best I had slept in weeks. I cupped my hand under her chin and planted a kiss on her warm lips before crawling out of bed and picking my pants up off of the floor. Nina followed suit, reluctantly giving my shirt back before she retrieved some clean clothes from her closet. The clothes I had found her in yesterday were far too bloody and tattered to be salvaged, and instead stared at us from the trash can in her corner.

Once we were dressed, we headed out to the kitchen where everyone else was gathered. They stood around the counter while Jessica flipped pancakes on the stove and passed plates around, hardly cooking fast enough before my teammates would come back asking for more.

Jessica handed me a plate, which I took gratefully, then handed one to Nina. I was about to take a bite when I looked over to see Nina looking down at her plate thoughtfully, then glancing over at James. He was still tied up in the corner, staring down at his lap.

“Did he eat yet?” Nina asked, nodding toward James with her head. Lori shook her head and frowned. ” Nope. He won’t eat.” “Nina, don’t worry about it,” I said, feeling my blood boil just thinking about him. “Just worry about yourself.”

Before I could stop her, however, Nina shook her head and walked over to James with her plate. I watched her in astonishment along with the rest of the team as she walked up to him and held the plate out.

“Eat,” she said. James slowly raised his head to look up at her. His nose, along with the skin around it, was a dark shade of purple now and his eyes were dark and sunken.

“Here.” She set the plate down on his lap, then walked around to the back of the chair and untied his hands. “Nina!” I jumped up from my chair, storming over to her. “What are you doing?”

“Everyone deserves to eat,” she said calmly. She released James’ hands and he rubbed his wrists, all while staring down at the plate without lifting his head. “See?” Nina said, standing and walking back around. “It’s not fair to keep him tied up like that. At least let him eat.”

For a moment, I was once again astonished by Nina’s overwhelming kindness but it didn’t last long. James paused for a moment, still staring down at the plate. Then, without hesitation, he grabbed the plate and threw it across the room like a frisbee. It hit the wall and shattered with a loud crash, sending bits of ceramic and hot pancake scattering across the floor.

“You little-” I rushed him, fully prepared to beat the hell out of him again, but was stopped when Nina suddenly put herself between us. My vision went red as Matt and Bryce ran over; Matt pulled me away while Bryce tied James up again. The little weasel was even smiling at me through his eyebrows, like he knew he could get away with anything and that they would still protect him.

“Just one more day,” Matt said, pulling me back over to the kitchen. “Just get through today. We’ll take care of him afterwards, but right now, saving the campus is our priority.”

“I could kill him,” I muttered as Bryce moved James into the other room and left him in there to keep him in solitude, a low growl rumbling in my throat as I envisioned the bullet leaving his gun and embedding itself in Nina’s thigh. “I’ll kill him with my bare hands.”

Suddenly, I felt Nina’s cool hands on mine. I blinked away the fury in my eyes as best I could as I looked down at her to see her pleading expression. You’re not a killer,” she whispered. “I know you’re not.”

“He is, though,” I snarled. “The world would be better off without him in it.”

“Then you’re no better than he is,” Matt chimed in. “C’mon. We’ve got a town to save.” Once I was finally calmed down enough to talk, we began to go over what we knew so far.

“I went to the infirmary yesterday,” Nina said as we sat around the kitchen island. “There were Crescents all over, but I have a feeling that there’s more of the antidote in there. We have a little left in Tiffany’s medical bag, but it’s not enough.”

“And the rogues are using the tunnels as their den,” Matt added. “So with the entrance in the infirmary, it’ll be even more dangerous. We’ll have to go during the day, when they’re sleeping.”

“What then, though?” Lori asked. “If Jessica and I could only turn like you guys, we could be useful somehow…”

“You guys don’t need to be werewolves to be useful,” I suddenly spoke up, standing. “Even if you’re still humans, I think we can all agree that you’re part of our pack.”

Everyone’s eyes widened at the mention of a pack. “A… Pack?” Matt asked. “Like… A real one?”

I nodded. I’d been thinking about it since Lori and Jessica first asked Nina to Claim them. They were useful enough as humans, and besides: their friendship only proved all along that humans and werewolves could coexist peacefully.

They were the ones, after all, to advocate for me when it was first leaked. “Why don’t we form our own pack?” I asked. “One that consists of not only werewolves, but humans, too. Matt, you said yourself that there’s strength in numbers. Well, why not become unified?”

There was a long, shocked silence. I was certain that they would back down, that it was too much of a huge commitment.

But then, Matt suddenly stood from his stool, strode up to me and clapped his  hand on my shoulder. “If we’re a pack, then I vote for you to be our Alpha,” he said.

I could feel my eyes widening. I shook his head and opened my mouth to speak, to tell them that I didn’t know if I could take on a role like that, but before I could, Lori spoke up next. “I second that,” she said, standing.

“Me too.” Jessica stood as well, holding Lori’s hand. The rest of the team murmured and nodded in agreement; now only Nina was left. I looked over at her, still in shock that even a single one of them would agree to make me their Alpha, but she only smiled up at me.

“I also vote for Enzo to be our Alpha,” she said quietly, taking my hand in hers. “It’s settled, then,” Matt said. “Let it be known from here on out that Enzo Rivers is the Alpha of our new pack.

Enzo… Bring us into a new age in which humans and werewolves can be allies against evil.”

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2352

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2352

"Hmph! Does he really think a mere arcane array like this is enough to stop me? They must've forgotten what I specialize in!" Great Diviner said disdainfully while snapping his fingers. The sky above them turned dark as thunderclouds covered it entirely. A few flashes of lightning then struck Jared's arcane array, shattering it instantly. The spiritual energy chains that were binding them, too, disappeared after that.. "A puny arcane array like this can't possibly stop Master, who has the ability to peek into the Heavenly Law and alter the course of fate!" "Exactly! It's funny how these guys think they can get away from Master!" "I doubt there's a single person out there who can beat Master's divination art!" Great Diviner's disciples were quick to shower him with compliments. "All right, that's enough! I only know a few tricks. or two, so I'm not that powerful!" Despite what Great Diviner said, he actually felt. pleased after hearing those compliments. It was human nature to enjoy being complimented, and Great Diviner was no exception. Jared was in the middle of gathering some herbs when his body tensed up all of a sudden. "Oh, no! Someone has broken through the arcane array and made it to the cave! Mr. Campbell is in danger!" Jared mumbled to himself and ran back to the cave as quickly as his legs could carry him.. Unfortunately, he was far too late. Great Diviner and his disciples had already found the cave. "So, I was right! They really are hiding here!" Great Diviner said with a sneer. Archer's and Skyler's faces turned gloomy the moment they saw Great Diviner and his disciples. This is bad... Mr. Campbell has yet to fully recover, and Mr. Chance isn't here either. The two of us don't even stand a chance if Great Diviner attacks us now! Archer stepped forward and said as politely as possible, "Our sects have no grudge against each other, Master Diviner! My master has always been respectful toward you as well, so why must you do this to us?" "That's right, Master Diviner! You're so powerful that you can peek into the Heavenly Law! Someone of your status should not follow in the footsteps of commoners like Wrey!" Skyler chimed in. They knew how much Great Diviner enjoyed being complimented and how he often called himself a half-immortal. Since fighting was not a viable option, Archer and Skyler had no choice but to try and sweet- talk their way out of this situation instead. Sure enough, Great Diviner broke into a wide grin when he heard what they said. "Rumor has it that Matthew's two closest disciples are exceptionally polite and obedient. It seems the rumor is true, after all. Anyway, I didn't come here to kill your master. I only want to meet that guy named Jared Chance. He has really piqued my interest, you see..." Archer and Skyler breathed sighs of relief when they heard that. Phew! Thank goodness he's not here to kill us! There was no way the two would be able to fend those guys off, so Matthew would surely die if Great Diviner decided to attack. "You're here to see Mr. Chance? Please comer on in, Master Diviner!" Matthew's voice rang out from inside the cave. Great Diviner was about to make his way into the cave when one of his disciples stopped him. and said, "Be careful, Master! This could be a trap!" As Great Diviner paused in his tracks, Matthew spoke up once again. "Master Diviner is able to see the future, so he already knows if this is at trap. Isn't that right, Master Diviner?" Sure enough, Great Diviner's huge ego got to him after he heard that. He shot his disciple a fierce glare and yelled, "F*ck off! I know if this is a trap!" After scolding his disciple, Great Diviner turned around and continued making his way into the cave. "Have a seat, Master Diviner," Matthew said politely when he saw Great Diviner.


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