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My Baby’s Daddy Chapter 2146

Willow reached out and brushed her hand past. her lips. That wasn’t just a touch, was it? “Do you still need proof?” Jasper’s raspy voice sounded.

It was only then that she was pulled back from her thoughts. The fact that he had kissed her was proof that he did not dislike her, and this realization caused her face to flush red as she bit her lips in embarrassment. However, she felt that the kiss had ended too quickly, so much so that she barely had the time to enjoy it.

“Is it supposed to be that quick?” she mumbled, clutching her face. Faced with her words, the man was rendered speechless while she awkwardly whipped her head away. Just then, the light from the torch vanished out of the blue, plunging them into complete darkness. “Oh no! Don’t tell me the torch is out of batteries!” she yelped, pouncing into Jasper’s arms.

“They probably forgot to charge it.’ He wrapped her in his embrace cooperatively as she buried herself in his arms, terrified to be trapped in an ancient tomb without any light. Although Willow was clinging onto him, she continued to burrow herself into his embrace. as if trying to mold their bodies into one.

“Don’t be scared. It’s safe here.” Jasper lowered his head to look at her. At the same time, Willow raised her head, and the distance between their faces minimized.

The two froze for a few seconds, and she could feel his lips at the corner of hers. However, as if struck by lightning, they quickly turned their heads away from each other. “Jasper, I have something to ask you.” Willow’s voice rang sweetly.

“What is it?”

“Have you kissed other girls before?” she asked, extremely curious.

“You’re the first.” Her melodious and smug laugh gently broke the silence. “Really? You aren’t pulling my leg, are you?”

“I never lie.” “All right! I believe you, but I have something to tell you. You just stole my first kiss. However, since it was your first time too, I won’t hold you to it.” Just then, a loud call was heard nearby. “Miss Presgrave, where are you?”

“Mr. Wyatt, Miss Presgrave, where are you?” Willow was overjoyed at the sound of the voices. “They found us!” Then, she rose to her feet and began to yell toward the opening. “We’re here! Come and save us!”

As expected, she soon heard the voice reply, “Did you hear that? It’s Miss Presgrave’s voice. Hurry, they’re right up ahead!” Soon after, they discovered the entrance to the cave, basked in the moonlight, and they asked probingly, “Miss Presgrave, are you down there?” “Yes, we fell. Be careful, though! The ground in this area is slippery. Don’t fall in.”

“All right. We’ll call the captain and the others over.” Not long later, Winston returned with the bodyguards, and Johanna called out urgently from above, “Miss Presgrave, are you hurt?”

“Johanna, I’m fine. I’m not hurt.” The bodyguards made quick work of the ropes, and once they were secured, Willow was hoisted out of the cave, immediately followed by Jasper. “There’s an ancient tomb below. Let’s go back and get some rest, and we can explore tomorrow morning,” she suggested.

“That’s great. We might even find the clues we were looking for,” Winston exclaimed as they headed down the mountain. Traipsing down the path illuminated by the moon, Willow suddenly felt a gush of warmth in her heart. She turned around and looked at the man trailing behind her, her lips uncontrollably curling upward into a smile. Although she had a fright, she did not return empty-handed either.

After returning to the ship, Willow and Jasper took a hot shower to thoroughly clean themselves off before returning to their tent to retire for the night. However, he did not enter. Just as she was growing confused, he yanked the zipper open and said, “I’ll keep watch. You can just sleep.”

“All right!” She agreed obediently. Exhausted from the long ordeal, she succumbed to slumber in no time. Early the next morning, the team headed up the mountain to investigate the tombs. With the equipment they had prepared, it was not even afternoon before they unearthed a coffin. As it was made from cedar, it was surprisingly in pristine condition, unaffected by the passage of time.

My Baby’s Daddy Novel (Anastasia and Elliot)

My Baby’s Daddy Novel (Anastasia and Elliot)

Never Too Far Novel (Anastasia and Elliot) – Vanessa. K
Score 9.8
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Artist: , Native Language: English

Read My Baby’s Daddy Novel (Anastasia and Elliot)! Summary

Stabbed in the back by her stepsister and her best friend, Anastasia Tillman was robbed of her innocence by a mysterious man one fateful night and was later kicked out from the place she called home. Fast forward five years later, now a successful jewelry designer, Anastasia gets the surprise of her life when a handsome man barges into her life and offers to take her hand in marriage and raise her son for her. This offer may seem like every woman's dream come true, but not for Anastasia! She has the looks, a successful career, an adorable son... so what more does she need? Definitely not a man to mess things up for her, no siree! But what will she do when the man is absolutely taken by the little boy who is a carbon copy of him? Will she accept him and give in to his offer of raising her—oops, their son?
    My Baby’s Daddy Novel (Anastasia and Elliot)  Alternative novel name is Never Too Far Novel (Anastasia and Elliot) – Vanessa. K   Chapter 1 A Night of Absurdities "Anastasia, help! I've been molested at the club!" The desperate and helpless sound of her best friend's voice was the only thing on Anastasia Tillman's mind as she rushed over to the clubhouse. Room 808. Anastasia looked up at the number plaque on the door of the private room. It was the same room number that her best friend, Hayley Seymour, had texted her. Without another thought, she barged through the door to save her friend. When the door swung open under her hand, she was greeted by the darkness within. Suddenly, a strong hand clasped around her wrist and dragged her into the dark room, followed by a loud thud as the door slammed shut. "Hey—who are you, and what do you want?!" Anastasia shrieked, her eyes darting around wildly as she tried to make out her surroundings. "Settle down, and I'll treat you well." A man's deep and husky voice spoke close to her ear. The next second, Anastasia was unceremoniously tossed onto the couch, and before she could scramble to her feet, a lean and strong body pinned her down. She let out a muffled cry when a pair of lips that tasted like peppermint captured hers. The man on top of her felt burning hot to the touch. A sense of hopelessness brought tears to her eyes as she tried to struggle against the man, but in the end, she could do nothing but endure the man's ferocity. An hour later, Anastasia staggered out of the room, looking disheveled. She had only just been through a nightmare, but that didn't distract her from worrying about her best friend's safety. She was just about to call Hayley's number when she saw a group of men and women walking out the side door. Under the lights, she instantly recognized the two of the women in the group. One happened to be Hayley, her best friend who had cried for help on the phone earlier, and the other was Anastasia's stepsister, Erica Tillman. The two girls walked side by side with their arms linked, as if they were the closest of friends. Shock and rage colored Anastasia's features when she saw them. "Stop right there, Hayley!" she called out loudly over the distance as her fists clenched tightly at her sides. Upon hearing this, Hayley and Erica swiveled around to face her. Anastasia glowered at them, ashen-faced as she demanded of Hayley, "Why would you lie to me?!" Hayley smirked. "It's not my fault that you're always so gullible, Anastasia." "Did you have a good time with that gigolo back there?" Erica asked in a sing-song voice, smiling wickedly. It was only then that Anastasia realized that both of them had set her up. The chastity she had held dear for the past nineteen years was now sacrificed for their despicable glee. Presently, Hayley's eyes were frosty as she seethed, "Did you actually think I was your friend, Anastasia? I've been living in your shadow ever since we met! I hate you, and I want nothing more than to ruin that face of yours!" Erica, on the other hand, swiftly interjected by mocking, "I have the proof I need to show Dad that you've been pimping yourself for money at the club. It won't be long until you're thrown out of the house!" "You two—" Anastasia was so furious that she swayed. Her body was in tatters after the ordeal she had been through, and the collective weight of her friend's betrayal and her sister's cruelty nearly knocked her down. "Let's go, Hayley! We don't want to be seen with trash, do we?" With her arm looped through Hayley's, Erica led her toward the sports car she had parked by the curb. Three days later, at the Tillman Residence, a low male voice yelled out in rage, "You became an escort for money just because I wouldn't let you go abroad for your studies? How can I, Francis Tillman, be capable of having such a shameless daughter like you?" "Dad, I didn't—" "You didn't? But you did, Anastasia! How could you go to such shameless lengths? Did we starve you, or did we deprive you of anything? I can't believe you would pimp yourself to random strangers in a filthy clubhouse! For your sake, I hope you haven't brought any disease back to this house. Who knows what my daughter and I could have caught from you," the woman who was dressed in jewels and fine clothes sneered from where she sat on the couch. "Dad, I really didn't do it. I—" Anastasia tried to explain herself. However, Francis did not want to hear another word from her. He glowered at her maliciously as he snapped, "Still lying to me, I see. Get out of this home right now! I will not stand to have you under my roof. No daughter of mine could be so shameless. From now on, you are not my child!" Meanwhile, on the staircase landing, Erica watched this scene play out as she leaned against the banister with her chin propped on her hand. Everything was going exactly the way she had planned. In a matter of minutes, Anastasia was going to be cast out of the house and wander around like some pathetic stray mutt. Downstairs in the living room, Anastasia fell silent when she saw the thunderous and disappointed look on her father's face. She wordlessly rose from her seat and walked up the stairs to pack up her things. She had only just rounded the landing when Erica barricaded her. With her arms crossed haughtily in front of her chest, the younger girl sneered, "Get out of here! Don't linger around like an eyesore. This house will never have a place for you ever again!" Anastasia clenched her fists as she glowered at Erica's pleased expression. Seeing the hatred and anger in Anastasia's eyes, Erica leaned forward. "What, do you want to slap me or something?" She turned her cheek toward the fuming girl and said smugly, "Go right ahead, then!" Without holding back, Anastasia brought her hand down across Erica's face, resulting in a hard slap. "Ah!" Erica let out a shrill cry. "You just hit me! Mom, Dad—Anastasia just hit me!" She howled as she bolted down the stairs. Naomi Lowell quickly pulled her daughter into her arms and cried up the stairwell, "How dare you strike my daughter, Anastasia! What the hell are you playing at?!" Francis glanced at the red imprints on Erica's cheek, and he had never been more disappointed in his life. When did my oldest daughter become so infuriatingly rebellious? "Dad, it hurts..." Erica sobbed as she burrowed into her father's arms, taking in exaggerated deep breaths like she was in great pain. "Get out of here, Anastasia!" Francis roared up the stairs. Having packed up her things, Anastasia grabbed her passport and went down the stairs. Her heart grew stone-cold when she saw how her own father was holding Erica in his arms like she was something precious. Anastasia knew then that she indeed had no place in his heart. Francis had only heard Erica's side of the story instead of asking Anastasia about the horrific incident she had endured last night. Ever since her mother had passed, she had spent her years in this home living like an outsider, for her father had brought home his mistress and his illegitimate daughter to form a new family. Anastasia's poor mother had never known about her husband's extra-marital affairs, not even in her death. I will never come back to this place ever again. Inside the house, Erica watched as Anastasia dragged her suitcase out the front door, and a wicked smile curled on her lips. I finally got rid of that useless eyesore! … Five years later, a knock came on the front door of an apartment in Dansbury. The woman living in the apartment had been poring over her designs when she heard the knock. A little bewildered, she walked up to the door and pulled it open unhappily. When she saw the two Asian men in suits, she asked in Chinese, "Who are you looking for?" "Are you Miss Anastasia Tillman?" one of the two men asked in English. "I am. And you are?" Anastasia pressed. "We were asked to look for you. Your mother, Amelia Chapman, saved our young master's life back in the day. The old madam whom we serve wishes to see you." She frowned at this. "Who's the old madam you serve?" "Old Madam Presgrave," the first man answered respectfully. Upon hearing this, Anastasia understood what had brought these men here. Old Madam Presgrave was the woman behind the Presgrave Group, the foremost conglomerate in the country. Years ago, Anastasia's mother had sacrificed her life to save Old Madam Presgrave's oldest grandson. It gave Anastasia great pride to have been born to a police officer as capable and righteous as Amelia. "I'm sorry, but I don't intend to see her," Anastasia said decidedly. She had a feeling that the Presgraves wanted to repay Amelia's great deed, but she had no plans of accepting their gesture whatsoever. Just then, a childish and curious voice sounded from somewhere inside the apartment, asking, "Mommy, who is it?" "No one," Anastasia replied hastily. Then, she turned to address the men at the door, "Sorry, but I'm really not in a mood for guests at the moment." With that, she closed the door. Meanwhile, back in the country, a man was seated on the couch inside the villa tucked halfway up the hill. "Have you tracked her down?" "Yes, Young Master Elliot. The girl from the clubhouse five years ago just sold off your watch at the second-hand market." "Find her," said the man on the couch, his voice deep and authoritative. "Yes, sir!"


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