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I Want a Lifetime with You Chapter 441

By the time Shi Nuan came out of the washroom, Zhou Zheng had already left. Shi Nuan tugged on her clothes and set her gaze at Fu Chengyan who was holding a cigarette in his hand but it was not lit. When he saw Shi Nuan, he immediately threw his cigarette away. “What do you want to eat?”

“Was Mr. Zhou here?”

“Yeah. He wanted me to sign a document.” Fu Chengyan turned around to behold Shi Nuan in her entirety.

He knew she was beautiful, but her beauty didn’t stem from her looks but rather from how she composed herself. It was something unique in Shi Nuan alone. Thus, Fu Chengyan could never forget about Shi Nuan even after so many years. Also, it was the reason why he never took a liking for Shen Qianan.

Shi Nuan approached her husband and twisted her torso around. “So, what do you think of my dress?” She slanted her head and grinned. “Thank god my baby bump is still quite small. Or else, I don’t think I can wear any of these shirts Mai Qi had prepared for me.

“You look amazing!” Fu Chengyan extended his arm to usher Shi Nuan into his embrace. “You don’t look fat at all. On the contrary, you are too skinny.”

“Ugh, why are we talking about this again?” Shi Nuan couldn’t help but sigh. “Alright, then I will eat more. I will eat so much that you won’t be able to hug me!”

“I don’t think that will ever happen to you. You are as light as a feather now!” Fu Chengyan scooped Shi Nuan into the air. Shi Nuan was taken aback by Fu Chengyan’s sudden action and frantically wrapped her arms around his neck. “Oh my lord, be more careful, will you?”

“Of course, I will.”

Zhou Zheng and Mai Qi saw the loving couple strode into the elevator and exchanged glances with one another. Mai Qi spoke out of envy, “I sure didn’t know that Mr. Fu could be so affectionate. Ms. Shi sure is a lucky gal!”

“She’s not Ms. Shi anymore! She’s Mrs. Fu, our boss’ wife!” Zhou Zheng corrected in a snappish manner. “Don’t ever address Mrs. Fu wrongly again! If Mr. Fu hears that from you, you are dead meat.”

“Of course I know that!” Mai Qi stuck out her tongue. “But are Mr. Fu and Ms. Sh… I mean Mrs. Fu are actually married?” Mai Qi was Fu Chengyan’s most trusted assistant at work, but it was obvious that she still didn’t know much about Fu Chengyan’s personal life.

Mai Qi knew Shi Nuan and Fu Chengyan were in a healthy and loving relationship, but she didn’t know that the two of them were legally-wedded.

“Then why didn’t Mr. Fu make it known to everyone?”

“Why did he not announce his relationship to everyone?” Zhou Zheng paused for a moment. “I think he’s already made it public, at least to both sides of their families.”

“Mr. Zhou, of course, I’m talking about him announcing it to everyone, not just his family!” Mai Qi was puzzled. If Fu Chengyan and Shi Nuan were actually married, then why did Shi Nuan choose to not announce the status of their relationship? If everyone knew she was the wife of Fu Chengyan, for sure her net worth would be booming.

“Bah, whatever you have in that mind of yours does not apply to Mr. Fu and Mrs. Fu.” Zhou Zheng scoffed. “Don’t try to guess what they are thinking.”

If Fu Chengyan and Shi Nuan’s relationship were announced, Shi Nuan would have to put up with the endless meetings and dinners with all of the important people acquainted with Fu Chengyan. Fu Chengyan would never let Shi Nuan get involved in any of those tiring social life.


“Alright, get back to your work. You don’t want to finish work late, do you?”

Fu Chengyan and Shi Nuan left via the elevator designated for the directors of Shengyuan. The two decided to have their dinner at a Cantonese restaurant since the dishes there were generally lighter on the palate and thus was suitable for a pregnant woman like Shi Nuan.

Ever since Shi Nuan got pregnant, her appetite had skyrocketed. At the restaurant, she almost finished everything on the table. Fu Chengyan didn’t eat much. Every now and then, he would arrange the plates on the table for Shi Nuan’s convenience, or wipe her mouth with some tissue.

Anyone could notice that the couple was getting along very well.

Shen Shixiu had nothing to do so he came to this part of town. Then, he could spot the couple from outside the restaurant. He stood there and stared at the two for a while before he turned and left the place eventually.

Fu Chengyan lifted his eyes to look at the leaving silhouette of Shen Shixiu. The shade in his eyes grew darker.

Shi Nuan, who had her head buried in the spread of food on the table, was oblivious to Shen Shixiu’s presence.

By the time Shi Nuan finished her meal, her belly was bulging. She grabbed Fu Chengyan’s hand and panted, “I don’t think I can eat anymore!”

Fu Chengyan’s smiling eyes lowered to Shi Nuan’s protruding belly which made her look like she was in the later stage of her pregnancy. “Okay, you can stop eating.” He gently stroked her belly. “Are you feeling uncomfortable?”

Shi Nuan nodded. “Yeah, and it’s all your fault! Why did you not help me eat some of them?”

Fu Chengyan’s eyes had an endearing glow in them. He pinched Shi Nuan’s thin arms. “Of course I can’t share your food. You are eating for three people, understand?”

“But I can’t always eat so much. I can’t even move now!”

“Alright, I’ll help you up. Let’s go and have a little stroll outside. It will help the food in your stomach get going.” Fu Chengyan beckoned the waiter to bring the bill. After paying for their meal, the couple left the restaurant.

There was a river near the Cantonese restaurant and it was quite scenic at night. However, the sun had yet to set. It was only a little past six o’clock.

Fu Chengyan’s had one arm around Shi Nuan’s waist and another under her arm. It made her look like a granny with arthritis. “Yan, I need to sit down for a while.”

Fu Chengyan slowed down his pace and tilted his head to look at Shi Nuan.

Shi Nuan burped and Fu Chengyan patted her back a few times. When Shi Nuan finally felt better, he gave her a massage on her shoulders. “Are you feeling better now?”

“No, it is all because of you!”

“Okay, okay! It’s all my fault!” Fu Chengyan raised both his arms in the air in defeat. “Then what shall we do now?”

“Let’s just walk more. I need to get this food baby to go down!” Shi Nuan figured that she might actually suffer from indigestion if she didn’t try to get rid of her bloated stomach. As Shi Nuan spoke, she burped again.

Fu Chengyan narrowed his eyes. “You silly girl! Next time, just let me know if you can’t finish your food!”

Shi Nuan wanted to cry but she had no tears to spare. “I have told you that, but you said I was eating too little!” Shi Nuan’s whimper made Fu Chengyan’s heart soften like butter. “Alright! I admit that was my fault. I promise you I won’t let you eat that much the next time, okay?” Fu Chengyan gave Shi Nuan a smooch on her lips. He added as his finger glided across her cheeks, “Why are you such a crybaby nowadays?”

“I wasn’t crying! Only children do that!” Shi Nuan defended herself. “Sigh.”

“What are you sighing for?” Fu Chengyan slowed down in his steps. Under the dusk light, their shadows were stretched out on the brick road. From far away, the scene was cinematic.

“I keep having this feeling that I have aged prematurely and now I am an old granny!” Shi Nuan slanted her head. “You hear me, you grumpy old fart?”

Fu Chengyan lifted his brows. “Then, would this old granny accompany a grumpy old fart to the riverside?” He pointed to somewhere just half a mile away.

Shi Nuan moved her eyes to where Fu Chengyan was pointing to. “It’s so far away! I don’t think this old granny can walk that far!”

“There are paddle boats over there. We can go onto the water! Ooh, it must be so fun!” Fu Chengyan’s voice was full of excitement as he tried to lure Shi Nuan into coming with him. “Do you want to go for it?”

“Really?” Shi Nuan swayed Fu Chengyan’s arm.

As Fu Chengyan nodded, Shi Nuan shrieked in glee, “Okay, then bent down!”


Fu Chengyan was muddled. He stared at Shi Nuan questioningly as she kept tugging at his sleeves to make him bend down. Fu Chengyan went along with Shi Nuan as he was curious as to what she would do. Suddenly, he could feel Shi Nuan’s entire body weight pressing on him. “I’m afraid old granny cannot walk at the moment. Please give me a ride there.”

Fu Chengyan guffawed and pinched Shi Nuan’s nose. “You little rat!”

“What now? You are not willing to carry your pregnant wife?” Shi Nuan stiffened her neck and froze on top of Fu Chengyan’s back. “Let’s get moving! C’mon!”

Fu Chengyan chuckled and shook his head. “Aren’t you pregnant? Isn’t it uncomfortable? There’s no space for your baby bump to breathe.”

“Then what can I do?”

Fu Chengyan extended his arm and moved Shi Nuan to his front. He got up and let Shi Nuan wrapped her legs around his waist while she faced him. He then placed his hands beneath her bosom to support her body weight. “Alright, this shall work!”

“Oh, lord!” Shi Nuan grabbed Fu Chengyan’s arms and buried her head into Fu Chengyan’s chest. Her face was burning from embarrassment. “This is so terrible!”

“What? Why?” Fu Chengyan prodded Shi Nuan’s head with his chin. “What is there to be shy about?”

“There are so many people around here. I don’t want them to see how you are carrying me!” Shi Nuan didn’t want to raise her head in fear that others might stare at her.

Fu Chengyan laid his gaze upon Shi Nuan’s forehead and hummed out loud in agreement. He giggled, “I didn’t know you have such a corrupted mind!”

“You’re the one who’s corrupted!” Shi Nuan raised her head intending to retaliate but her head bumped into Fu Chengyan’s chin. “Ouch! That hurts!” Fu Chengyan also inhaled sharply as he felt the pain too.

Shi Nuan rubbed her head before she realized Fu Chengyan was abnormally quiet. “Yan, are you alright? Does it hurt?”

Shi Nuan hurriedly reached out to Fu Chengyan’s chin. “I’m so sorry!”

“Ah, since when have you become so reckless?” Fu Chengyan didn’t want to chide Shi Nuan. He stared at Shi Nuan helplessly and noticed how she expressed remorse. Instantly, his heart melted down. “Nah, it doesn’t hurt!” He then started to walk in the direction of the riverside.

As they made their way to the river, Shi Nuan was mortified as she could notice the numerous pairs of eyes looking at her. She hurriedly tapped Fu Chengyan on his shoulder. “Yan, let me down. I can walk on my own.”

“What’s wrong?” Fu Chengyan squinted at her.

Shi Nuan bit her lips. She closed into Fu Chengyan’s ears. “I think the position we’re in makes us look odd. There are so many people looking at us. I feel so uncomfortable.”

“Odd?” Fu Chengyan gnawed on Shi Nuan’s chin. Shi Nuan grimaced, “What are you doing?”

“We are husband and wife. What is wrong for the two of us to be amorous?” Fu Chengyan patted Shi Nuan’s buttocks. “What is there to be shy of?”

“Fu Chengyan, I am going to get angry if you keep on going like this!”

“Okay! If you feel shy, you can bury your head in my shoulder. That way, they can’t see your face. Sounds good?” Fu Chengyan was coaxing Shi Nuan like a baby.

I Want a Lifetime with You Chapter 441

I Want a Lifetime with You Chapter 441

By the time Shi Nuan came out of the washroom, Zhou Zheng had already left. Shi Nuan tugged on her clothes and set her gaze at Fu Chengyan who was holding a cigarette in his hand but it was not lit. When he saw Shi Nuan, he immediately threw his cigarette away. “What do you want to eat?” “Was Mr. Zhou here?” “Yeah. He wanted me to sign a document.” Fu Chengyan turned around to behold Shi Nuan in her entirety. He knew she was beautiful, but her beauty didn’t stem from her looks but rather from how she composed herself. It was something unique in Shi Nuan alone. Thus, Fu Chengyan could never forget about Shi Nuan even after so many years. Also, it was the reason why he never took a liking for Shen Qianan. Shi Nuan approached her husband and twisted her torso around. “So, what do you think of my dress?” She slanted her head and grinned. “Thank god my baby bump is still quite small. Or else, I don’t think I can wear any of these shirts Mai Qi had prepared for me. “You look amazing!” Fu Chengyan extended his arm to usher Shi Nuan into his embrace. “You don’t look fat at all. On the contrary, you are too skinny.” “Ugh, why are we talking about this again?” Shi Nuan couldn’t help but sigh. “Alright, then I will eat more. I will eat so much that you won’t be able to hug me!” “I don’t think that will ever happen to you. You are as light as a feather now!” Fu Chengyan scooped Shi Nuan into the air. Shi Nuan was taken aback by Fu Chengyan’s sudden action and frantically wrapped her arms around his neck. “Oh my lord, be more careful, will you?” “Of course, I will.” Zhou Zheng and Mai Qi saw the loving couple strode into the elevator and exchanged glances with one another. Mai Qi spoke out of envy, “I sure didn’t know that Mr. Fu could be so affectionate. Ms. Shi sure is a lucky gal!” “She’s not Ms. Shi anymore! She’s Mrs. Fu, our boss’ wife!” Zhou Zheng corrected in a snappish manner. “Don’t ever address Mrs. Fu wrongly again! If Mr. Fu hears that from you, you are dead meat.” “Of course I know that!” Mai Qi stuck out her tongue. “But are Mr. Fu and Ms. Sh... I mean Mrs. Fu are actually married?” Mai Qi was Fu Chengyan’s most trusted assistant at work, but it was obvious that she still didn’t know much about Fu Chengyan’s personal life. Mai Qi knew Shi Nuan and Fu Chengyan were in a healthy and loving relationship, but she didn’t know that the two of them were legally-wedded. “Then why didn’t Mr. Fu make it known to everyone?” “Why did he not announce his relationship to everyone?” Zhou Zheng paused for a moment. “I think he’s already made it public, at least to both sides of their families.” “Mr. Zhou, of course, I’m talking about him announcing it to everyone, not just his family!” Mai Qi was puzzled. If Fu Chengyan and Shi Nuan were actually married, then why did Shi Nuan choose to not announce the status of their relationship? If everyone knew she was the wife of Fu Chengyan, for sure her net worth would be booming. “Bah, whatever you have in that mind of yours does not apply to Mr. Fu and Mrs. Fu.” Zhou Zheng scoffed. “Don’t try to guess what they are thinking.” If Fu Chengyan and Shi Nuan’s relationship were announced, Shi Nuan would have to put up with the endless meetings and dinners with all of the important people acquainted with Fu Chengyan. Fu Chengyan would never let Shi Nuan get involved in any of those tiring social life. “Noted.” “Alright, get back to your work. You don’t want to finish work late, do you?” Fu Chengyan and Shi Nuan left via the elevator designated for the directors of Shengyuan. The two decided to have their dinner at a Cantonese restaurant since the dishes there were generally lighter on the palate and thus was suitable for a pregnant woman like Shi Nuan. Ever since Shi Nuan got pregnant, her appetite had skyrocketed. At the restaurant, she almost finished everything on the table. Fu Chengyan didn’t eat much. Every now and then, he would arrange the plates on the table for Shi Nuan’s convenience, or wipe her mouth with some tissue. Anyone could notice that the couple was getting along very well. Shen Shixiu had nothing to do so he came to this part of town. Then, he could spot the couple from outside the restaurant. He stood there and stared at the two for a while before he turned and left the place eventually. Fu Chengyan lifted his eyes to look at the leaving silhouette of Shen Shixiu. The shade in his eyes grew darker. Shi Nuan, who had her head buried in the spread of food on the table, was oblivious to Shen Shixiu’s presence. By the time Shi Nuan finished her meal, her belly was bulging. She grabbed Fu Chengyan’s hand and panted, “I don’t think I can eat anymore!” Fu Chengyan’s smiling eyes lowered to Shi Nuan’s protruding belly which made her look like she was in the later stage of her pregnancy. “Okay, you can stop eating.” He gently stroked her belly. “Are you feeling uncomfortable?” Shi Nuan nodded. “Yeah, and it’s all your fault! Why did you not help me eat some of them?” Fu Chengyan’s eyes had an endearing glow in them. He pinched Shi Nuan’s thin arms. “Of course I can’t share your food. You are eating for three people, understand?” “But I can’t always eat so much. I can’t even move now!” “Alright, I’ll help you up. Let’s go and have a little stroll outside. It will help the food in your stomach get going.” Fu Chengyan beckoned the waiter to bring the bill. After paying for their meal, the couple left the restaurant. There was a river near the Cantonese restaurant and it was quite scenic at night. However, the sun had yet to set. It was only a little past six o’clock. Fu Chengyan’s had one arm around Shi Nuan’s waist and another under her arm. It made her look like a granny with arthritis. “Yan, I need to sit down for a while.” Fu Chengyan slowed down his pace and tilted his head to look at Shi Nuan. Shi Nuan burped and Fu Chengyan patted her back a few times. When Shi Nuan finally felt better, he gave her a massage on her shoulders. “Are you feeling better now?” “No, it is all because of you!” “Okay, okay! It’s all my fault!” Fu Chengyan raised both his arms in the air in defeat. “Then what shall we do now?” “Let’s just walk more. I need to get this food baby to go down!” Shi Nuan figured that she might actually suffer from indigestion if she didn’t try to get rid of her bloated stomach. As Shi Nuan spoke, she burped again. Fu Chengyan narrowed his eyes. “You silly girl! Next time, just let me know if you can’t finish your food!” Shi Nuan wanted to cry but she had no tears to spare. “I have told you that, but you said I was eating too little!” Shi Nuan’s whimper made Fu Chengyan’s heart soften like butter. “Alright! I admit that was my fault. I promise you I won’t let you eat that much the next time, okay?” Fu Chengyan gave Shi Nuan a smooch on her lips. He added as his finger glided across her cheeks, “Why are you such a crybaby nowadays?” “I wasn’t crying! Only children do that!” Shi Nuan defended herself. “Sigh.” “What are you sighing for?” Fu Chengyan slowed down in his steps. Under the dusk light, their shadows were stretched out on the brick road. From far away, the scene was cinematic. “I keep having this feeling that I have aged prematurely and now I am an old granny!” Shi Nuan slanted her head. “You hear me, you grumpy old fart?” Fu Chengyan lifted his brows. “Then, would this old granny accompany a grumpy old fart to the riverside?” He pointed to somewhere just half a mile away. Shi Nuan moved her eyes to where Fu Chengyan was pointing to. “It’s so far away! I don’t think this old granny can walk that far!” “There are paddle boats over there. We can go onto the water! Ooh, it must be so fun!” Fu Chengyan’s voice was full of excitement as he tried to lure Shi Nuan into coming with him. “Do you want to go for it?” “Really?” Shi Nuan swayed Fu Chengyan’s arm. As Fu Chengyan nodded, Shi Nuan shrieked in glee, “Okay, then bent down!” “Huh?” Fu Chengyan was muddled. He stared at Shi Nuan questioningly as she kept tugging at his sleeves to make him bend down. Fu Chengyan went along with Shi Nuan as he was curious as to what she would do. Suddenly, he could feel Shi Nuan’s entire body weight pressing on him. “I’m afraid old granny cannot walk at the moment. Please give me a ride there.” Fu Chengyan guffawed and pinched Shi Nuan’s nose. “You little rat!” “What now? You are not willing to carry your pregnant wife?” Shi Nuan stiffened her neck and froze on top of Fu Chengyan’s back. “Let’s get moving! C’mon!” Fu Chengyan chuckled and shook his head. “Aren’t you pregnant? Isn’t it uncomfortable? There’s no space for your baby bump to breathe.” “Then what can I do?” Fu Chengyan extended his arm and moved Shi Nuan to his front. He got up and let Shi Nuan wrapped her legs around his waist while she faced him. He then placed his hands beneath her bosom to support her body weight. “Alright, this shall work!” “Oh, lord!” Shi Nuan grabbed Fu Chengyan’s arms and buried her head into Fu Chengyan’s chest. Her face was burning from embarrassment. “This is so terrible!” “What? Why?” Fu Chengyan prodded Shi Nuan’s head with his chin. “What is there to be shy about?” “There are so many people around here. I don’t want them to see how you are carrying me!” Shi Nuan didn’t want to raise her head in fear that others might stare at her. Fu Chengyan laid his gaze upon Shi Nuan’s forehead and hummed out loud in agreement. He giggled, “I didn’t know you have such a corrupted mind!” “You’re the one who’s corrupted!” Shi Nuan raised her head intending to retaliate but her head bumped into Fu Chengyan’s chin. “Ouch! That hurts!” Fu Chengyan also inhaled sharply as he felt the pain too. Shi Nuan rubbed her head before she realized Fu Chengyan was abnormally quiet. “Yan, are you alright? Does it hurt?” Shi Nuan hurriedly reached out to Fu Chengyan’s chin. “I’m so sorry!” “Ah, since when have you become so reckless?” Fu Chengyan didn’t want to chide Shi Nuan. He stared at Shi Nuan helplessly and noticed how she expressed remorse. Instantly, his heart melted down. “Nah, it doesn’t hurt!” He then started to walk in the direction of the riverside. As they made their way to the river, Shi Nuan was mortified as she could notice the numerous pairs of eyes looking at her. She hurriedly tapped Fu Chengyan on his shoulder. “Yan, let me down. I can walk on my own.” “What’s wrong?” Fu Chengyan squinted at her. Shi Nuan bit her lips. She closed into Fu Chengyan’s ears. “I think the position we’re in makes us look odd. There are so many people looking at us. I feel so uncomfortable.” “Odd?” Fu Chengyan gnawed on Shi Nuan’s chin. Shi Nuan grimaced, “What are you doing?” “We are husband and wife. What is wrong for the two of us to be amorous?” Fu Chengyan patted Shi Nuan’s buttocks. “What is there to be shy of?” “Fu Chengyan, I am going to get angry if you keep on going like this!” “Okay! If you feel shy, you can bury your head in my shoulder. That way, they can’t see your face. Sounds good?” Fu Chengyan was coaxing Shi Nuan like a baby.


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