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I Want a Lifetime with You Chapter 392

Every single word Shi Nuan spoke was nothing but the truth. It gave everyone – especially Shi Wei and Jiang Yu – a hard slap in the face. If they had not sabotaged and plotted against Shi Nuan back then, she might not have had the chance to meet Fu Chengyan, let alone getting married to him later.

Thus, Shi Nuan’s sarcastic remark was actually true to some extent – she was somewhat grateful to them. After all, without all the dirty stuff they had done to her , she might not have been able to move on from the breakup with Fu Xicheng. She would not have met Fu Chengyan too.

They had hurt her so deeply that she had never thought of the possibility of patching things up with them. Just as she was struggling the hardest in life, Fu Chengyan appeared. It was impossible not to fall in love with him because he really treated her like a princess.

Jiang Yu’s expression hardened. She had a pressing urge to give Shi Nuan a piece of her mind, but she dared not do so in the presence of Fu Chengyan. Having no other choice, she secretly harbored the grudge against Shi Nuan and made up her mind to teach Shi Nuan a lesson the next time when Fu Chengyan was not around.

Shi Nuan understood Jiang Yu too well to know what was on her mind. Therefore, she knew she should make full use of the occasion to humiliate her because she knew that the woman wouldn’t dare to do anything to her in Fu Chengyan’s presence.

When the waiter came to serve the food, Shi Nuan made use of the opportunity to go to the washroom. Immediately, Shi Wei left her seat and followed suit. Shi Nuan couldn’t help but sneer at Shi Wei’s behavior.

She knew her sister wouldn’t be able to stand the idea of being overshadowed by her. As expected, her sister entered the washroom right after her and immediately locked the door. “Nuan!”

Shi Nuan cast her a sideways glance. “Wei, how can I help you?”

Biting her lips, Shi Wei ventured, “Are you and Fu Chengyan really married? I mean… Do you guys really have a marriage certificate?”

“Wei, do you think we’re merely putting on an act? Should I get Yan to bring our marriage certificate over here to show you?” Shi Nuan raised her brows while observing the hesitation on Shi Wei’s face with amusement.

Shi Wei shook her head. “No, that’s not necessary. I’m just… I’m just really surprised to know that you actually got married to Fu Chengyan so early. Aren’t you…” Although she did not complete her question, Shi Nuan understood what her sister meant. Obviously, Shi Wei still found it hard to believe that Fu Chengyan and her were to married each other.

With a breezy smile, Shi Nuan looked at Shi Wei and asked in a relaxed tone, “What are you trying to say?”

“Nuan, I’m very sorry for what I’ve done to you. I really didn’t mean it. I just couldn’t help myself to fall in love with Xicheng during the time you were away. Xicheng couldn’t bear with the long-distance relationship with you, and that was why…”

“You don’t have to keep on bringing that up because it’s all but a thing in the past. Besides, your relationship with Fu Xicheng really doesn’t bother me anymore.”

“You might not be bothered by it, but what about Fu Chengyan? Are you sure he doesn’t mind it?” Shi Wei was doubtful on that point. In her opinion, a man like Fu Chengyan would not be comfortable to know that his wife had dated Fu Xicheng before and that there was even a slim chance that she still harbored feelings for him.

“Does Fu Chengyan know about your past relationship with Xicheng? Could he…”

“Wei.” Shi Nuan cut her off with a sudden chuckle. “Seems like you have forgotten that you’re still an artist under Xinhuang? For your information, I already married Yan when you first joined Xinhuang. Also, I already mentioned just now that you were the one who brought Yan and I together. So, of course, Yan knows about my past relationship with Fu Xicheng. Perhaps, you will get a clearer idea by start recalling things that had happened at that time. Don’t you find it fishy that Yan would always be by my side whenever you bumped into me? Or, can’t you notice how helpful he had been to me without asking anything in return?”

Shi Nuan flashed her a smirk. As she fumbled for something in her bag, she maintained a composed expression on her face. In the meantime, Shi Wei’s face was contorted with utter consternation.

All of a sudden, flashbacks of all the encounters she had had with Shi Nuan started flooding her mind. Every now and then, she would see Shi Nuan with Fu Chengyan and Su Shaoqing; they always looked like her guardian angels.

“Seriously? You already got married Fu Chengyan at that time, but you watched me embarrassing myself like a clown?” Shi Wei exclaimed. Never had it occurred to her that Shi Nuan would turn out to be such a scheming person.

Suddenly, she thought of all her previous interactions with Shi Nuan. More often than not, Shi Nuan would always hold back her anger under all circumstances. Shi Nuan had never been this aggressive before.

With a faint smile, Shi Nuan responded, “Of course, you’re free to interpret it that way. Yet, I’m not interested in wasting my time dwelling on the past. In fact, as long as you don’t cross me, I might not even have the time to bother about your business!”

“You… Shi Nuan, do you really think you’ve got all the bragging rights now that you’re Fu Chengyan’s wife? Have you forgotten about Shen Qianan? She used to be Fu Chengyan’s fiancée, and she even gave birth to his child. What makes you better than her when you’re just her replacement? Are you naive enough to think that Fu Chengyan really loves you?”


“Why are you laughing? Did I say anything wrongly? Shi Nuan, I don’t even know why you’re gloating. Let me get straight to the point with you here. If you’re smart enough, you really should work together with us. Now that Fu Chengyan still has feelings for you and has yet to dump you, you should make use of the chance and rake in as much money from him as you can.

At least you’re left with something by the time he decides to dump you, aren’t you?” Shi Wei did not think there was anything wrong with her mindset, especially after she met Shen Qianan in person. It cemented her opinion that Fu Chengyan would definitely leave Shi Nuan one day because Shi Nuan was the spitting image of Shen Qianan.

“Nothing. Actually, I couldn’t agree with you more.” Smiling, Shi Nuan sauntered toward the sink to wash her hands. She then turned to face Shi Wei. “It’s a must for every woman to have that kind of awareness. Wei, you should watch out too. You know, Fu Xicheng used to date me. What if he regrets two-timing me when he realizes I’m so much better than you? Do you think he will ask to divorce you?”

Looking amused, she concluded, “In fact, I think that’s highly likely to happen!”


“Wei, I think you’ve got a point. It’s always good to plan ahead, don’t you think? Actually, you should heed that advice too! Generally speaking, men are all fickle-minded and unpredictable. I still remember that Fu Xicheng had once promised me he would love me forever, but what happened in the end? He went on to marry you, didn’t he?”

“Shi Nuan, you shouldn’t blame me when you were the one who failed to keep your man!” Shi Wei would always freak out whenever Shi Nuan mentioned Fu Xicheng. She glowered at Shi Nuan and yelled, “I’m the woman he loves!”

“I know; that’s why I’m envious of you having a man who loves you so much,” Shi Nuan answered perfunctorily. “Look, I think it’s really time for us to head back to the room.”

“Shi Nuan, stop right there!” Shi Wei seized one of her arms to stop her from leaving. “Can’t you see I’m still talking to you? Before Fu Chengyan resents you and thinks of getting rid of you, you’d better make sure he gives you a share of his wealth! I’m telling you this for your own good because you won’t be pleased to be left with nothing after he dumps you!”

“Let me go!” Shi Nuan’s gaze darkened as she tried to shove Shi Wei’s hand away. Staring at her grimly, she snapped, “It seems like I should thank you for your constant reminder of how Fu Chengyan will dump me one day! Are you secretly hoping that will happen soon? Let me make this very clear to you, Shi Wei. I only decided to be here for the sake of Grandpa and Granddad. Do you actually think we’re here because of you?”

Shi Nuan snorted icily. “My relationship with Yan and my future have nothing to do with you. Are you guys trying to use me as a tool to gain an advantage over Yan? Dream on!”

Shi Nuan gave up trying to be pleasant. She went on to rebuke Shi Wei mercilessly, “I’m only willing to be here because of Grandpa and Granddad. After this, I won’t force myself to spend time with any of you!”

With that, she opened the door and marched out of the washroom. Shi Wei, who refused to give up, caught up to her. Her face was twisted with rage as she seethed, “Shi Nuan, how dare you be so arrogant? You know what? You’re nothing but a pitiful orphan who was abandoned by your family!

You aren’t part of the Shi family, and you aren’t my parent’s biological child at all! My parents only took you in and raised you like one of their own purely because they sympathized with you! Do you think you can get rid of us after getting married? You’re an ungrateful bastard who has no idea how to appreciate people who took care of you for years!”

In a fit of rage, she blurted everything out without much thought. Yet, she regretted saying those things almost immediately. There was no way she could retract her remark, so she stared straight into Shi Nuan’s eyes, seeing no point to cower in fear.

Contrary to her expectation, Shi Nuan did not look horrified or surprised to learn the shocking truth. Instead, she was staring at her so calmly as though she had long learned about the secret of her identity way before this.

Shi Wei looked dazedly at Shi Nuan, her lips pursed and her brows furrowed in confusion. “Are you losing your mind? Didn’t you hear what I said just now?”

Shi Nuan smirked. “You’re the one losing your mind here. Of course, I heard what you said.” She chuckled. “What’s the matter? Are you puzzled by my reaction?”

“A-Aren’t you surprised to find that out at all?” Her reaction was not how Shi Wei had imagined before.

She had expected to see Shi Nuan look shaken, gob smacked, or even horrified when she learned the truth. She knew Shi Nuan had always been a person who cared about her family a great deal ever since she was a little girl. Shi Nuan was desperate for love from Shi Jingzheng and Jiang Yu.

Therefore, she always made sure she behaved the best in their presence. Because of that, Shi Wei thought Shi Nuan would experience a mental breakdown after realizing that she was actually an orphan. However, nothing of that sort took place as Shi Nuan only looked at her with calmness and composure.


“Wei, care to share what sort of reaction you expected to see from me? Should I be wailing and yelling as I refuse to accept the truth? Should I be asking Fu Chengyan’s help to salvage my relationship with my parents as well as the entire Shi family? Do you actually expect Fu Chengyan to offer some advantage to the Shi family so that I can still be accepted as part of the family?”

Shi Wei stiffened with an extremely sullen expression on her face. Shi Nuan’s guess was spot-on. That was the exact reason why Shi Wei felt so embarrassed at the moment. “Don’t you feel sad at all to learn about the truth?”

“Sad? Perhaps I did feel that some time ago. However, it’s impossible to stay upset for too long because one will get used to it as time passes.” Suddenly, something struck Shi Nuan. “Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you something just now. Actually…” She took her phone out from her handbag. “As Yan and I are still newlyweds, we’re basically inseparable. So, I’ve been on an ongoing voice call with him since I was in the toilet just now. Wei, I don’t think you mind it, right?”

I Want a Lifetime with You Chapter 392

I Want a Lifetime with You Chapter 392

Every single word Shi Nuan spoke was nothing but the truth. It gave everyone - especially Shi Wei and Jiang Yu - a hard slap in the face. If they had not sabotaged and plotted against Shi Nuan back then, she might not have had the chance to meet Fu Chengyan, let alone getting married to him later. Thus, Shi Nuan’s sarcastic remark was actually true to some extent - she was somewhat grateful to them. After all, without all the dirty stuff they had done to her , she might not have been able to move on from the breakup with Fu Xicheng. She would not have met Fu Chengyan too. They had hurt her so deeply that she had never thought of the possibility of patching things up with them. Just as she was struggling the hardest in life, Fu Chengyan appeared. It was impossible not to fall in love with him because he really treated her like a princess. Jiang Yu’s expression hardened. She had a pressing urge to give Shi Nuan a piece of her mind, but she dared not do so in the presence of Fu Chengyan. Having no other choice, she secretly harbored the grudge against Shi Nuan and made up her mind to teach Shi Nuan a lesson the next time when Fu Chengyan was not around. Shi Nuan understood Jiang Yu too well to know what was on her mind. Therefore, she knew she should make full use of the occasion to humiliate her because she knew that the woman wouldn’t dare to do anything to her in Fu Chengyan’s presence. When the waiter came to serve the food, Shi Nuan made use of the opportunity to go to the washroom. Immediately, Shi Wei left her seat and followed suit. Shi Nuan couldn’t help but sneer at Shi Wei’s behavior. She knew her sister wouldn’t be able to stand the idea of being overshadowed by her. As expected, her sister entered the washroom right after her and immediately locked the door. “Nuan!” Shi Nuan cast her a sideways glance. “Wei, how can I help you?” Biting her lips, Shi Wei ventured, “Are you and Fu Chengyan really married? I mean... Do you guys really have a marriage certificate?” “Wei, do you think we’re merely putting on an act? Should I get Yan to bring our marriage certificate over here to show you?” Shi Nuan raised her brows while observing the hesitation on Shi Wei’s face with amusement. Shi Wei shook her head. “No, that’s not necessary. I’m just... I’m just really surprised to know that you actually got married to Fu Chengyan so early. Aren’t you...” Although she did not complete her question, Shi Nuan understood what her sister meant. Obviously, Shi Wei still found it hard to believe that Fu Chengyan and her were to married each other. With a breezy smile, Shi Nuan looked at Shi Wei and asked in a relaxed tone, “What are you trying to say?” “Nuan, I’m very sorry for what I’ve done to you. I really didn’t mean it. I just couldn’t help myself to fall in love with Xicheng during the time you were away. Xicheng couldn’t bear with the long-distance relationship with you, and that was why...” “You don’t have to keep on bringing that up because it’s all but a thing in the past. Besides, your relationship with Fu Xicheng really doesn’t bother me anymore.” “You might not be bothered by it, but what about Fu Chengyan? Are you sure he doesn’t mind it?” Shi Wei was doubtful on that point. In her opinion, a man like Fu Chengyan would not be comfortable to know that his wife had dated Fu Xicheng before and that there was even a slim chance that she still harbored feelings for him. “Does Fu Chengyan know about your past relationship with Xicheng? Could he...” “Wei.” Shi Nuan cut her off with a sudden chuckle. “Seems like you have forgotten that you’re still an artist under Xinhuang? For your information, I already married Yan when you first joined Xinhuang. Also, I already mentioned just now that you were the one who brought Yan and I together. So, of course, Yan knows about my past relationship with Fu Xicheng. Perhaps, you will get a clearer idea by start recalling things that had happened at that time. Don’t you find it fishy that Yan would always be by my side whenever you bumped into me? Or, can’t you notice how helpful he had been to me without asking anything in return?” Shi Nuan flashed her a smirk. As she fumbled for something in her bag, she maintained a composed expression on her face. In the meantime, Shi Wei’s face was contorted with utter consternation. All of a sudden, flashbacks of all the encounters she had had with Shi Nuan started flooding her mind. Every now and then, she would see Shi Nuan with Fu Chengyan and Su Shaoqing; they always looked like her guardian angels. “Seriously? You already got married Fu Chengyan at that time, but you watched me embarrassing myself like a clown?” Shi Wei exclaimed. Never had it occurred to her that Shi Nuan would turn out to be such a scheming person. Suddenly, she thought of all her previous interactions with Shi Nuan. More often than not, Shi Nuan would always hold back her anger under all circumstances. Shi Nuan had never been this aggressive before. With a faint smile, Shi Nuan responded, “Of course, you’re free to interpret it that way. Yet, I’m not interested in wasting my time dwelling on the past. In fact, as long as you don’t cross me, I might not even have the time to bother about your business!” “You... Shi Nuan, do you really think you’ve got all the bragging rights now that you’re Fu Chengyan’s wife? Have you forgotten about Shen Qianan? She used to be Fu Chengyan’s fiancée, and she even gave birth to his child. What makes you better than her when you’re just her replacement? Are you naive enough to think that Fu Chengyan really loves you?” “Haha!” “Why are you laughing? Did I say anything wrongly? Shi Nuan, I don’t even know why you’re gloating. Let me get straight to the point with you here. If you’re smart enough, you really should work together with us. Now that Fu Chengyan still has feelings for you and has yet to dump you, you should make use of the chance and rake in as much money from him as you can. At least you’re left with something by the time he decides to dump you, aren’t you?” Shi Wei did not think there was anything wrong with her mindset, especially after she met Shen Qianan in person. It cemented her opinion that Fu Chengyan would definitely leave Shi Nuan one day because Shi Nuan was the spitting image of Shen Qianan. “Nothing. Actually, I couldn’t agree with you more.” Smiling, Shi Nuan sauntered toward the sink to wash her hands. She then turned to face Shi Wei. “It’s a must for every woman to have that kind of awareness. Wei, you should watch out too. You know, Fu Xicheng used to date me. What if he regrets two-timing me when he realizes I’m so much better than you? Do you think he will ask to divorce you?” Looking amused, she concluded, “In fact, I think that’s highly likely to happen!” “You...” “Wei, I think you’ve got a point. It’s always good to plan ahead, don’t you think? Actually, you should heed that advice too! Generally speaking, men are all fickle-minded and unpredictable. I still remember that Fu Xicheng had once promised me he would love me forever, but what happened in the end? He went on to marry you, didn’t he?” “Shi Nuan, you shouldn’t blame me when you were the one who failed to keep your man!” Shi Wei would always freak out whenever Shi Nuan mentioned Fu Xicheng. She glowered at Shi Nuan and yelled, “I’m the woman he loves!” “I know; that’s why I’m envious of you having a man who loves you so much,” Shi Nuan answered perfunctorily. “Look, I think it’s really time for us to head back to the room.” “Shi Nuan, stop right there!” Shi Wei seized one of her arms to stop her from leaving. “Can’t you see I’m still talking to you? Before Fu Chengyan resents you and thinks of getting rid of you, you’d better make sure he gives you a share of his wealth! I’m telling you this for your own good because you won’t be pleased to be left with nothing after he dumps you!” “Let me go!” Shi Nuan’s gaze darkened as she tried to shove Shi Wei’s hand away. Staring at her grimly, she snapped, “It seems like I should thank you for your constant reminder of how Fu Chengyan will dump me one day! Are you secretly hoping that will happen soon? Let me make this very clear to you, Shi Wei. I only decided to be here for the sake of Grandpa and Granddad. Do you actually think we’re here because of you?” Shi Nuan snorted icily. “My relationship with Yan and my future have nothing to do with you. Are you guys trying to use me as a tool to gain an advantage over Yan? Dream on!” Shi Nuan gave up trying to be pleasant. She went on to rebuke Shi Wei mercilessly, “I’m only willing to be here because of Grandpa and Granddad. After this, I won’t force myself to spend time with any of you!” With that, she opened the door and marched out of the washroom. Shi Wei, who refused to give up, caught up to her. Her face was twisted with rage as she seethed, “Shi Nuan, how dare you be so arrogant? You know what? You’re nothing but a pitiful orphan who was abandoned by your family! You aren’t part of the Shi family, and you aren’t my parent’s biological child at all! My parents only took you in and raised you like one of their own purely because they sympathized with you! Do you think you can get rid of us after getting married? You’re an ungrateful bastard who has no idea how to appreciate people who took care of you for years!” In a fit of rage, she blurted everything out without much thought. Yet, she regretted saying those things almost immediately. There was no way she could retract her remark, so she stared straight into Shi Nuan’s eyes, seeing no point to cower in fear. Contrary to her expectation, Shi Nuan did not look horrified or surprised to learn the shocking truth. Instead, she was staring at her so calmly as though she had long learned about the secret of her identity way before this. Shi Wei looked dazedly at Shi Nuan, her lips pursed and her brows furrowed in confusion. “Are you losing your mind? Didn’t you hear what I said just now?” Shi Nuan smirked. “You’re the one losing your mind here. Of course, I heard what you said.” She chuckled. “What’s the matter? Are you puzzled by my reaction?” “A-Aren’t you surprised to find that out at all?” Her reaction was not how Shi Wei had imagined before. She had expected to see Shi Nuan look shaken, gob smacked, or even horrified when she learned the truth. She knew Shi Nuan had always been a person who cared about her family a great deal ever since she was a little girl. Shi Nuan was desperate for love from Shi Jingzheng and Jiang Yu. Therefore, she always made sure she behaved the best in their presence. Because of that, Shi Wei thought Shi Nuan would experience a mental breakdown after realizing that she was actually an orphan. However, nothing of that sort took place as Shi Nuan only looked at her with calmness and composure. “You...” “Wei, care to share what sort of reaction you expected to see from me? Should I be wailing and yelling as I refuse to accept the truth? Should I be asking Fu Chengyan’s help to salvage my relationship with my parents as well as the entire Shi family? Do you actually expect Fu Chengyan to offer some advantage to the Shi family so that I can still be accepted as part of the family?” Shi Wei stiffened with an extremely sullen expression on her face. Shi Nuan’s guess was spot-on. That was the exact reason why Shi Wei felt so embarrassed at the moment. “Don’t you feel sad at all to learn about the truth?” “Sad? Perhaps I did feel that some time ago. However, it’s impossible to stay upset for too long because one will get used to it as time passes.” Suddenly, something struck Shi Nuan. “Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you something just now. Actually...” She took her phone out from her handbag. “As Yan and I are still newlyweds, we’re basically inseparable. So, I’ve been on an ongoing voice call with him since I was in the toilet just now. Wei, I don’t think you mind it, right?”


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