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I Want a Lifetime with You Chapter 174

Anna reached for her cheek as Su Su spoke and her eyes darkened. Biting her lips, she replied “Wei said that she felt bad. She had not anticipated that things would turn out like that!”

“She feels bad? Ha!” Su Su started crying. As she wiped away her tears fiercely, she continued, “Why would she feel bad? You didn’t see the nonchalant look she had while you were being dragged away by those people. It was as if your fate was never her concern.

It’s impossible for her to feel any guilt. She was even disgusted by your disfigurement and was avoiding you. If you hadn’t looked for her, there was no way she would… “ Su Su was overpowered by her anger and did not mince her words. However, words once spoken, could not be recalled.

When Su Su noticed that color had drained from Anna’s face, she quickly grabbed Anna’s hand and apologized, “Sorry Anna! I wasn’t intending to hurt you, I… “

“I’m fine!” Anna hugged Su Su. “You shouldn’t be overthinking now. Just have a good sleep, I will be here with you!”

“Anna, I feel really unjust. I don’t want to take it just like that. She had been pitting herself against Shi Nuan over the years but what has that even got to do with us? Why is it that we are the ones who ended up suffering instead?”

Looking at Su Su, Anna was reminded of her pain. In fact, she had already seen Shi Wei’s true colors after she was disfigured. But Su Su had remained close to Shi Wei back then. After the incident tonight, Anna had thought that Su Su would hate Shi Nuan. She did not expect Shi Wei to be the target of her wrath instead.

“Anna, don’t you feel any resentment at all? Your face is like that because of her. You… “

“Su Su, let’s drop it.” Anna turned her head and said, “My face will recover in due course. Yours is a more pressing problem. You… “

“I want to sue them! I will take legal action against them.” When the topic turned back to herself, Su Su suddenly got agitated again. “I want to sue them, “ she persisted.

“Sue them? Who is ‘them’?” As Anna’s mind drifted to Qin Yue, she felt a jab to her heart. She held on tightly to Su Su’s hand and said, “Su Su, errr… “

“No, I can’t sue them. If I do that, everyone will know that I have been humiliated. Anna, what should I do? So many people have witnessed it tonight. Those people are all within the circle and they have all seen it. Tell me, what should I do? What’s going to happen to me!”

Su Su was unable to control her emotions once she thought about her ordeal tonight. “Anna, what should I do!”

“Su Su, just relax first, OK? Don’t think too much.” Anna held Su Su in her arms as she patted her back gently. “Fu Xicheng had already helped to settle the situation. What happened tonight would not be leaked out. No one else would know about it. But I will support you if you still want to sue them.”

“No, I am not suing them anymore. If I do that, the matter would be publicized. I’m don’t want that!” Su Su shook her head violently as she grabbed Anna’s hand. “Anna, would you look down on me?”

“Of course not! Why would I?” Anna caressed Su Su’s face and wiped her tears away. “None of this is your fault, Su Su. If you don’t want to sue them, we won’t do that but those two… “

“Where are they now?”

“I’m not sure but they are probably still there. Maybe Shi Wei or Fu Xicheng would know. I asked Shi Wei about it before I left with you just now. She said not to worry and promised to handle it properly. She would definitely be giving you a proper explanation!”

“Explanation? What explanation can she possibly give? Can I get my virginity back?” Su Su’s eyes darkened as she mentioned Shi Wei’s name. “I won’t let it slide so easily. I will make sure that she gets a taste of her own medicine.”

“Su Su.” Anna embraced Su Su and said, “Sleep now, don’t think about anything. You’ll feel better when you wake up tomorrow morning.”

As Shi Nuan sat in the car, the repercussion on her from the incident still haunted her.

Shi Nuan had already changed seats by this time. She was seated at the back of the car with Fu Chengyan, while Su Shaoqing became their chauffeur. Su Shaoqing noticed that she had been silent for a while. He took a look at Fu Chengyan and raised his eyebrows. “Mrs. Fu, why are you so quiet?” He asked Shi Nuan.

Shi Nuan snapped out of her daze and sighed. “I don’t know what to say,” she answered.

“Tired?” Fu Chengyan held his wife’s hand and gave it a light squeeze. “Why is your hand so cold?” He asked, while furrowing his brows. “Shaoqing, turn up the heater!”

“Why didn’t you wear warmer clothes? Although it’s still not the coldest period of the season yet, the temperature at night is still a lot lower than the day, enough to sent you freezing.”

“Geez, I’m fine!” Shi Nuan looked at her hand, which was being tightly held by Fu Chengyan and chuckled, “Do I seem that frail to you?”

“I’m just bothered with what happened tonight!” Shi Nuan looked at Fu Chengyan and continued, “Do you know that Su Su… errr, Shi Wei’s friend, she was… “ Shi Nuan had difficulty getting the words out. Her mind was occupied with the look on Su Su’s face just now.

Fu Chengyan held her hand even tighter and said, “Don’t be scared, you are not the one.”

“I know.” Shi Nuan replied before jerking her head up. “How did you know what I wanted to say? You knew what happened upstairs?”

“That goes without saying, Mrs. Fu. Do you know how long Chengyan and I have been waiting for you downstairs? We’ve been keeping tabs on you!” Su Shaoqing noticed from the rear-view mirror that the couple had interlocked fingers. He arched his brows at their public display of affection. “We would have gone upstairs long ago if it didn’t risk exposing our identities.”

“You planted your men upstairs?”

Fu Chengyan nodded. “I sent a few men to protect you as I was worried.”

It was just a simple sentence but it felt especially heart-warming to Shi Nuan, . Even though he wasn’t physically there with her, he was always looking out for her. No wonder she had felt that there were people among the crowd who had their attentions on her just now. Could they be Fu Chengyan’s men?

Warmth surged through Shi Nuan’s heart. She scratched the back of Fu Chengyan’s hand lightly and placed her head on his shoulder. “Thank you, Yan!”

“The word ‘thank’ doesn’t exist between husband and wife! It’s my duty to protect you anyway.” Fu Chengyan reached out and touched her head before adjusting it to a more comfortable position.

Shi Nuan’s smile extended to her eyes as she replied, “OK!”

“Hey, hey, excuse me! Can you two consider the feelings of a bachelor? Won’t it prick your conscience to act so lovey-dovey in front of a lonely man like me?”

Shi Nuan couldn’t help but giggled at what he said. “Su, you even know the word ‘lovey-dovey’ huh? Very ‘in’ indeed!”

Su Shaoqing arched his brow and replied, “Of course! I have to keep up with the times.”

Fu Chengyan curled his lips and said, “You are only good at picking up such frivolous knowledge. If only you could apply your brilliance on serious matters as well.”

“Tsk! How can you say that!” Su Shaoqing grumbled. “Hey, your lives are in my hands now. You two better treat me well. If I got pissed that my hand slipped… “

“Then you’ll definitely be the first to die. Feel free to test it out if you don’t believe me!” Fu Chengyan narrowed his eyes as they turned cold.

Su Shaoqing raised his eyebrows and said, “Chengyan, stop scaring me all the time.” He paused, before continuing, “What are you intending to do about today’s incident? Even though Mrs. Fu is unharmed, she was the target after all. She escaped because she was clever but it doesn’t mean that those people should get away without getting punished!”

Fu Chengyan squinted his eyes into a slit as they reflected a dangerous glint. However, being aware of Shi Nuan’s presence, he softened his gaze immediately.

Even so, Shi Nuan could still sense the man’s threatening aura. She patted Fu Chengyan’s hand and said, “I’m fine. Besides, after today, any remnants of my sisterly bond with Shi Wei would be completely severed. I’m not a saint so I can’t keep forgiving her and disregard the heartache she caused me. So, you don’t have to worry about me. I didn’t feel the desire nor the need to take any actions against her previously but since she won’t let me off and kept provoking me over and over again, I shouldn’t tolerate her anymore. It’s better that I take care of it instead!”

The corners of Fu Chengyan’s mouth curled up as he heard what the woman said. “Sure!”

“Don’t worry, I’m no longer the weak Shi Nuan who’s always being taken advantage of. I will keep getting stronger and better so you won’t have to worry about me all the time!”

“I’m all happy!”

“I know!” Shi Nuan laughed heartily. “I know you are good to me.”

Shi Wei had indeed kept her promise that whatever happened last night would stay behind closed doors; on top of that, Fu Xicheng had also spent quite a bit of effort pacifying the crowd to ensure that they keep their mouths shut. However, there were so many people there and would definitely have one or two rebels. Besides, among the guests were paparazzi who were hired by Shi Wei.

What did paparazzi do for a living? They completed tasks which they were entrusted with in exchange for money. And Shi Wei had paid them to fulfill a mission. But Shi Wei did not tell them who the woman inside the room was. Therefore, the paparazzi had snapped as many juicy photos as they could when the situation went out of control.

As the saying went, money makes the mare go. If Shi Wei could engage paparazzi to help her, others could very well do the same.

She believed that she had managed to keep the matter under wraps and promised that no one else other than those present would know about it. However, a scandalous video filmed at Shi Wei’s party was released online the next day.

Even though the images were censored to conceal their identities, members of the public had managed to make connections to various identities of people. Moreover, as Shi Wei was an actress, reporters immediately started conducting investigations at the hotel the minute the video was exposed. The incident from last night had made headlines in various tabloids.

Shi Wei received a call from her manager, Guan Jing, early in the morning. “Shi Wei, what happened last night? Who are the people in the video?”

“What did you say?” Shi Wei turned as white as a sheet and her hands started trembling. “What video are you talking about?”

“You don’t know? The shit hits the roof! Why didn’t you tell me about this last night?” Guan Jing growled as she tried to suppress her frustration. “It’s all over the internet now. Many people are even speculating that the woman in the video is you. There are also others who think that it’s your friend. Shi Wei, are you aware that this matter has blown up? The hotel is surrounded by paparazzi now. Hello? Shi Wei?”

Shi Wei dropped down on the floor and was momentarily stunned. She snapped out of her shock after some time and got up. Immediately, she rang Anna, “Anna, Shi Wei here. Did you… “

“Shi Wei, what’s going on? Didn’t you say that the videos have already been deleted? Didn’t you promise that yesterday’s incident would not leak out? What’s happening now? Su Su is devastated! Do you know how hard I tried to console her last night? How could you do this! The paparazzi had already found out our location and are camping outside our hotel now. Shi Wei, you are too much!”

I Want a Lifetime with You Chapter 174

I Want a Lifetime with You Chapter 174

Anna reached for her cheek as Su Su spoke and her eyes darkened. Biting her lips, she replied “Wei said that she felt bad. She had not anticipated that things would turn out like that!” “She feels bad? Ha!” Su Su started crying. As she wiped away her tears fiercely, she continued, “Why would she feel bad? You didn’t see the nonchalant look she had while you were being dragged away by those people. It was as if your fate was never her concern. It’s impossible for her to feel any guilt. She was even disgusted by your disfigurement and was avoiding you. If you hadn’t looked for her, there was no way she would... “ Su Su was overpowered by her anger and did not mince her words. However, words once spoken, could not be recalled. When Su Su noticed that color had drained from Anna’s face, she quickly grabbed Anna’s hand and apologized, “Sorry Anna! I wasn’t intending to hurt you, I... “ “I’m fine!” Anna hugged Su Su. “You shouldn’t be overthinking now. Just have a good sleep, I will be here with you!” “Anna, I feel really unjust. I don’t want to take it just like that. She had been pitting herself against Shi Nuan over the years but what has that even got to do with us? Why is it that we are the ones who ended up suffering instead?” Looking at Su Su, Anna was reminded of her pain. In fact, she had already seen Shi Wei’s true colors after she was disfigured. But Su Su had remained close to Shi Wei back then. After the incident tonight, Anna had thought that Su Su would hate Shi Nuan. She did not expect Shi Wei to be the target of her wrath instead. “Anna, don’t you feel any resentment at all? Your face is like that because of her. You... “ “Su Su, let’s drop it.” Anna turned her head and said, “My face will recover in due course. Yours is a more pressing problem. You... “ “I want to sue them! I will take legal action against them.” When the topic turned back to herself, Su Su suddenly got agitated again. “I want to sue them, “ she persisted. “Sue them? Who is ‘them’?” As Anna’s mind drifted to Qin Yue, she felt a jab to her heart. She held on tightly to Su Su’s hand and said, “Su Su, errr... “ “No, I can’t sue them. If I do that, everyone will know that I have been humiliated. Anna, what should I do? So many people have witnessed it tonight. Those people are all within the circle and they have all seen it. Tell me, what should I do? What’s going to happen to me!” Su Su was unable to control her emotions once she thought about her ordeal tonight. “Anna, what should I do!” “Su Su, just relax first, OK? Don’t think too much.” Anna held Su Su in her arms as she patted her back gently. “Fu Xicheng had already helped to settle the situation. What happened tonight would not be leaked out. No one else would know about it. But I will support you if you still want to sue them.” “No, I am not suing them anymore. If I do that, the matter would be publicized. I’m don’t want that!” Su Su shook her head violently as she grabbed Anna’s hand. “Anna, would you look down on me?” “Of course not! Why would I?” Anna caressed Su Su’s face and wiped her tears away. “None of this is your fault, Su Su. If you don’t want to sue them, we won’t do that but those two... “ “Where are they now?” “I’m not sure but they are probably still there. Maybe Shi Wei or Fu Xicheng would know. I asked Shi Wei about it before I left with you just now. She said not to worry and promised to handle it properly. She would definitely be giving you a proper explanation!” “Explanation? What explanation can she possibly give? Can I get my virginity back?” Su Su’s eyes darkened as she mentioned Shi Wei’s name. “I won’t let it slide so easily. I will make sure that she gets a taste of her own medicine.” “Su Su.” Anna embraced Su Su and said, “Sleep now, don’t think about anything. You’ll feel better when you wake up tomorrow morning.” As Shi Nuan sat in the car, the repercussion on her from the incident still haunted her. Shi Nuan had already changed seats by this time. She was seated at the back of the car with Fu Chengyan, while Su Shaoqing became their chauffeur. Su Shaoqing noticed that she had been silent for a while. He took a look at Fu Chengyan and raised his eyebrows. “Mrs. Fu, why are you so quiet?” He asked Shi Nuan. Shi Nuan snapped out of her daze and sighed. “I don’t know what to say,” she answered. “Tired?” Fu Chengyan held his wife’s hand and gave it a light squeeze. “Why is your hand so cold?” He asked, while furrowing his brows. “Shaoqing, turn up the heater!” “Why didn’t you wear warmer clothes? Although it’s still not the coldest period of the season yet, the temperature at night is still a lot lower than the day, enough to sent you freezing.” “Geez, I’m fine!” Shi Nuan looked at her hand, which was being tightly held by Fu Chengyan and chuckled, “Do I seem that frail to you?” “I’m just bothered with what happened tonight!” Shi Nuan looked at Fu Chengyan and continued, “Do you know that Su Su... errr, Shi Wei’s friend, she was... “ Shi Nuan had difficulty getting the words out. Her mind was occupied with the look on Su Su’s face just now. Fu Chengyan held her hand even tighter and said, “Don’t be scared, you are not the one.” “I know.” Shi Nuan replied before jerking her head up. “How did you know what I wanted to say? You knew what happened upstairs?” “That goes without saying, Mrs. Fu. Do you know how long Chengyan and I have been waiting for you downstairs? We’ve been keeping tabs on you!” Su Shaoqing noticed from the rear-view mirror that the couple had interlocked fingers. He arched his brows at their public display of affection. “We would have gone upstairs long ago if it didn’t risk exposing our identities.” “You planted your men upstairs?” Fu Chengyan nodded. “I sent a few men to protect you as I was worried.” It was just a simple sentence but it felt especially heart-warming to Shi Nuan, . Even though he wasn’t physically there with her, he was always looking out for her. No wonder she had felt that there were people among the crowd who had their attentions on her just now. Could they be Fu Chengyan’s men? Warmth surged through Shi Nuan’s heart. She scratched the back of Fu Chengyan’s hand lightly and placed her head on his shoulder. “Thank you, Yan!” “The word ‘thank’ doesn’t exist between husband and wife! It’s my duty to protect you anyway.” Fu Chengyan reached out and touched her head before adjusting it to a more comfortable position. Shi Nuan’s smile extended to her eyes as she replied, “OK!” “Hey, hey, excuse me! Can you two consider the feelings of a bachelor? Won’t it prick your conscience to act so lovey-dovey in front of a lonely man like me?” Shi Nuan couldn’t help but giggled at what he said. “Su, you even know the word ‘lovey-dovey’ huh? Very ‘in’ indeed!” Su Shaoqing arched his brow and replied, “Of course! I have to keep up with the times.” Fu Chengyan curled his lips and said, “You are only good at picking up such frivolous knowledge. If only you could apply your brilliance on serious matters as well.” “Tsk! How can you say that!” Su Shaoqing grumbled. “Hey, your lives are in my hands now. You two better treat me well. If I got pissed that my hand slipped... “ “Then you’ll definitely be the first to die. Feel free to test it out if you don’t believe me!” Fu Chengyan narrowed his eyes as they turned cold. Su Shaoqing raised his eyebrows and said, “Chengyan, stop scaring me all the time.” He paused, before continuing, “What are you intending to do about today’s incident? Even though Mrs. Fu is unharmed, she was the target after all. She escaped because she was clever but it doesn’t mean that those people should get away without getting punished!” Fu Chengyan squinted his eyes into a slit as they reflected a dangerous glint. However, being aware of Shi Nuan’s presence, he softened his gaze immediately. Even so, Shi Nuan could still sense the man’s threatening aura. She patted Fu Chengyan’s hand and said, “I’m fine. Besides, after today, any remnants of my sisterly bond with Shi Wei would be completely severed. I’m not a saint so I can’t keep forgiving her and disregard the heartache she caused me. So, you don’t have to worry about me. I didn’t feel the desire nor the need to take any actions against her previously but since she won’t let me off and kept provoking me over and over again, I shouldn’t tolerate her anymore. It’s better that I take care of it instead!” The corners of Fu Chengyan’s mouth curled up as he heard what the woman said. “Sure!” “Don’t worry, I’m no longer the weak Shi Nuan who’s always being taken advantage of. I will keep getting stronger and better so you won’t have to worry about me all the time!” “I’m all happy!” “I know!” Shi Nuan laughed heartily. “I know you are good to me.” Shi Wei had indeed kept her promise that whatever happened last night would stay behind closed doors; on top of that, Fu Xicheng had also spent quite a bit of effort pacifying the crowd to ensure that they keep their mouths shut. However, there were so many people there and would definitely have one or two rebels. Besides, among the guests were paparazzi who were hired by Shi Wei. What did paparazzi do for a living? They completed tasks which they were entrusted with in exchange for money. And Shi Wei had paid them to fulfill a mission. But Shi Wei did not tell them who the woman inside the room was. Therefore, the paparazzi had snapped as many juicy photos as they could when the situation went out of control. As the saying went, money makes the mare go. If Shi Wei could engage paparazzi to help her, others could very well do the same. She believed that she had managed to keep the matter under wraps and promised that no one else other than those present would know about it. However, a scandalous video filmed at Shi Wei’s party was released online the next day. Even though the images were censored to conceal their identities, members of the public had managed to make connections to various identities of people. Moreover, as Shi Wei was an actress, reporters immediately started conducting investigations at the hotel the minute the video was exposed. The incident from last night had made headlines in various tabloids. Shi Wei received a call from her manager, Guan Jing, early in the morning. “Shi Wei, what happened last night? Who are the people in the video?” “What did you say?” Shi Wei turned as white as a sheet and her hands started trembling. “What video are you talking about?” “You don’t know? The shit hits the roof! Why didn’t you tell me about this last night?” Guan Jing growled as she tried to suppress her frustration. “It’s all over the internet now. Many people are even speculating that the woman in the video is you. There are also others who think that it’s your friend. Shi Wei, are you aware that this matter has blown up? The hotel is surrounded by paparazzi now. Hello? Shi Wei?” Shi Wei dropped down on the floor and was momentarily stunned. She snapped out of her shock after some time and got up. Immediately, she rang Anna, “Anna, Shi Wei here. Did you... “ “Shi Wei, what’s going on? Didn’t you say that the videos have already been deleted? Didn’t you promise that yesterday’s incident would not leak out? What’s happening now? Su Su is devastated! Do you know how hard I tried to console her last night? How could you do this! The paparazzi had already found out our location and are camping outside our hotel now. Shi Wei, you are too much!”


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