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Boss Your Wife’s Asking for A Divorce Again Chapter 807

Chapter 807 I Wish She Was Rina

“Or what?” Titus interrupted Sonia and asked, “Are you going to kill us?”

Sonia knitted her eyebrows with a smile. “Guess what? I’m not because that’s only going to make my hands dirty, but I could do something else to make you suffer from a fate like death, Titus.” Soon, she stepped forward and spoke with a glacially hushed voice. “I know you were the one who ordered Jessica and Sandra to poison my father, as well as the other dirty things that you did. So, once I gather all the evidence I need, your death sentence awaits!”

Upon hearing Sonia’s words, Titus was left with his eyes wide open, his face turning pale as he stared at the lady in horror like he was asking how she knew it without saying it.

As Sonia chuckled coldly and left the pastry shop without responding any further, Titus had his sinister eyes glued to the lady who was walking further away. A few years ago, he secretly bribed Sandra and her daughter to poison Henry without telling anyone, including those who were close to him. While he thought his dark secret would remain buried forever, Sonia’s threat came like a bolt from the blue.

Was it that dumb lady, Jessica, who told her? No, I don’t think so. If she told Sonia she was the one who poisoned Henry, Sonia would surely come after her, so I doubt she was dumb enough to do that. Someone else must have tipped Sonia off about that, but who?

Titus squinted with his wicked eyes, swearing that he would find and kill the snitch to leave no loose ends behind.

“What’s on your mind, Titus? You look scary!” Julia was frightened by Titus’ menacing expression.

However, Titus blinked and hid his menacing look before he returned to his calmer self, shaking his head in response. “Nothing.”

Sensing his reluctance to elaborate further, Julia decided not to press on and kept her head down in a disheartening manner. “Titus, do you think Sonia had a red mole on her wrist?”

“What do you mean?” Titus furrowed his eyebrows and gazed at his wife. “Do you really hope that Sonia is Rina?”

“No! No!” Julia immediately shook her head and waved her hand in denial. “Of course not! It’s just that Sonia and Rina both share way too many things in common. They were both adopted around the same time, which was the third day when Rina was taken away by Henry. Besides, Sonia also has your mother’s looks, and her red mole could be right where her scar is right now. With all these similarities, it’s very hard for me not to think that she is Rina. Most importantly, you saw what she ordered too. She loves blueberry cakes!” Julia then grabbed Titus by the collar and smiled, agitatedly saying, “She loves blueberry cakes, but not everyone loves that because Rina doesn’t like them even though I do. Honestly speaking, I’m pretty disappointed to find that my daughter didn’t inherit the same taste as I do, yet Sonia and I share the same taste, apart from her similarities with Rina. For that, I can’t help but have a strange feeling about it within me.” What Julia didn’t say was that she was actually secretly feeling happy about everything.

In the face of Julia’s smiling expression, Titus responded with a gloomy look. She is over the moon now that she is talking about Sonia, so does she really look like she doesn’t hope that Sonia is Rina? Titus then let out a sigh and patted Julia’s hand. “Alright, let’s not talk about her anymore because nothing you say is going to change the fact. Sonia is not Rina because Rina is back with us, so no matter how many similarities they share in common, they’re all just coincidences. I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with the thought that Sonia could be Rina because you apparently forgot that Rina has already returned to our side now. What you did wasn’t right because you broke Rina’s heart the last time, and if you do that again, Rina is not going to like you anymore.”

In response, Julia didn’t say a single word but was aware of her inappropriate action. For some reason, she couldn’t stop herself from caring about Sonia and thinking that she was Rina. In fact, it even seemed to her that Sonia looked more like Rina than Rina herself, sometimes. After all, Sonia had way too many things in common with Rina, like the time they were adopted, the taste that she shared with Julia, her striking resemblance with Titus’ mother, and the scar on her wrist. On the other hand, the ‘Rina’ who had returned to the Gray Family didn’t seem to possess any of the traits Julia observed from Sonia. Just like she mentioned earlier, she couldn’t seem to love Rina even though she had treated her well. Despite knowing that was wrong and had to be corrected, Julia was still disturbed by her struggle to show Rina her motherly love.

At the same time, Titus wasn’t sure whether his wife really listened to any of his words without getting an affirmative response from her. Thus, he rubbed his forehead and replied in a tired manner, “Alright, let’s forget about everything else. We’re here for the food, aren’t we? Since the blueberry cakes are all sold out, why don’t we get something else instead? We’re already here anyway, so let’s not go home empty-handed.”

“Alright.” Julia forced a brittle smile.

Meanwhile, Sonia returned to her car and entered it, whereupon she threw the blueberry cake onto the front passenger seat. Leaning in the driver’s seat, she closed her eyes and was able to feel the pressure that filled the interior of her car. At the same time, her mind was flooded with images of Julia’s tearful eyes when they met each other earlier. Recalling Julia’s unusual gaze, Sonia couldn’t help but wonder whether the former was being agitated or happy to see her, but at the same time, she was confused by that reaction because she didn’t know what Julia was up to. However, she was sure the reason Julia would ever react that way was because of the scar on her wrist.

As Sonia’s disturbing thoughts continued to haunt her, she suddenly opened her eyes and turned on the headlights. Then, she raised her hand and took a look at the new scar on her wrist, her eyes lighting up in puzzlement. Why is Mrs. Gray so concerned about the scar? She’s even changed her attitude toward me completely because of that. At the thought of that, her heartbeat intensified as she looked forward to an answer, but shortly after that, she immediately restrained herself from thinking about it any further. At the same time, she rubbed her cheeks so hard that her make-up was fading away until the pain prompted her to stop.

No! I mustn’t think about it anymore! I mustn’t! It’s only going to get scarier if I keep thinking about it, and I don’t think I can handle it. So, I must keep myself from thinking about it. Sonia bit her lip and forced herself to stop thinking about Julia, whom she reckoned had swayed her emotions way too much lately. Thus, she told herself that she should stop thinking about Julia before things turned ugly. I must stay calm! Stay calm! Clenching her fists, Sonia calmed herself down and tried to rid her mind of all the negative thoughts, but even after a few moments, she was still preoccupied despite her calm exterior. Even when she arrived at Bayside Residence, her confusion and fear still continued to bother her.

By the time Toby returned, it was almost 12 AM. Thinking Sonia was already in bed, he gently tiptoed into the house, as he didn’t want to startle and wake her up by accident. Nevertheless, when he turned on the lights in the living room after he changed his shoes, he was frightened by the sight of Sonia sitting on the couch with her head kept down, but even so, he immediately kept himself together and regained his composure. Then, he walked toward her with a pair of furrowed brows while speaking with an annoying voice that showed his concern despite his frustration. “It’s late. Why are you still up?”

However, Sonia didn’t respond at all, remaining still as if she didn’t hear anything at all. Thus, Toby quickly paused what he was doing and checked on the lady, only to realize she was caught up in a trance.

Boss Your Wife’s Asking for A Divorce Again Chapter 807

Boss Your Wife’s Asking for A Divorce Again Chapter 807

Chapter 807 I Wish She Was Rina "Or what?" Titus interrupted Sonia and asked, "Are you going to kill us?" Sonia knitted her eyebrows with a smile. "Guess what? I'm not because that's only going to make my hands dirty, but I could do something else to make you suffer from a fate like death, Titus." Soon, she stepped forward and spoke with a glacially hushed voice. "I know you were the one who ordered Jessica and Sandra to poison my father, as well as the other dirty things that you did. So, once I gather all the evidence I need, your death sentence awaits!" Upon hearing Sonia's words, Titus was left with his eyes wide open, his face turning pale as he stared at the lady in horror like he was asking how she knew it without saying it. As Sonia chuckled coldly and left the pastry shop without responding any further, Titus had his sinister eyes glued to the lady who was walking further away. A few years ago, he secretly bribed Sandra and her daughter to poison Henry without telling anyone, including those who were close to him. While he thought his dark secret would remain buried forever, Sonia's threat came like a bolt from the blue. Was it that dumb lady, Jessica, who told her? No, I don't think so. If she told Sonia she was the one who poisoned Henry, Sonia would surely come after her, so I doubt she was dumb enough to do that. Someone else must have tipped Sonia off about that, but who? Titus squinted with his wicked eyes, swearing that he would find and kill the snitch to leave no loose ends behind. "What's on your mind, Titus? You look scary!" Julia was frightened by Titus' menacing expression. However, Titus blinked and hid his menacing look before he returned to his calmer self, shaking his head in response. "Nothing." Sensing his reluctance to elaborate further, Julia decided not to press on and kept her head down in a disheartening manner. "Titus, do you think Sonia had a red mole on her wrist?" "What do you mean?" Titus furrowed his eyebrows and gazed at his wife. "Do you really hope that Sonia is Rina?" "No! No!" Julia immediately shook her head and waved her hand in denial. "Of course not! It's just that Sonia and Rina both share way too many things in common. They were both adopted around the same time, which was the third day when Rina was taken away by Henry. Besides, Sonia also has your mother's looks, and her red mole could be right where her scar is right now. With all these similarities, it's very hard for me not to think that she is Rina. Most importantly, you saw what she ordered too. She loves blueberry cakes!" Julia then grabbed Titus by the collar and smiled, agitatedly saying, "She loves blueberry cakes, but not everyone loves that because Rina doesn't like them even though I do. Honestly speaking, I'm pretty disappointed to find that my daughter didn't inherit the same taste as I do, yet Sonia and I share the same taste, apart from her similarities with Rina. For that, I can't help but have a strange feeling about it within me." What Julia didn't say was that she was actually secretly feeling happy about everything. In the face of Julia's smiling expression, Titus responded with a gloomy look. She is over the moon now that she is talking about Sonia, so does she really look like she doesn't hope that Sonia is Rina? Titus then let out a sigh and patted Julia's hand. "Alright, let's not talk about her anymore because nothing you say is going to change the fact. Sonia is not Rina because Rina is back with us, so no matter how many similarities they share in common, they're all just coincidences. I don't know why you're so obsessed with the thought that Sonia could be Rina because you apparently forgot that Rina has already returned to our side now. What you did wasn't right because you broke Rina's heart the last time, and if you do that again, Rina is not going to like you anymore." In response, Julia didn't say a single word but was aware of her inappropriate action. For some reason, she couldn't stop herself from caring about Sonia and thinking that she was Rina. In fact, it even seemed to her that Sonia looked more like Rina than Rina herself, sometimes. After all, Sonia had way too many things in common with Rina, like the time they were adopted, the taste that she shared with Julia, her striking resemblance with Titus' mother, and the scar on her wrist. On the other hand, the 'Rina' who had returned to the Gray Family didn't seem to possess any of the traits Julia observed from Sonia. Just like she mentioned earlier, she couldn't seem to love Rina even though she had treated her well. Despite knowing that was wrong and had to be corrected, Julia was still disturbed by her struggle to show Rina her motherly love. At the same time, Titus wasn't sure whether his wife really listened to any of his words without getting an affirmative response from her. Thus, he rubbed his forehead and replied in a tired manner, "Alright, let's forget about everything else. We're here for the food, aren't we? Since the blueberry cakes are all sold out, why don't we get something else instead? We're already here anyway, so let's not go home empty-handed." "Alright." Julia forced a brittle smile. Meanwhile, Sonia returned to her car and entered it, whereupon she threw the blueberry cake onto the front passenger seat. Leaning in the driver's seat, she closed her eyes and was able to feel the pressure that filled the interior of her car. At the same time, her mind was flooded with images of Julia's tearful eyes when they met each other earlier. Recalling Julia's unusual gaze, Sonia couldn't help but wonder whether the former was being agitated or happy to see her, but at the same time, she was confused by that reaction because she didn't know what Julia was up to. However, she was sure the reason Julia would ever react that way was because of the scar on her wrist. As Sonia's disturbing thoughts continued to haunt her, she suddenly opened her eyes and turned on the headlights. Then, she raised her hand and took a look at the new scar on her wrist, her eyes lighting up in puzzlement. Why is Mrs. Gray so concerned about the scar? She's even changed her attitude toward me completely because of that. At the thought of that, her heartbeat intensified as she looked forward to an answer, but shortly after that, she immediately restrained herself from thinking about it any further. At the same time, she rubbed her cheeks so hard that her make-up was fading away until the pain prompted her to stop. No! I mustn't think about it anymore! I mustn't! It's only going to get scarier if I keep thinking about it, and I don't think I can handle it. So, I must keep myself from thinking about it. Sonia bit her lip and forced herself to stop thinking about Julia, whom she reckoned had swayed her emotions way too much lately. Thus, she told herself that she should stop thinking about Julia before things turned ugly. I must stay calm! Stay calm! Clenching her fists, Sonia calmed herself down and tried to rid her mind of all the negative thoughts, but even after a few moments, she was still preoccupied despite her calm exterior. Even when she arrived at Bayside Residence, her confusion and fear still continued to bother her. By the time Toby returned, it was almost 12 AM. Thinking Sonia was already in bed, he gently tiptoed into the house, as he didn't want to startle and wake her up by accident. Nevertheless, when he turned on the lights in the living room after he changed his shoes, he was frightened by the sight of Sonia sitting on the couch with her head kept down, but even so, he immediately kept himself together and regained his composure. Then, he walked toward her with a pair of furrowed brows while speaking with an annoying voice that showed his concern despite his frustration. "It's late. Why are you still up?" However, Sonia didn't respond at all, remaining still as if she didn't hear anything at all. Thus, Toby quickly paused what he was doing and checked on the lady, only to realize she was caught up in a trance.


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