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Blind Date Turned Proposal Chapter 578

Chapter 578 Will You Be My Girlfriend?

She froze. “You-”

Morgan didn’t give her any chance to reject him. “Let me have a look.”

It was common knowledge that Morgan was a proud character. Many wouldn’t let the opportunity to be taught by him pass.

Josie frowned, but her question was unrelated to the topic. “You know how to speak in our local accent?”

Morgan laughed. “My mom is from Wavery herself. I think I have a pretty good grasp of it.”

That’s true. He sounds natural, just like a native.

Josie glared at him, a flush coloring her puffed cheeks. “You lied to me.”

“Oooh, someone remembered me. What an honor,” he teased.

She didn’t reply to him after that.

When they arrived at the destination, her palms were sweaty, as though she had just been through an ordeal.

Morgan’s leg was already healed. He was just wearing a plain white tee that day. As he yawned and stretched, sunlight glistened on his black hair. Even from afar, he looked mesmerizing.

Josie gathered her courage and glared at him in annoyance.

Unfortunately, he turned around and met with her fierce glare. Both of them froze.

Even if the earth somehow formed a huge crevice, she would be too embarrassed to jump into i

Just like that, she spent a week with him, not knowing how they ended up spending so much ti together.

They were at Willowbrook Valley, an underdeveloped region living in poverty. They were helping an elementary school located halfway through the valley. The kids there would have to walk several miles in the dark just to go to a school that was severely lacking in resources. The cement of the walls had fallen off over the years, making it look like a dilapidated building.

However, when Morgan was teaching the eager students in the small classroom, he seemed to shine brightly in Josie’s eyes.

He had been around the world with his cousin and was quite knowledgeable. His stories enthralled the students.

His usual flamboyance had disappeared from his gentle voice when he was focused on teaching. He seemed like a different person to her.

Still, the habits of being a sheltered, rich kid remained he was not used to the food there. Fortunately, Josie thought of different recipes to improve it, putting a lot more effort into Morgan’s meal compared to

the rest.

After ruminating for a long time, she finally asked, “Do you think they will look at our suggestions in the report?”

Morgan lowered his head to look at her. Through the leaves, glimmers of sunlight fell on her face. He could even see the tiny fuzz on her face if he moved closer.

His heart skipped a beat, but he kept a composed demeanor.

“Go ahead and write it. I’ll help you with the rest.”

“For real?”


The sun slowly disappeared on the horizon, leaving shades of golden and pink in the blue sky. It was beautiful.

Looking at Morgan in plain clothes, Josie’s thoughts wandered away.

After they went back to the university, Morgan carried out his promise this was the first time he treated. something so seriously. They wrote their suggestions in a report and started a charity donation that received great feedback.

It was not easy arranging all that, and to Morgan, it was not worth putting in the effort and time. Still, he did everything perfectly.

__”Josie, I’m not a patient person; I’m quick-tempered, and I admit I’m pretty awful. There probably won’t be a lot of change in me. Even so, would you agree to be my girlfriend?” At a party celebrating their success, he whispered the question in her ears as he hugged her tightly.

Blind Date Turned Proposal Novel

Blind Date Turned Proposal Novel

That Day When I Got Married to My Boss at the Blind Date
Score 9.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English

Read Blind Date Turned Proposal (josie and dexter) Novel Read Online Free

On the day of the blind date, the man turned out to be fat, short, and greasy! What could she do but run? Josie Warren was about to escape when the man at the next table stopped her. Why was this man so familiar? He… he was her immediate superior, Dexter Russell, a rich tycoon worth millions! What he said next surprised her immensely. “Josie, what about marrying me?” Marriage? Had Dexter been crushing on her for years? Did he set up this blind date to accidentally bump into her? Only highly skilled hunters would appear like prey. So why not! He had the looks and the money, after all. Josie acted on it instead of thinking about it. “Sure! Let’s get married! I will do as you wish and marry into the world of the rich and powerful!”

Read Blind Date Turned Proposal Summary

“Blind Date Turned Proposal {josie and dexter}” is a captivating novel that tells the extraordinary love story of Dexter Russell, a charismatic billionaire, and Josie, a young woman seeking love and independence. Fate brings them together on a blind date that sets off a chain of events leading to an unexpected proposal. Dexter Russell, a self-made billionaire, is known for his sharp business acumen and charming personality. However, his success has left him feeling lonely and longing for a genuine connection. Meanwhile, Josie is a talented artist struggling to make ends meet and searching for her place in the world. Fate intervenes when Josie’s best friend, Sarah, convinces her to go on a blind date organized by a prestigious matchmaking agency.
The blind date takes place at a lavish restaurant in the heart of the city. Dexter and Josie are initially unsure about the blind date setup but soon find themselves engaged in a deep and engaging conversation. As the evening progresses, they discover a shared passion for art, literature, and philanthropy, igniting an undeniable spark between them. Over the next few months, Dexter and Josie grow closer, embarking on numerous adventures together. Dexter introduces Josie to his opulent world, showering her with extravagant gifts and luxurious experiences. Despite the glamour, Josie remains grounded and true to herself, capturing Dexter’s heart with her genuine and caring nature. As their love deepens, Josie’s artistic talent begins to flourish. Inspired by their shared experiences, she creates a remarkable series of paintings that captivate the art world. Her work catches the attention of renowned collectors, galleries, and museums, catapulting her into the spotlight.


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