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Blind Date Turned Proposal Chapter 550

Chapter 550 Leave as Soon as Possible

Josie stood by the entrance, pouring a cup of water for the police officers. The police officers didn’t hold anything against her after she explained what happened. “Your husband looked furious. He must bully you often, they commented.

However, she kept it to herself and explained, “It’s my fault. I came out without telling him.” “Is he that strict with you?”

“That’s how he’s always been.” “Seeing how you and your husband act around each other, I’m sure your relationship won’t last. Listen to my advice and get away from him as soon as possible. Josie chuckled softly, “Thanks, buddy.”

Despite her wishes, Dexter wouldn’t let her go.

The police officers had already left when Dexter exited the station. Andy went outside to make a call. Dexter leaned against the wall, a cigarette dangling from his mouth. He lit it up but didn’t take a puff. “They look quite young. I’m sure they’re just at the beginning of their careers. Shall I turn their world. upside down?”

The smoke he breathed out wafted between them. “All I need is for you to come with me. It’s a simple and straightforward request. However, if you’re unwilling to do so, I guess I’ll have no choice but to make them pay. Their lives would be ruined because of your little rebellion. Would you be able to sleep soundly knowing what you’ve done to them?”

“You know me better than anyone.”

“Josie, you’re playing with fire. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Dexter’s voice was assertive. As he spoke, Josie’s knuckles turned white from the pressure of her grip. Dexter was a master manipulator, and he knew exactly how to push Josie’s buttons.

Josie’s eyes were like two chips of blue ice, cold and unyielding. “I have a condition.”

Dexter’s eyebrow shot up in amusement.

“You have to inform me about Laura’s situation.”

Dexter’s lips expanded into a wide grin. “Sure.”

When they left the station, the police officers who had arrested them were still there, shining a flashlight. into the car. Dexter’s eyes narrowed to slits as he growled, “What do you want? Are you thinking of hitting me again?”

“How could I?” The officer laughed nervously. “I didn’t recognize you before. But I wouldn’t have mistaken. you for a human trafficker if I had known you were the person who is currently trending on real-time


Josie quickly glanced over. In that brief moment, her eyes widened in shock at the pictures posted online. They were from Summer’s birthday party,

The photo was taken from a misleading angle. It showed Dexter carrying Josie away, his broad back making her look small in his arms. She had turned to look back in fear, and the photo caught her looking directly into the camera.

Her eyes were wide with fear, and tears welled up in them, threatening to spill over.

Dexter’s face was a blank slate, unreadable and impenetrable.

The comment section was a hive of activity, with people buzzing about the latest news.

“Dexter had finally confirmed the identity of Mrs. Russell!”

“So this is Mrs. Russell. Despite her ordinary appearance, her presence is truly unique.”

“This must be another Cinderella story.”

Josie’s lips twitched. She felt the urge to disappear into thin air.

This revelation meant that she was trapped. Everyone now knew that she was Dexter’s wife.

Dexter was pleased to see her reaction. “Let the PR department keep this on the trends for a few more days,” he said, his lips curling into a smile.

“Dexter!” Josie yelled; she couldn’t stand it anymore. It was all his fault. Andy informed Josie as they reached the top floor of the hotel that Dexter had booked the place for half a year with the intention of staying there long-term.

The dressing on Dexter’s back wound, which had been applied at the police station, was inadequate, as evidenced by the blood that had seeped through it onto his shirt.

Larry urgently called for the doctor to examine his injury. He was severely hurt and would need a few days of rest to recover.

Blind Date Turned Proposal Novel

Blind Date Turned Proposal Novel

That Day When I Got Married to My Boss at the Blind Date
Score 9.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English

Read Blind Date Turned Proposal (josie and dexter) Novel Read Online Free

On the day of the blind date, the man turned out to be fat, short, and greasy! What could she do but run? Josie Warren was about to escape when the man at the next table stopped her. Why was this man so familiar? He… he was her immediate superior, Dexter Russell, a rich tycoon worth millions! What he said next surprised her immensely. “Josie, what about marrying me?” Marriage? Had Dexter been crushing on her for years? Did he set up this blind date to accidentally bump into her? Only highly skilled hunters would appear like prey. So why not! He had the looks and the money, after all. Josie acted on it instead of thinking about it. “Sure! Let’s get married! I will do as you wish and marry into the world of the rich and powerful!”

Read Blind Date Turned Proposal Summary

“Blind Date Turned Proposal {josie and dexter}” is a captivating novel that tells the extraordinary love story of Dexter Russell, a charismatic billionaire, and Josie, a young woman seeking love and independence. Fate brings them together on a blind date that sets off a chain of events leading to an unexpected proposal. Dexter Russell, a self-made billionaire, is known for his sharp business acumen and charming personality. However, his success has left him feeling lonely and longing for a genuine connection. Meanwhile, Josie is a talented artist struggling to make ends meet and searching for her place in the world. Fate intervenes when Josie’s best friend, Sarah, convinces her to go on a blind date organized by a prestigious matchmaking agency.
The blind date takes place at a lavish restaurant in the heart of the city. Dexter and Josie are initially unsure about the blind date setup but soon find themselves engaged in a deep and engaging conversation. As the evening progresses, they discover a shared passion for art, literature, and philanthropy, igniting an undeniable spark between them. Over the next few months, Dexter and Josie grow closer, embarking on numerous adventures together. Dexter introduces Josie to his opulent world, showering her with extravagant gifts and luxurious experiences. Despite the glamour, Josie remains grounded and true to herself, capturing Dexter’s heart with her genuine and caring nature. As their love deepens, Josie’s artistic talent begins to flourish. Inspired by their shared experiences, she creates a remarkable series of paintings that captivate the art world. Her work catches the attention of renowned collectors, galleries, and museums, catapulting her into the spotlight.


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