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Blind Date Turned Proposal Chapter 482

Chapter 482 Keys to Emerald Villa

“You!” Summer was livid because no one understood this point better than she did.

“Not only do I act like Liana, I even look like her. Tell me, is Dexter really treating me as her?” Josie had long gotten over it, which was why she could poke fun at herself with no qualms. She saw Summer enraged, just as she wanted,

Summer’s chest heaved and differed from her usual calm, ladylike demeanor. She stepped back because Josie had come out of the hot spring. Josie took a towel from the side and put it around herself. Her wet hair fell on her shoulders, and water rolled into her towel.

“You’re too self-righteous. Dexter will never love you. He only loves Liana’s replacement!” Summer sneered. She couldn’t accept it. “Furthermore, do you think he really loves you? If he does, why am I still around?”

As she spoke, she took out a set of keys. Two words were engraved on them. ‘Emerald Villa.

Josie furrowed her brows. She didn’t expect this.

“Why do you have these keys?”

Summer smiled in satisfaction when she saw Josie surprised. “You’re not the only one who has gone to Emerald Villa. Back when I was in the country, Dex deliberately prepared the place for me so I could prepare for my exams. You’re just a parasite!”

Dexter had never talked about it, so Josie didn’t know if it was true or false. She only knew that the keys in Summer’s hands were real.

Josie loved that place. She could smell the salty sea breeze. It was quiet and comfortable. Did that place belong to Summer?

“Vaste and Russell Group worked together. Dex wanted me to come and go comfortably, so he deliberately arranged for me to stay in Emerald Villa.” Summer smiled. “By the way, the peach tree is growing well. Have you seen it?”

It was hard for Josie not to suspect anything when Summer spoke fondly of it.

She even knows what’s planted in the backyard. Josie’s throat closed up.

Summer felt that she had touched Josie’s sore spot, and she continued. “Some things were born to be mine. No one can take it from me!”

Josie was silent for a moment, and Summer continued attacking her. “Why aren’t you saying anything? It seems like the preference you’ve received as Mrs. Russell isn’t such a big deal anymore.”

“Not a big deal?” Josie smiled when she heard it. “There are many unopened clothes in Mason Garden’s wardrobe. I bought them when I argued with him. I kept buying, and he kept increasing the credit limit. He had never felt upset over how much I spent. You say that this is nothing because he’s wealthy?”

“You came into our room and naturally knew where my things were. You don’t know that Dexter personally arranged them, do you? I didn’t even know where my things were, but if I asked him, he could quickly locate them and give them to me.”

Josie smiled. “There was news of an official being disgraced recently. Did you see it? He had malicious intentions and almost tarnished my reputation. Dexter came in the nick of time. He was furious and

pulled the man down from his high position. I saw his retribution in a few short days.”

“You’re also in this circle, Ms. Olsen. You naturally know how much weight that holds.”

Summer’s crimson lips trembled slightly. Not only did she know, but she was also a part of it.

“After what happened with Ivy, a nasty knife scar was left on my abdomen. Dexter personally drew a thistle tattoo so I won’t be upset. He said it was to trap me by his side.”

“Do you want to take a look?”

Summer took a deep breath. “You’re shameless!”

Tm shameless indeed. I’ve always been shameless with you, haven’t I?”

Blind Date Turned Proposal Novel

Blind Date Turned Proposal Novel

That Day When I Got Married to My Boss at the Blind Date
Score 9.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English

Read Blind Date Turned Proposal (josie and dexter) Novel Read Online Free

On the day of the blind date, the man turned out to be fat, short, and greasy! What could she do but run? Josie Warren was about to escape when the man at the next table stopped her. Why was this man so familiar? He… he was her immediate superior, Dexter Russell, a rich tycoon worth millions! What he said next surprised her immensely. “Josie, what about marrying me?” Marriage? Had Dexter been crushing on her for years? Did he set up this blind date to accidentally bump into her? Only highly skilled hunters would appear like prey. So why not! He had the looks and the money, after all. Josie acted on it instead of thinking about it. “Sure! Let’s get married! I will do as you wish and marry into the world of the rich and powerful!”

Read Blind Date Turned Proposal Summary

“Blind Date Turned Proposal {josie and dexter}” is a captivating novel that tells the extraordinary love story of Dexter Russell, a charismatic billionaire, and Josie, a young woman seeking love and independence. Fate brings them together on a blind date that sets off a chain of events leading to an unexpected proposal. Dexter Russell, a self-made billionaire, is known for his sharp business acumen and charming personality. However, his success has left him feeling lonely and longing for a genuine connection. Meanwhile, Josie is a talented artist struggling to make ends meet and searching for her place in the world. Fate intervenes when Josie’s best friend, Sarah, convinces her to go on a blind date organized by a prestigious matchmaking agency.
The blind date takes place at a lavish restaurant in the heart of the city. Dexter and Josie are initially unsure about the blind date setup but soon find themselves engaged in a deep and engaging conversation. As the evening progresses, they discover a shared passion for art, literature, and philanthropy, igniting an undeniable spark between them. Over the next few months, Dexter and Josie grow closer, embarking on numerous adventures together. Dexter introduces Josie to his opulent world, showering her with extravagant gifts and luxurious experiences. Despite the glamour, Josie remains grounded and true to herself, capturing Dexter’s heart with her genuine and caring nature. As their love deepens, Josie’s artistic talent begins to flourish. Inspired by their shared experiences, she creates a remarkable series of paintings that captivate the art world. Her work catches the attention of renowned collectors, galleries, and museums, catapulting her into the spotlight.


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