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An Understated Dominance Chapter 68 by Marina Vittori

“Are you kidding me? Five million dollars for Deluxe VIP?” Astonishment was written all over James‘ face.

“Exactly! This is daylight robbery!” Florence flew into a rage to cover up her embarrassment. She was lucky she drew her card back in time, or she would have maxed out on her card.

“These are rules set by our proprietor. If that’s too much for you, you can opt for the regular VIP.”

“And— how much would the regular VIP cost?” Florence probed.

“A deposit of one million dollars will make you a regular VIP.” the waiter informed them.

“One million? That’s not much better!” Florence frowned. “We’re just here for a meal. It won’t cost so much. Can’t you just let us in? I’ll make sure you get handsomely tipped!” Had she known that Hillview Restaurant charged such exorbitant prices, she would never have chosen to go there in the first place!

“I’m sorry, but we only serve VIPs.” The waiter put on a professional smile.

“Hey! Why are you so inflexible? Get me your manager! I’ll talk to him personally!” Florence could no longer hold in her temper.

“I’m sorry, but our manager is currently serving three other distinguished guests. I’m afraid he doesn’t have the time.” The waiter’s smile was slowly fading away.

“You!” Florence was exasperated. “Mom, forget it. Why don’t we just go somewhere else?” James prompted. As lovely as Hillview Restaurant was, it was way too pricey.

“We’re already here! We’ll make a joke of ourselves if we leave now!” Florence glared at him. “Allow me, Mrs. Nicholson.”

Matt smiled as he stepped forward, gracefully producing a gold card and handing it to the waiter. “I am a Gold

VIP, so I get 20% off on all my spending here.”

“Gold VIP?” That gave Florence quite a shock. “How much did that cost you?”

“Not too much, just ten million dollars.” Matt smiled.

“Ten million?” Florence and James‘ eyes widened. Was he joking? Ten million dollars, not too much? They had thought that

they were pretty well off, but it seemed like they were nothing compared to Matt!

“Please step inside, honored guests!” In a flash, the waiter’s attitude changed and became exceedingly

welcoming after verifying that the card was valid.

“Shall we?” Matt gestured courteously for them to go first.

“Hmph! Bootlicker! My friend Matt here is a Gold VIP! See that?” James strutted in pompously after giving the

waiter a dirty look.

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Chapter 68

Feeling very pleased, Florence sashayed in with her chest puffed up and head held high.

Just then, Dustin emerged from one of the private rooms. He had been on his way to the men’s room when he bumped into them.

“Rhys? What are you doing here?” James scowled at the sight of him. He was still very much hung up on being slapped a while back.

“If you can be here, then so can I,” Dustin answered coldly.

“Hah! What makes you think we’re on the same level? We are Gold VIPs here,” James declared snobbishly.

“That’s right! This place is exclusively for VIPS, requiring a deposit of one million dollars for even the most basic VIP. Can you afford that?” Florence remarked condescendingly.

“Indeed, I do not have a million dollars,” Dustin admitted. It was true that he did not have much. But it would

not be hard for him to get the money.

“Then what are you doing here if you do not have the money? Get out! Do not lower the standards here!” James * expression was one of contempt.

“Exactly! Go look at yourself in the mirror! Who are you to appear in such a posh restaurant?” Florence


“Oi! You there! Come here and get this guy out! He’s ruining our appetite!” James waved a waiter over to kick Dustin out of the restaurant.

“I’m sorry, he is one of our guests too.” The waiter smiled apologetically.

“So what? We are Gold VIPs! Is he more distinguished than us? I am telling you to get rid of this person! This is an order!” James barked.

“Um…” The waiter looked uneasy.

“What? Are you going to disregard a Gold VIP? With such service, you better watch out. I have quite a mind to lodge a complaint against you!” Florence threatened.

“My apologies, but we do not have such rules here.” The waiter had his hands tied.

“Hmph! If you can’t make the call, get your manager here!”

“That’s right! Get the manager here! I’d like to see if he prioritizes this miserable man over his Gold VIPs!” Florence and James pressed unforgivingly. They were making a big show out of having a Gold VIP card. Even the other diners were throwing them dirty looks.

Under their persistent demands, the waiter dared not say more and rushed off to get the manager.

“Mom, what are the both of you doing?” Dahlia called out as she arrived. She was surprised to see Dustin. Why are you here?”

“I’m here for a meal, of course. Why else?” Dustin shrugged.

“This is quite a pricey place for a meal,” Dahlia reminded him.

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“Oh, so you think I can’t afford to have a meal here too?” Dustin raised a brow.

“I didn’t mean that…”

Just as Dahlia was about to explain herself, the waiter rushed back with the manager.

“I’m the manager here. Is anything the matter?”

“So you’re the manager? Great! There’s a man who sneaked in. I’m ordering you to get him out of here immediately!” James was swollen with arrogance.

“Sir, you must be mistaken. We have very strict security here. No one is able to sneak in,” the manager explained.

“And I’m telling you, there is! I’m warning you, we are Gold VIPs! If you do not want trouble, you best do as I “say!”

“That’s right! He’s affecting me and seriously ruining my appetite. I don’t care what you say, just get him out of here!”

Florence and James were throwing their weight around, not bothering to play nice. 1

“Could you please let me know who you are referring to?” the manager inquired.

“It’s him!” James pointed at Dustin.

The manager’s expression clouded over when he saw that. “Excuse me, sir, please do not try to play the fool!”

“What? You’re defying me? We are Gold VIPs!” James glowered. He sounded like a broken tape recorder.

The manager simply scoffed at that. “It doesn’t matter if you’re a Gold VIP. Even if you were the President of Stonia himself, it wouldn’t matter. Because this man here is the owner of Hillview Restaurant!”

The whole room fell into a breathless silence.

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2820

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2820

Gregory calmed himself and asked, "Mr. Chance, let's not talk about him. How was your evaluation?" "I passed the evaluation," replied Jared. "Which level are you? Is it Third Level Top Tier?" asked Gregory. "Fifth Level Top Tier, actually," said Jared with a laugh. "Fifth Level Top Tier?" Gregory was stunned to hear that. He's at the same alchemist level as I am! Everyone knows how powerful Jared is, but I didn't expect his alchemy skill to be equally strong. He's truly omnipotent! "Mr. Stark, what is your verdict regarding the poison in my friend's body?" Jared inquired. Gregory regained his senses and said guiltily, "After a thorough examination, we still could not find a cure. I'm so sorry about that..." "It's all right, Mr. Stark. There's no need to blame yourself. This poison is indeed very unique. I will take my time to find a solution!" In truth, Jared was also very disappointed when he heard that Gregory could not do anything about the poison. "Mr. Chance, we might not be able to cure your friend, but I know of someone who definitely can." "Who's that?" asked Jared hurriedly. "The count of Jipsdale, who is also an advanced alchemist, will surely be able to help your friend," answered Gregory. Jared perked up when he heard that. "Mr. Stark, can we trouble you to bring us to meet the count of Jipsdale?" However, Gregory let out a bitter laugh. "Mr. Chance, you don't know this, but not everyone can meet the count of Jipsdale. Even I have never met them. I don't even have any idea if the count is a man or a woman! Basically, not many people have met the count of Jipsdale because Mr. Sparrow is the one who manages the county." Jared frowned when he heard that. "Is there nothing we can do about it? How can we meet the count?" "Mr. Chance, the count of Jipsdale promised to give a special prize to the winner in this year's Alchemist Fair. If you can win the competition, you will get a chance to meet the count. Then, there may be help for your friend," explained Gregory. Jared nodded. No matter what, he had to be the winner at this year's Alchemist Fair! Gregory then introduced Jared to a few of his seniors. The elders of Solaris Sect were also very impressed with Jared's ability to attain Fifth Level Top Tier in the alchemist evaluation despite his young age. After a brief chat, Jared stood up and planned to leave with Yuven. However, Pearl returned at that time. "Brat, why won't you obey me? Didn't I tell you before not to have anything to do with Roderick?" The moment Gregory saw Pearl, he started lecturing her. Pearl bowed her head and kept quiet. She even appeared aggrieved. "Mr. Stark, Ms. Pearl is still young. Once she gets a little older, things may get better," advised Jared. "Pearl, your master is doing this for your own good. Roderick isn't a good man," one of the elders chimed in. "Master, I know my mistake. I won't do it again. Let me make some coffee for all of you. Please don't be angry." With that, Pearl went to make coffee. When Gregory saw her meek demeanor, he understood there was no point in remaining angry. Letting out a sigh, he sat back down in his seat. After taking in the way Pearl was walking, Jared knew she was not a little girl anymore. Then again, it had nothing to do with him.


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