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An Understated Dominance Chapter 2106 by Marina Vittori

Jasper, the once-mighty general of Glorian, met his demise through a fatal encounter with the Blood Devil Willem, all because of his overbearing arrogance.

This tragic incident overshadowed what had begun as the gathering organized by the Hall of Gods.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, everyone. I’ll go and freshen up a bit.” Willem’s lips curled into a satisfied smirk after draining Jasper off his last breath.

He nodded to the assembled group before making his way to the restroom.

“Mr. Alessandro, could you find someone to clean up this mess?” Bailey glanced at Anthony.

“Sure,” Anthony agreed with a nod. A team of Kimboku warriors was assembled to commence the cleanup. They swiftly buried the bodies and scrubbed away the bloodstains, ensuring everything was neat and orderly.

Everyone present was a seasoned veteran and was accustomed to facing adversity. Thus, such a minor incident failed to elicit any surprise.

As the Kimboku warriors diligently worked to clear the area, Anthony led the group back to the living room.

Upon their return, Willem had changed into another set of fresh clothes. He reclaimed his seat with an air of satisfaction following a hearty meal.

“Everyone, I’ve gathered you here on behalf of the Hall of Gods to propose the formation of a Crusaders Alliance,” Bailey announced once everyone had settled in their seats.

He added, “Our target is Dragonmarsh. Over the years, each of us has felt the looming threat posed by this nation. If left unchecked, it could jeopardize the safety of our own lands.

“Hence, we cannot afford to remain passive. We must take action. And now, the time has come to seize the moment.

Bailey paused to gauge everyone’s reaction and continued, “Our Crusaders Alliance has two primary objectives.

“Firstly, to defeat Dragonmarsh’s emerging talents and emerge victorious in their Combat Tournament, thereby showcasing the prowess of our martial artists and weakening their nation. Secondly, we aim to seize Dragonmarsh’s treasure.”


The word sparked everyone’s interest.

While it was important to keep Dragonmarsh in check, getting everyone to work together wasn’t always easy without some personal incentive. But the mention of treasure changed the game.

With the prospect of valuable loot, people might be more willing to take risks, even putting their lives on the line.

“Mr. Bailey, what exactly do you mean by treasure?” Anthony asked.

Bailey’s expression turned serious as he replied, “I’ve got some reliable intel that a hidden treasure trove is tucked away in the forbidden area behind Sacred Wyrm Summit.

“Lately, things have been getting pretty peculiar up there-nine lightning bolts in a row, then bam, the mountain cracks open, unveiling some mysterious loot.

“Despite Sacred Wrym Summit’s efforts to keep it under wraps and increase security, our spies managed to snag some useful clues.

“Now, if our Crusaders Alliance gets hold of this treasure, we’ll not only put a dent in Dragonmarsh’s dominance but also gear ourselves up for some serious strength boost!”

Everyone was stunned by the revelation.

“Heh… this sounds intriguing.” Willem chuckled. “There must be plenty of precious jewels hidden in Dragonmarsh’s treasure. I’m quite interested in those pretty things.”

“Now that we’ve found the treasure, we must snatch it away from Dragonmarsh. We can’t let those Dragonmarsh folks get away with it scot-free!” Vantian clenched his fist.

“I agree.” Batuul nodded. “Alabastria needs this treasure. No matter the cost, we’re getting our hands on it!”

“Sacred Wrym Summit has many formidable elites, especially the Ancient Sage Arion,” Anthony remarked thoughtfully. “He’s a legendary figure. Trying to snatch the treasure under their noses won’t be easy.”

He pondered further, “Arion has long held the title of Dragonmarsh’s top elite. Even our strongest Sword Sage, Luca from Kimboku, isn’t a match for him. Trying to seize the treasure in the presence of such a heavyweight will undoubtedly be very challenging.”

Bailey’s calm voice filled the room. “If this task were easy, I wouldn’t have called upon all of you. Each of you is among the best in the world. I have full faith in your abilities. Together, with our cooperation, success is inevitable.”

Anthony nodded, showing his support. “Mr. Bailey, whatever plans you have, we’re with you. Our family stands ready to follow your lead.”

The others echoed their agreement.

They knew the extent of Grizz Lord Bailey’s influence, especially since his ascension to God King in the Hall of Gods. His authority was absolute, and they respected it without question.

“Alright, everyone. Since you trust me, I’ll be honest with you.” Bailey spoke in a subdued tone, conveying his message with seriousness.

He continued, “The Combat Tournament at Sacred Wrym Summit kicks off in three days. For now, just lay low. When our champion clinches the victory, that’s our cue. Then, I’ll lay out the details for our next steps.”

Winning the tournament meant more than just glory. It was the alliance’s ticket to infiltrate the inner sanctum of Sacred Wrym Summit and uncover the secrets of the Ancient Sage’s treasures. This would streamline their coordination efforts and enhance the precision of their plan execution.

“Mr. Bailey, what happens if we don’t win?” Anthony asked tentatively.

“The team I’ve assembled consists of top talents from various nations. They’re as skilled as Dragonmarsh’s best martial artists. If we stick to my plan, our chances of winning are high,” Bailey replied confidently.

His tone shifted suddenly. “However, even if we fail to secure the championship, it won’t derail our entire plan. The treasure hunt will continue. We might just need a different approach.”

“What approach would that be?” Anthony inquired.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Alessandro. To ensure the smooth execution of the plan, I can’t reveal that yet,” Bailey replied, shaking his head.

Some things were better kept under wraps, not because he didn’t trust Anthony, but to avoid potential leaks.

“I understand.” Anthony nodded.

“Now, all you need to do is gather your strength and await my command. When the time comes, we’ll launch a full-scale attack on Dragonmarsh!” Bailey declared, rising from his seat and raising his glass.

“Cheers! Here’s to a successful cooperation within our Crusaders Alliance!” he exclaimed.

Everyone stood up and clinked their glasses together before drinking. The Sacred Wyrm Summit faced a looming crisis as five nations joined forces to form an alliance.

An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: English
An Understated Dominance is a Urban/Realistic novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years.
“An Understated Dominance” delves into themes of ambition, power, and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships …
Marina Vittori is the author of An Understated Dominance Novel. This novel is in Urban/Realistic genre, has been read by many people, and has a pretty good …

Summary An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him.

Chapter 1 “Dustin, here is the divorce agreement prepared by Ms. Nicholson. All you need to do is sign them.” In the president’s office of the Quine Group, the secretary, Lyra Blaine, placed a piece of A4 paper on the table. A man sat opposite her, dressed in plain clothing. “Divorce? What do you mean?” Dustin Rhys was taken aback. “Do you not understand what I’m saying? Your marriage with Ms. Nicholson is over. You’re not even on the same level anymore. Your existence is nothing but a smear on the president’s reputation!” Lyra pulled no punches as she spoke. “A smear on her reputation?” Dustin frowned. “Is that how she thinks of me?” Back when they first got married, the Nicholson family was in ruinous debt. He was the one who helped them when they were at their lowest point. Now that they were rich, Dahlia Nicholson was ready to just kick him out. “Something like that.” Lyra jerked her chin toward the magazine on the table. A photo of a beautiful woman was printed on the front page. “Look at the headline on this magazine, Dustin. Ms. Nicholson’s net worth has hit one billion in the course of just three years, a feat no short of a miracle. She’s now the most desired woman in Swinton! With all this, she’s destined for greatness. But you, you’re just a regular joe. You don’t deserve her at all. I hope that you’ll see some sense and do the right thing.” When Dustin remained silent, Lyra frowned. “I know you’re not happy with this, but this is reality,” she continued. “You might have helped Ms. Nicholson when she was in trouble, but she has repaid you for everything you’ve done for her over the last three years. In fact, you’re the one who owes her now!” “Is our marriage just a business deal to her, then?” Dustin took a deep breath to suppress the emotions within. “If she wants to divorce me, let her speak to me herself.” “Ms. Nicholson is very busy. She doesn’t need to trouble herself with such trifling matters.” “Trifling matters?” Dustin was stunned. Then he laughed bitterly. “Is that so? Is divorce a trifling matter to her? She can’t even find the time to speak to me. Truly, she’s that unattainable now!” “Dustin, don’t delay this any longer.” Lyra pushed the divorce agreement toward him again. “Just sign here and you’ll get a car and a house as compensation. On top of that, you’ll also get eight million dollars. This is more than what you’ll be able to earn in your lifetime!” “Eight million dollars is a lot, but…I don’t need it. I will sign the divorce papers if she comes personally. Otherwise, I won’t sign anything,” Duston said coldly. “Don’t go too far, Dustin!” Lyra slammed her hand on the table. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. With all her power and resources, Ms. Nicholson can divorce you easily. It’s only because she appreciates her past relationship with you that she’s allowing you to keep your dignity intact. Don’t provoke her!” “My dignity?” Dustin was a little amused by that. She didn’t even want to speak to him directly to divorce him. What kind of dignity was that? Moreover, if she really did appreciate their relationship, then why was she threatening him now?


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