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An Understated Dominance Chapter 1850 by Marina Vittori

“You rascal, you’ve been back for a while but never showed yourself. How could I have drawn you out if not through some clever means?” Rufus grumbled.

“Alright, enough of the small talk. We’ll settle the matter of your fake death later. Let’s first address the current issue.” Dustin’s sharp gaze shifted toward Julius.

Rufus’ assassination attempt was the work of the Dragon Guard remnants. After the attempt, Julius swiftly rebelled and sought to seize power. For Dustin, this hinted at a likely connection between Julius and the Dragon Guard.

Whether it was planning the rebellion or colluding with the remnants of the Dragon Guard, both were grave crimes in his eyes.

“Logan Rhys! “After the initial shock, Julius’ expression darkened.

It dawned on him that he had been manipulated. Rufus was undoubtedly aware of Dustin’s presence among them, hence his quick agreement. It was also his way of acknowledging Logan’s strength.

He had to admit that although he hadn’t seen Logan in ten years, Logan hadn’t faded into obscurity.

On the contrary, he had become even more outstanding. He could tell he was extraordinary from how he defeated Elijah earlier.

With skills nearing that of an ultimate grandmaster, Elijah ranked high in West Lucozia. Logan defeating Elijah indicated that his cultivation had reached the level of an ultimate grandmaster.

For Dustin to achieve such mastery at just over 20 years old showcased his terrifying talent.

If Julius didn’t destroy Logan today and allowed him to continue growing unchecked, even if Julius became the Prince of West Lucozia, he would live in constant anxiety.

After all, should an ultimate grandmaster like Logan attempt to assassinate him and fail, escaping would be a trivial matter for them.

“Uncle Julius, it’s been a long time. I trust you’ve been well,” Dustin said with a wry smile.

“Indeed. Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. I almost couldn’t recognize you,” Julius responded with narrowed eyes, secretly on guard.

“Uncle Julius, let’s stop this. If you repent, considering your seniority, I can plead your case with Rufus on your behalf and spare you from a death sentence,” Dustin said calmly.

“At this point, do you think I can turn back?” Julius slowly unsheathed his sword, his expression unusually cold. It was impossible for him to give up now when he was just a step away from the throne.

Following the rules established earlier, defeating Logan would pave his way to power smoothly. He wouldn’t risk missing such a rare opportunity.

“As long as you’re willing to let go of your obsession, there’s still a chance of redemption,” Dustin remarked.

“It’s not an obsession. It is my lifelong ambition. I’m willing to sacrifice even my life for it!” Julius declared with a determined gaze.

“Is living not worth it? Why must you seek death?” Dustin shook his head.

From the moment Rufus came back alive, Julius had already lost.

Even though the Marshal’s military insignia could command the Black Dragon Army, it couldn’t surpass the authority of the Prince of West Lucozia.

With just a word from Rufus, all of Julius’ previous support would turn against him.

“The final victor remains uncertain until our battle is fought!” Julius declared, raising his sword and aiming it directly at Dustin.

“Logan, I acknowledge your skills, but I have been invincible on the battlefield for many years. I have never experienced defeat.

“I’m afraid you’re still not qualified to vie for the throne against me!”

“Uncle Julius, you might be formidable in leading troops on the battlefield. But in a martial arts duel, you may not necessarily be my equal,” Dustin earnestly responded.

An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: English
An Understated Dominance is a Urban/Realistic novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years.
“An Understated Dominance” delves into themes of ambition, power, and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships …
Marina Vittori is the author of An Understated Dominance Novel. This novel is in Urban/Realistic genre, has been read by many people, and has a pretty good …

Summary An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him.

Chapter 1 “Dustin, here is the divorce agreement prepared by Ms. Nicholson. All you need to do is sign them.” In the president’s office of the Quine Group, the secretary, Lyra Blaine, placed a piece of A4 paper on the table. A man sat opposite her, dressed in plain clothing. “Divorce? What do you mean?” Dustin Rhys was taken aback. “Do you not understand what I’m saying? Your marriage with Ms. Nicholson is over. You’re not even on the same level anymore. Your existence is nothing but a smear on the president’s reputation!” Lyra pulled no punches as she spoke. “A smear on her reputation?” Dustin frowned. “Is that how she thinks of me?” Back when they first got married, the Nicholson family was in ruinous debt. He was the one who helped them when they were at their lowest point. Now that they were rich, Dahlia Nicholson was ready to just kick him out. “Something like that.” Lyra jerked her chin toward the magazine on the table. A photo of a beautiful woman was printed on the front page. “Look at the headline on this magazine, Dustin. Ms. Nicholson’s net worth has hit one billion in the course of just three years, a feat no short of a miracle. She’s now the most desired woman in Swinton! With all this, she’s destined for greatness. But you, you’re just a regular joe. You don’t deserve her at all. I hope that you’ll see some sense and do the right thing.” When Dustin remained silent, Lyra frowned. “I know you’re not happy with this, but this is reality,” she continued. “You might have helped Ms. Nicholson when she was in trouble, but she has repaid you for everything you’ve done for her over the last three years. In fact, you’re the one who owes her now!” “Is our marriage just a business deal to her, then?” Dustin took a deep breath to suppress the emotions within. “If she wants to divorce me, let her speak to me herself.” “Ms. Nicholson is very busy. She doesn’t need to trouble herself with such trifling matters.” “Trifling matters?” Dustin was stunned. Then he laughed bitterly. “Is that so? Is divorce a trifling matter to her? She can’t even find the time to speak to me. Truly, she’s that unattainable now!” “Dustin, don’t delay this any longer.” Lyra pushed the divorce agreement toward him again. “Just sign here and you’ll get a car and a house as compensation. On top of that, you’ll also get eight million dollars. This is more than what you’ll be able to earn in your lifetime!” “Eight million dollars is a lot, but…I don’t need it. I will sign the divorce papers if she comes personally. Otherwise, I won’t sign anything,” Duston said coldly. “Don’t go too far, Dustin!” Lyra slammed her hand on the table. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. With all her power and resources, Ms. Nicholson can divorce you easily. It’s only because she appreciates her past relationship with you that she’s allowing you to keep your dignity intact. Don’t provoke her!” “My dignity?” Dustin was a little amused by that. She didn’t even want to speak to him directly to divorce him. What kind of dignity was that? Moreover, if she really did appreciate their relationship, then why was she threatening him now?


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