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All Her Secrets Chapter 42 by Chestnut

All Her Secrets By Chestnut Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Losing Her Temper

Just as everyone thought Bryan would get mad at Catherine and was praying silently for Catherine, Bryan’s attitude left everyone in shock again.

Bryan’s serious expression broke into a faint smile suddenly, which made him seem more relaxed and less stern.

He pulled his chair out, sat down, leaned towards Catherine, and looked at her in a friendly manner. “It’s okay. We are now classmates and deskmates already. We’ll become somewhat like friends when we are more familiar with one another, won’t we?”

Everyone was speechless. Was this the Bryan they knew?

Why did he look like a playful hooligan flirting with girls?

Catherine took another rare glance at Bryan, who had changed his attitude so suddenly.

She suddenly felt that Bryan looked somewhat like Ronin.

But he wasn’t as cute as Ronin was. Besides, she already had Ronin and did not need another boy like him.

If Bryan knew what Catherine was thinking about right now, he would surely go mad.

After all, he was the boss that everyone respected in Sincere High School. It was outrageous for him not even to have a chance to make friends with Catherine and even be considered to be not cute enough.

The mathematics teacher entered the classroom and saw that David and the others were still

gathered around Bryan.

She slammed her books on the desk and roared, “What time is it? Why are you not back in your seats? Go back to your seats, all of you. Are you trying to challenge me?”

The mathematics teacher was known to have a bad temper and a loud voice.


group scattered and returned to their seats, all a bit afraid of her.

Then, the mathematics teacher finally flipped the book open and was ready to start the lesson.

Catherine also adjusted herself and leaned against the table again as she did in the morning, getting ready to sleep.

However, the mathematics teacher got mad when she saw someone sleeping in her class.

She pounded on the table hard, making everyone jump, and roared in the direction of Catherine, “Who is that? How can you sleep in my class? If you don’t want to study, then get out of here!”


Soon, the mathematics teacher got even angrier when she saw that Catherine didn’t even move after her roar.

She grabbed a book and was about to throw it at Catherine hard. Her eyes flashed with a trace of fierceness as she thought to herself, “Are you that sleepy? I’d love to see how much of this you can take!”

Everyone was holding their breaths and didn’t dare to make a sound. Seeing that the book was about to hit Catherine on the head, Bryan, who was beside her, blocked it.

The ears of Catherine, who was still asleep, twitched and stopped moving again.

Bryan reached out quickly to catch the book that came flying towards Catherine in a tight grip.

Bryan often played basketball and could even catch a basketball spinning at high speed, not to mention a book.

Seeing Bryan in action, the few girls in the class almost exclaimed in admiration.

“Oh, Bryan is so cool!”

The mathematics teacher’s expression turned very nasty after the book had been intercepted.

At first, she had a good impression of Bryan, as he was from an influential family and had good grades, despite being wild.

However, she was highly annoyed by Bryan’s behavior today. With a frown, she looked at Bryan warningly. “Bryan, what are you doing?”

Bryan looked up at the mathematics teacher with a serious expression.

“Miss, don’t you know you can’t hit a student?”

Maybe she didn’t imagine Bryan would tell her off, the mathematics teacher was stunned and only recovered herself a moment later. Her eyes were filled with rage as she looked at Bryan.

“It is my class now. She is sleeping in my class. Is that right then?”

Bryan didn’t know why he was so irritated to see the mathematics teacher attacking Catherine. That was why he talked back to her.

Besides, he didn’t like how the mathematics teacher treated her students differently. She was particularly tolerant towards those from powerful families and looked down upon the students from less powerful families, even if they had good grades.

Even though the students of Class 8 generally had good grades and came from influential families, they were not all the same. Each of them had their own strengths and weaknesses.

In the face of the mathematics teacher’s response, Bryan talked back to her again without thinking, “It is true that she shouldn’t sleep in class, but since she is a new student and probably doesn’t know the rules, shouldn’t you at least try to talk to her about it first?”

The mathematics teacher was so angry that she was about to explode. After hearing Bryan’s words, she smiled particularly mockingly suddenly. Her eyes were full of disdain as she looked at Catherine again.

“Here I was, wondering who she was. So she is the new student in Class 8, the girl rumored to have never been to school. No wonder she sleeps in class!”

The whole class was stunned. They had only heard about it from the rumors.

The mathematics teacher’s words seemed to have confirmed everyone’s guesses.

As such, was Catherine so uneducated that she was even illiterate?

The mathematics teacher felt even angrier seeing Catherine was still sound asleep and continued, “Let me tell you. By letting someone so worthless into our class, the school is. trying to remind you that she is the classic bad example. If you don’t study hard, you’ll become like her too. She’s like a pig waiting to be slaughtered, as all she does is sleep and eat all day.”

Her words were so nasty. Catherine only didn’t know the rules as she had never been to school before and was new to the school.

Besides, what could she do if she couldn’t understand the things taught in class?

It was so humiliating for the mathematics teacher to describe her as a pig waiting to be slaughtered.

“Let me tell you this…” The mathematics teacher was about to continue.


Bryan pounded on the table hard and stood up, staring furiously at the mathematics teacher.

“Is this what a teacher should be like?”

In the face of Bryan’s questioning, the mathematics teacher couldn’t take it anymore and retorted sternly, “Bryan, don’t think that you can get away from not respecting your teacher because you have good grades and come from a powerful family.”

“Not respecting you?” A mocking sneer appeared on Bryan’s handsome face. “How dare call yourself our teacher? You attacked a student and called a student a pig. You do whatever you want here because you’re on good terms with the daughter-in-law of a school board member. Do you really think it’s because of you that Class 8 has good grades?”


The mathematics teacher indeed came to Class 8 not long ago. She had been boasting about how good the mathematics grades of the class were ever since.

In fact, the mathematics grades of Class 8 were even better before she had come to the class.

The mathematics teacher didn’t expect Bryan to call her out like that. She was so mad that she

was shaking as she glared at Bryan and pointed a finger at him.

“Get out of here now! I wouldn’t allow scum like you to be in my class. Leave now!”

Bryan stayed rooted on the spot. He wanted to know what the mathematics teacher could do to him!

Suddenly, everyone turned their eyes to someone next to Bryan.

Even Bryan noticed something off and turned to take a look.

Catherine was awake and leaning against the back of the chair as she looked lazily at Bryan.

A look at her left Bryan in a daze!

His Nanny Mate Chapter 250 By Eve Above Story

His Nanny Mate Chapter 250 By Eve Above Story

The time between Michael going to prison and Daisy’s birth were such a whirlwind of activity that the months practically flew by. Ethan and Kelly wound up being transferred to a mental health facility. I think that was better for them in the long run, as the things that they did were ultimately the result of Michael’s brainwashing. I didn’t hold any grudges against them; in fact, Edrick and I visited them on a monthly basis, and the medication and therapy that they went through seemed to be helping a bit. Of course, Kelly could never get over her obsession with Edrick. Nor could Ethan get over his obsession with me. It was very likely that they would spend years in that place, but at least we could have somewhat normal conversations with them when we went to visit. Michael, however, had no visitors and I didn’t feel the least bit bad about it. Verona eventually finalized her divorce with him, and she got most of his money as well as the house. She became the matriarch of the Morgan family, and over the next six months we went to countless wonderful parties hosted by Verona where there was no drama or fighting. It felt good to finally have a chance to enjoy attending those sorts of parties without judgment or hatred. My status as the Golden Wolf was quickly discovered by the public. There were, of course, some fringe groups who wanted me dead, but they had no way of killing the Golden Wolf now that the knife was gone. Thanks to what happened at the cliff, the future generations of the Golden Wolf would be allowed to live and continue to create peace in the world. I continued teaching at the school, and split my time with the orphanage and the Humanity’s Reach Initiative  as well. I was on track to become the next headmistress at the school someday, but I still didn’t know if that was what I wanted. Countless humanitarian organizations were still begging me to work for them, and the prospect of trying something new was exciting to me. Since I continued teaching, I only volunteered for these organizations instead. On more than one occasion, Edrick accused me of doing too much and not getting enough rest. I just laughed at him because I knew that the baby and I could handle it. We had been through so much before, and the volunteering that I was doing was making the world a better place. Edrick continued being the WereCorp CEO, but he was much different after the events at the mountain estate. He became more fair toward his human employees, and even went so far as to purchase Sophia’s orphanage. He donated money to other local orphanages, and the two of us quickly became known as the biggest philanthropists in the city. On Christmas, we even threw a massive charity gala that beat a record for the most amount of money raised toward humanitarian organizations. It was of course run by the Humanity’s Reach Initiative, which had grown immensely since we joined and put in our efforts. The two of us were happy together. We didn’t have to hide our relationship from anyone — not even ourselves. In the penthouse, we were a little family. We didn’t get engaged, though, but that was okay with me. I was just excited to meet our daughter. I was lying on the couch after a long day of teaching and going to public events when I felt it. Selina had just given me a good scolding for overexerting myself so close to my due date, and now I was reading a book with a sandwich and a cup of tea sitting on the coffee table. Suddenly, I felt something strange. “Um… Selina?!” I called out. I dropped my book and stood, my eyes widening at the large wet spot left behind on the couch. Selina came running, and her eyes widened as well. “Did your…” Her voice faded and she clamped her hand over her mouth. I nodded slowly, both excited and terrified out of my mind. “My water broke. Daisy is on the way.” Edrick and I decided to name the baby Daisy. Daisy Anne Morgan… Someday, I would tell her how her big sister picked that name out, and it was the prettiest and most special name I had ever heard. The contractions began soon after my water broke. Selina was on the phone with Edrick and was telling him to get home when I felt the first one. I let out a loud groan and practically doubled over from the pain as I gripped the back of the couch with white knuckles. “Mom?” Ella asked, tugging on my skirt. “Are you alright?” I nodded and swallowed, feeling myself already beginning to sweat from the pain. “Yes, love. It’s called a contraction.” Ella c****d her head to the side. “What does that mean?” I gritted my teeth through the pain and managed a smile. “It means that your little sister is trying to get out,” I said, pinching Ella’s cheek. I was overtaken then by another wave of pain, and Selina came scurrying out of the kitchen with a worried look on her face. “Edrick is on his way. I’ll take you to the hospital now if you want—” “No.” I shook my head firmly. “I want to wait for Edrick.” Selina opened her mouth to protest at first, but then quickly shut it again. I could tell that she knew that there was no changing my mind now, and so she and Ella both stayed with me while I paced back and forth around the living room, clutching my belly as waves of contractions came over me. Finally, Edrick burst out of the elevator with a wild look on his face. His tie was loosened, his shirt was half untucked, and his hair was a mess. He looked like he practically flew here. I couldn’t help but laugh. “You look ridiculous,” I teased. “Mom peed on the couch!” Ella shouted. Selina hushed Ella. “Don’t be rude!” she scolded. “It’s not urine! It’s called amniotic fluid.” Ella furrowed her brow, still clutching my skirt. “Well, it looks like pee.” Edrick and I both burst out laughing. Ella never ceased to lighten the mood, even when she didn’t mean to. Within minutes, Edrick and I were on the way to the hospital. Ella threw a royal fit when she found out that she couldn’t come until later, but I knew that it would likely be hours spent in the hospital and that it would be worse if she came now. As Edrick drove, he clutched my hand and kept looking over at me nervously, as though I would explode or even just disappear into thin air. “I love you,” Edrick said as he took a turn. Through the pain of the contractions, I could hardly speak. I could only smile back at him, and I squeezed his hand three times. Over the past six months, we had developed a secret code to say I love you without having to speak… And at that moment, I needed to use that secret code more than ever. Edrick grinned and squeezed back. Soon enough, the hospital came into view. Despite the pain, I couldn’t stop smiling. I was so excited to finally meet our daughter.


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